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  1. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Yeah, i know that ... was just being ironic :) Yeah, there r petitione of course, we will see what happens ... Welcome, am happy u liked them ... will go now with random city pics, hope u will like them too :)
  2. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Thx :) I know !!! And Casa Mila is in danger too ... well maybe it will push the works on it to finish finaly before Madrid-Barca high speed train hits the road so we can see the master-piece in full glance before it colapses :D Aiiii am angry but cannot say it surprises me ...
  3. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Tnx maxan10 :) Will go on with more pics, just need TIMEEE :D
  4. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    So, lil bit of Sagrada Familia a neo - gothic Europe's most unconventional church and Gaudi's greatest work. It became his life work and he lived like a recluse on the site for 14 years so was logical to be burried in it's cript continuing the work on the 'other side'. At his death only one...
  5. Petrinha

    Andrei Arshavin

    Okay, but i see her here as a girl who knows most about footie of all the lil' bunch of girls we have here so if she is arrogant it suits her, having arrogante oppiniones about certain topic is one thing but i never saw her attacking somebody if she was not provoked, thats what i was saying, no...
  6. Petrinha

    New members

    Welcome all & everybody :beer2:
  7. Petrinha

    Sergio Busquets

    I red somewhere that it was his own choice due to the respect for his mother's family and that at the begining he wanted to put Sergio B (as his mothers last name starst with B too so that d represent both last names) but then left only Sergio ... dunno, maybe he has some deeper family issues...
  8. Petrinha

    Bojan Krkic

    Well am sure he d be more constant if he is constantly in from the start, dunno, i have twisted feelings as like him lots, maybe d be good for him to go to Valencia where he d probably play each game from the start then waiting here as a replacement for Ibra (although he has more then his 5...
  9. Petrinha

    Andrei Arshavin

    Hey Goldie, pls don't take it to personal level, we all like reading a good debate and if u have good arguments d be nice reading your discussion with zanela or others, but u use all she says to attack and underest her, come on sure your 'mini u' has better manners :D
  10. Petrinha

    who do you WANT to win the CL?

    This legion of 'crying, falling on floor presenting dirty italian footie' foreigners/mercenaries that Gnegy mentioned just don't impress me(never did) neither their non - footie tactics ... Don't like Bayern either much but in this one d choose them as like Hidding + hope Olic will be in a...
  11. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    Piq, the all around player, he scored a goal in the way a true CF d do, but the best of all is his effort, when no striker can pull through Piq can!!! Long live Pique !!! :)
  12. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Ahhh tnx, happy to do that :D And while u r there kick that brazilian Dani ass to get serious and play hehe :) Have fun!!!
  13. Petrinha

    Ads or donations

    I don't like adds much especially if tehy r as Rivaldo says distracting etc, can contribute with a donation too so no probs, but whatever u decide am with ya.
  14. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Thanx Merv & welcome :) U know, lookiing at them again while putting them up here makes me relive the moments forgetting the cruel reality i am brought back to hehe :)
  15. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Well firstly if id be able to afford a house like this am sure d be able to pay the maids so me and my wife have more time for our own pleasure after work(since i d never marry a lazy cow :p) or if i am a man and not marriage type d easily have french maids in the morning and mistresses during...
  16. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    :lol: well, beauty demands lot of effort :lol:
  17. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    :) Yes, it's all Casa Batllo in Barcelona, one of the Gaudi's works, so magical.
  18. Petrinha

    Petrinha's Barca

    Thanx guys !! Had footie and all other type of queen time indeed Assim ;) Good to make u inspired for travel Lio :D Bit more of Gaudi in the work break :snap: So, Casa Batlló, named Skeleton house by the locals (Casa dels ossos) coz of it's skeletal organic quality. As it's unfortunately...
  19. Petrinha

    Hehe was about time ;) :D

    Hehe was about time ;) :D
  20. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    ohh :wub:

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