Zlatan Ibrahimovic


A player I always disliked but then again he pulls this real shit... respect ! The most amazing, suggestive of the malicious agenda was zlatan's concluding words telling the pawn-journalist " u wanted a different answer right ". The blind can see the agenda going on.. yet some will never see. "Journalists" parroting the same words and eliciting the same parroting answers because they know up there that the human being is at the end of the day a behavioural animal. And repetition means reinforcement. And with reinforcement the most blatant malicious agenda will be psychologically absorbed as "common sense". It's all patterned this neo-colonial attitude. Shit doesn't work on populations anymore. someone should tell that to those whom I won't name.

It still works.


You're welcome

For those who think he is a egomaniacal ass. He had this conversation a while ago with recently passed journalist Thijs Slegers. Stunning images.


Well-known member
Despite not having won a Champions League, he has one phenomenal career to look back to. Titles with Italy's big 3, never flopped at any club, played in France for fun, went to United and still looked good in the Premier League while also winning some trophies, went to the MLS to teach football, came back in Europe to win a title at 40 years old like a boss. Countless breath taking goals too. Some people hate him, some love him but you can't deny that his career is not one of the most interesting ones, just because of all the changes he has made.
ibrahimovic-career-in-kits (2).jpg
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Well-known member
This guy scored alot of bangers and had unreal skill... especially for such a big man. I really think he would have been great here if we had a manager he connected with.
Didn't win CL but still had an unreal career.


Well-known member
Happy Retirement Ibra.

My mate met him at a sponsors commercial meeting once. Said he's really laidback and chilled out guy irl. Surprisingly takes jokes on himself well. My mate's boss joked about his pace and he burst out laughing and agreeing. Said something like "I'm the slowest Lion out there"...... Decent guy.


Senior Member
Feels as he has been around forever, even as a kid i remember hearing about him doing great at Ajax, and he was on CM 01/02 and so on, fantastic longevity.

Pity he had to leave Milan back in 2012, he would have liked to stay.
Feels as he has been around forever, even as a kid i remember hearing about him doing great at Ajax, and he was on CM 01/02 and so on, fantastic longevity.

Pity he had to leave Milan back in 2012, he would have liked to stay.
Top 3 along with Gigi and Ronaldo not to have won champ lge.

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