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  1. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Thank u Bojan, i just enjoyed his dream ... he reminds me so much of big Leo and Hundertwasser, of Leo by the way he made 1000 studies before he was about to construct anything, especially the way he studied nature's angles and curves and incorporated them into designs and mosaics. And Hundert...
  2. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    And, at the end, my fav place (after study & library, of course :p) - the roof terrace, a miraculous surealistic park of chimney - statues that look like medieval knights :wub: with a beautiful sight over Eixample (and S.Familia). That's it for now, will add some more Gaudi...
  3. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Bathroom Bedroom Maid's room: Children's room: Doll's houseee & a little theatre :wub: also
  4. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    El pis de la pedreira - a recontruction of the typical civic apartment from the end of the 19th century offering kinda contrast between the middle class conservativism and and the buildings avant - garde :D Hall: Love the art nouveau posters - too bad there is a window reflection in it...
  5. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Okay, so after footie, time for my second passion - arts :wub: and our dear Gaudi :) Gaudi, an artist, architect, visionare and a magician who was, despite of the laugh of the intellectuals and his city fellas making his dreams alive ... materials he used, coloures and curving shapes combined...
  6. Petrinha

    Real Madrid (old thread)

    i am with ya + she looks 10 years older, yuck and used, can be seen she is in the bussiness for years ... she wanted it and did it, burn the bitch !!! But am even more sick of worthless cows sleeping with sportsmen saying later he raped her(remember Kobe) or those lousy wifies (prostitutes imo...
  7. Petrinha

    Transportation in Barcelona. Metro,bus,taxi..

    good, happy for ya :D
  8. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    Am sorry now i ever brought it up, tnx Z for all but am out, i can't even think of a nice joke for the first time in a long time lol :D G'luck to all the candidates i am going back to my beloved Kafka and articles all days and nites long :) oh yeahhh :D
  9. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    Yup, u r slut and i am biatch, that's why we go along so good together :lol: Look my sweet slutty, i will have a date with Q in Br, not with G or J atm so it counts ;) + u didn't chose me either but Read, hello, so shut up :D No need for Q and u to break up, am sure he stil fancies u (but had...
  10. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    nah, i won't defend my self with "crazy woman behaviour" hofie, it won't be valid on the court ... i already said sorry to G in my statements but also said why i said it, with all due respect ... jup, u r right G :beer2: nice use of coloures ;)
  11. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    i know desoe, thats why i said if he was joking althought i have a feeling it's opposite :)
  12. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    i was not, no more then Gneg even u don't see it as i hate when ppl say things they know nothing about + constant mock wtf is J, i didn't see it as nice ... but i won't argue anymore i said what i think ... and yeah, the qustion as appointed to J but to my choice as well ...
  13. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    why d i be crazy, i argumente good my statements Jatin, crazy woman talk just to talk ... don't put me in the same basket pls :) damn u J, now must really run.... lol no, Hofie and me had our dissagreements but i was never bad to him, he knows i kinda like him, after all as he says what he...
  14. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    U know Gneg, u suprise me each day with the way u think, or no ... honestly am not surprised anymore, i really hope u r joking here(like f.e.putting name Zlatan name up lol) First, inform yourself about names used in Scandinavia Second, not all scandinavian babies r named Sven or Knut, whatever...
  15. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    Well as i recall elfs r highly intelligent divine beings with magical powers living in the stunningly beautiful nature defending it and enjoying it in a pure hedonism... i wouldn't mind socializing with an elf like this: or this :p
  16. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    Ahahahaha tnx Z, watch how my fans's list go thiner and thiner each day from now on :lol: :lol: U and Mina r drunk or if u don't drink hit by sun :D
  17. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    yeah, Gnegy, elaborate ... Welcome ;) That's so true 14, we really have a way above average bunch here :p Yay to BF :D Yeah, he is more misterious then the wizard of Oz lol ... Bojannn show yourself, Dorothy here ;) What happened guys? Love broke? Ohhh :(
  18. Petrinha

    Seydou Keita

    Happy bday Adil, didn't know it's your day, tnx to Z for reminding, all the very best !!! :beer2:
  19. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    Obrigada Q, the feeling is mutual :kiss: Then u really don't have a taste Gnegy ... well we all know u have bad taste in men :p Smart ppl know who Joel is ;) U playing modest, huh? :D Nice legs, Guardian ;) Well i guess Z likes balcan ... spirit :D :thumbsup2: This is so nicely said Z, i...
  20. Petrinha

    The hottest member on the forum?

    Okay, will write this before i go see some hockey, as if i don't write it now i won't my 3 guys ... 3rd was your Quash yeah :) ... pretty, handsome, sexy, sensual and smart guy which i discovered recently while talking with him(u were away too long Tie to see it before:)), but as he...

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