Xavi Hernández

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What's a lot more money? Lol

our net spend was 40m or something, total spend slightly over 200m+.

Who spent less than that and won a league tittle? Maybe inter or Milan and even that I doubt.

In today's market that's absolutely nothing.

Again there in no other team NONE, that after 4 years of not winning and in our current situation, where the fan base would be acting the way it has been after winning a league title.

Those set of fans can try to spin it however they want, about other clubs wanting to play good football too, but most of those clubs it's because of the manager and not the club identity itself.


If Liverpool won there first title playing the way Xavi did, their would be zero complains.

Chelsea goes without saying.

If pep leaves city, the champagne football leaves with him and they will gladly take a xavi type championship if they go 4 years without winning it.

We all know Madrid just wants to win.

The Italians don't care.

Who are these top teams that playing great dominating football and winning is built in the actual DNA of the club?

None sense debate really, but for some Xavi can do no right, so they end up debating things that are largely right that he says.


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Real and Barca coaches of the past could be sacked if they failed as miserably in Europe or the league in way Barca have past couple seasons. That pressure has not been on Xavi as folk understand where Barca are at currently.

Barca coaches in past would be under a lot more pressure for way Barca played to win the league last season than Xavi has been.. again leeway has been given due to current situation.

He has had a lot of money and less of the 'normal' pressures to date.

The media has been very supportive of Xavi to this point and not attacking him for Europe or style of play for most part,

There are many of the historic pressures that other coaches have felt at Barca that Xavi has not to date is the reality due to an understanding of where club is.

On the other side as said the pressures that Pep/Cruyff spoke about with the media and expected style of play.. that is more or less common amongst all top clubs. They want to win and play exciting football the fans enjoy. While the media pressure and fans pressure is extreme for all top clubs also in way it used to be more unique in Spain due to the radio/tv shows and daily sports papers.

Same folk who purr over 1-0 wins and claim only winning matters who will claim there is pressure on Barca to win in a certain way.. there is.. but not same pressures to do that last season etc.

Same folk who will say failing in Europe is down to circumstances and unfair expectation will claim Xavi has huge pressures regarding Europe etc.

Same folk saying Xavi should have same pressures for both domestic and Europe or a style of play saying he now does...


Senior Member
Issue with barca coaches is that our standards are astronomically high.
in order to be considered a great coach here, you need to bring domestic and European titles, while also dominating every opponent by playing PlayStation football.

In any other team, Even if they scrap a champions league title winning 1-0 and in penalties all the way to the final, while refs push them, their fans would be pretty happy.
we would still be moaning.
If Xavi wins CL/LL double he is easily 2nd best coach in the world and will be considered that by pretty much everyone.


Senior Member
If Xavi wins CL/LL double he is easily 2nd best coach in the world and will be considered that by pretty much everyone.

Indeed. No matter how it happens.

Europe is about tactical battles with top coaches and better teams.

If anything La Liga and how poor the majority of teams are hinders La Liga teams as its a shock to them when meet those better sides.

Unless they realise there is a gap in quality and be prepared to adapt.


Senior Member
Indeed. No matter how it happens.

Europe is about tactical battles with top coaches and better teams.

If anything La Liga and how poor the majority of teams are hinders La Liga teams as its a shock to them when meet those better sides.

Unless they realise there is a gap in quality and be prepared to adapt.
I think that most of the fans, the media and maybe the coaching staff themselves still havent really grappled just why the game is so different in Europe than in the league. We seem to approach the game the same way and when it doesn't work excuses are found and we go to the next one.

A lot of it seems to be assigned to injuries/bad luck/refs etc and seems to be an attitude that well, we are so good in LaLiga, so any bad results in Europe just must be bad luck, when actually its the much faster speed of game, the better coaching, the better players and bigger challenge overall that is getting us.

Think when Xavi understands that LaLiga is actually a different and easier ballgame and for Europe you need a different approach the results will immediately improve.


Senior Member
If Xavi wins CL/LL double he is easily 2nd best coach in the world and will be considered that by pretty much everyone.
You say that now, but if we won the double the way we won the league last summers.

Fans will still be moaning and saying we were lucky, the defense isn't that good, we got a easy run, the football was terrible.

Like almost everyone on here was saying up until the last 8-10 games when they saw the league title was inevitable, they started to be more rational.


Senior Member
Literally the same folk who said Xavi cant be expected to play in a certain way and cant expect club to compete in both league and Europe due to current situation are the ones claiming only Xavi lives under pressures others dont.

Couldnt make it up. Same folk...

'Xavi lives under pressures others coaches dont due to style of play and having to win in all comps in a certain way'

Same folk when Barca win 1-0 and win league but fail in Europe while playing poorly....

'Folk have to realise the normal expectations for coaches at Barca do not apply to Xavi currently. Only winning matters... and failing in Europe or league doesnt matter if succesful in other'.

Constant mental gymnastics as per usual.


Senior Member
You say that now, but if we won the double the way we won the league last summers.

Fans will still be moaning and saying we were lucky, the defense isn't that good, we got a easy run, the football was terrible.

Like almost everyone on here was saying up until the last 8-10 games when they saw the league title was inevitable, they started to be more rational.
Winning CL by luck doesnt really exist. You have to beat at least 5-6 very good teams with good managers and big budgets and great players, in a row. That can never be just luck even if luck helps you.

However CL is won it is a huge achievement.


Senior Member
Winning CL by luck doesnt really exist. You have to beat at least 5-6 very good teams with good managers and big budgets and great players, in a row. That can never be just luck even if luck helps you.

However CL is won it is a huge achievement.

I mean Madrid and Chelsea won a shit ton with luck lol, but I get your meaning.

what you 100% can't win by luck is a league title, but many here still said it.
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Senior Member
Winning CL by luck doesnt really exist. You have to beat at least 5-6 very good teams with good managers and big budgets and great players, in a row. That can never be just luck even if luck helps you.

However CL is won it is a huge achievement.

Same folk who say cant expect Xavis Barca to compete in league and CL or play great football due to current circumstances then in next breath say he lives under those pressures last season etc.

Usual mental gymnastics from same folk.

The truth is the expecations that Barca coaches usually live under have not been there for Xavi so far and he has spent hundreds of millions and more than any Barca coach for years and the most money in Spain in that time.

He has met the expectations to date and now they will start to increase to what is expected of Barca coaches the majority of the time.

This season there will be more of the expectations of type of football and to compete in Europe as well as league.

Some numpties even claim Xavi was allowed to prioritise league over Europe etc... that is never something a Barca coach is allowed.

But the external pressures argument is not what used to be. Almost all top teams want to play exciting football and have huge scrutiny from media and fans in way was not there 15 years ago.
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Senior Member
Issue with barca coaches is that our standards are astronomically high.
in order to be considered a great coach here, you need to bring domestic and European titles, while also dominating every opponent by playing PlayStation football.

In any other team, Even if they scrap a champions league title winning 1-0 and in penalties all the way to the final, while refs push them, their fans would be pretty happy.
we would still be moaning.

It's like that in any team whose fans get to experience moments like 2009, 2011, 2015. Fanbase gets spoiled beyond belief and fans (especially the gloryhunters) start to take wins for granted, losing appreciation about how hard it is to win at the top. Especially during bad times such as the ones we experience these days, with all these huge financial roadblocks.

What matters is that Laporta, Deco, and Xavi keep working hard to improve the team. The rest is moaning. Judging by last season's attendance numbers, the Camp Nou fans were pretty satisfied with the team to say the least.

So, this type of reaction you describe there is mostly seen with the global, more superficial section of the fanbase, manifested especially on forums, reddit and stuff. It's very easy to sit on your ass on the couch and demand titles in style. Inside the team and with the more local fans I'm sure the stuation is seen as quite a bit different.
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