Zlatan Ibrahimovic


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Tardelli took stock of Milan?s title-winning campaign and the project that they have built over the past few seasons to get to this point.

He feels that Swedish forward Ibrahimovic was the trigger that brought a lot of players at the club up a level to the point where they could win the Scudetto as a collective.

?Milan have been able to afford to build. However, the turning point was Ibrahimovic who changed everything and transformed a shy locker room into a swagger, helping the growth of Tonali, Leao, Tomori, Kalulu.


Senior Member
Tardelli took stock of Milan?s title-winning campaign and the project that they have built over the past few seasons to get to this point.

He feels that Swedish forward Ibrahimovic was the trigger that brought a lot of players at the club up a level to the point where they could win the Scudetto as a collective.

?Milan have been able to afford to build. However, the turning point was Ibrahimovic who changed everything and transformed a shy locker room into a swagger, helping the growth of Tonali, Leao, Tomori, Kalulu.



Senior Member
Zlatan Ibrahimovic : "I was in USA for a season I scored more goals than the matches I played. I knew that was not my level.. My level is much higher than that I returned to Europe whereby I joined a forgotten AC Milan and today they won the league. I would love FIFA to discount all of the Goals I scored in USA it's clear I was in a vacation. But their money I will always miss it." 🔥


Well-known member
Zlatan is an arrogant pile of dog poop. Hugely talented player for his size but never delivered in big matches. Will be more remembered for his self-promotion and anecdotes rather than his actual game. And remember, most of the teams he played for actually improved once he left them. Maybe LA Galaxy is the exception...


Senior Member
Zlatan is an arrogant pile of dog poop. Hugely talented player for his size but never delivered in big matches. Will be more remembered for his self-promotion and anecdotes rather than his actual game. And remember, most of the teams he played for actually improved once he left them. Maybe LA Galaxy is the exception...

chill. Let him shit on MLS.

ITs a disgrace of a league


Senior Member
Zlatan Ibrahimovic : "I was in USA for a season I scored more goals than the matches I played. I knew that was not my level.. My level is much higher than that I returned to Europe whereby I joined a forgotten AC Milan and today they won the league. I would love FIFA to discount all of the Goals I scored in USA it's clear I was in a vacation. But their money I will always miss it." 🔥

That was Pre-Puig MLS. These days the league is a top 5 in the World.


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Been criticized for his Qatar praise and dodging questions about human rights.

?It was incredible? ?Organization, Experience, Game, Spectators, Food, Travel. Everything was 10 points.
?Qatar as a country, I think it is a system that works. Are there drugs? No. Is there crime? No. Is there crime in Sweden? Yes very much. Drugs? Yes. Qatar's system works. The Swedish system? It works, but if it works one hundred percent, I don't know.?


Senior Member
A player I always disliked but then again he pulls this real shit... respect ! The most amazing, suggestive of the malicious agenda was zlatan's concluding words telling the pawn-journalist " u wanted a different answer right ". The blind can see the agenda going on.. yet some will never see. "Journalists" parroting the same words and eliciting the same parroting answers because they know up there that the human being is at the end of the day a behavioural animal. And repetition means reinforcement. And with reinforcement the most blatant malicious agenda will be psychologically absorbed as "common sense". It's all patterned this neo-colonial attitude. Shit doesn't work on populations anymore. someone should tell that to those whom I won't name.

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