1 - Marc-Andre ter Ansplant

El Flaco

Active member
Ter Stegen's conceded goal vs. Villarreal




Senior Member
On that Villareal goal he should have quickly come out and cut off the angles. I find him to be a very reactive keeper not proactive enough.

People talk about DDG but I'd take Donnarumma in a heartbeat. Great shot stopper and penalty saver, young. He'd keep Mats on his toes or replace him.


Senior Member
lolol i watch all matches i man all, here u go, in both goals even the first goal he was setting in his ass cause
he was trying to do this spread hand action, and even in the second goal for both shots he went into the same
action, for the second goal as he was trying to run for the player instead of jumping for the empty
angle he jumped into the spread hand set in his ass action

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Barçapocalypse NOW!
didn't mind the freezing that much in the goal but rather the position where he stood.

I agree, his positioning was suspect... Gave too much space in his first post and could have closed own more space by going forward a step or two... A more experienced keeper would have had more chances at saving that...

The "pose" or whatever was fine in my opinion, trying to cover as much space as he could...

It would have been nice if he saved that, that's for sure, but can you really blame him when Bakambú had all the space and time in the world to take a shot due to poor defending? He can't and shouldn't bail defenders everytime...


Well-known member
No one says he is "guilty" or something... But his "frosen" pose again... Just as you said. First post was wide open. Step or two out would not hurt him.

God Serena

New member
Nobody ever hyperanalyzed Bravo like this for every goal we conceded when he was #1.

When will people just let it go, I wonder?


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Nobody ever hyperanalyzed Bravo like this for every goal we conceded when he was #1.

When will people just let it go, I wonder?

Nobody has mentioned Bravo in this thread in at least two months except you, go ahead make a search, so maybe you are the one who should let it go... I don't know, maybe there was no need to hyper analyze Bravo as this kind of situations didn't happen as often while he was playing for us? Be it because skill or just pure randomness, that's been discussed many times and doesn't make any difference right now...

By the way, I'm totally fine with ter Stegen these days, I've come to terms with his shortcomings and learned to appreciate the value he adds to the team, he has been excellent since the start of the year keeping us alive in competition, I'd even place him in the top 3 of our best performers this year without a doubt... I'm also aware of how many times he has been left for dead by the rest of the team and I seriously don't think bringing another starter GK (especially for big bucks) would help us or improve our situation in any way...

God Serena

New member
You missed his 1st half season here in the forum I guess

It was before I joined the forum the first time I think so that may be possible, but from my memory he was lambasted for an awful mistake in pre-season, but then started off well when season started and people fell in love pretty quickly.

Nobody has mentioned Bravo in this thread in at least two months except you, go ahead make a search, so maybe you are the one who should let it go...

Not quite true, several people have, actually. Granted, they're almost all forum nobodies who only climb out from under their rocks to talk shit when Mats makes a mistake, but it's still happened nonetheless.

I don't know, maybe there was no need to hyper analyze Bravo as this kind of situations didn't happen as often while he was playing for us? Be it because skill or just pure randomness, that's been discussed many times and doesn't make any difference right now...

There's no need to hyperanalyze Mats right now, either. "These kind of situations" really aren't any kind of situations at all. "He could have made two steps forward sooner to cut the angle off" is a bullshit statement that would simply be "Bravo can't be blamed, his defense was MIA" when the Chilean was in net. It is my full belief that the only reason Mats gets this type of treatment no matter how well he plays is because people are still mad about us supposedly choosing him over Bravo, even if it's on a subconscious level. In every single game we play in chat, whenever a goal is conceded at least one person tries to pin the blame on Mats in some way. You think it'd be that way if Bravo wasn't still hailed by some as the "better keeper"? I don't.

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