What is all these Valdes hatred and Ter Stegen loves? I have a weird feeling that this preference is being echoed again and again so that many would come to believe that Ter Stegen is actually better than Valdes. The young lad is unproven. And what quality does he have that our VV doesn't? Response? Skills? Abilities to jump high? 1 on 1 or penalties savers - Hello?? It's not like playing Football Manager. You are all talking about potentials here. What if he had troubles with confidence and communication with the defenders? It takes time for newcomers to get integrated, and what if he never make it?
Try to "cash in" from sale of VV? You do realize that we would have to "cash out", the same amount or more, for another decent keeper, right? So where is the financial benefit then?
How many of you so-called fans would find it so easily to disregard one of Barca legends, one who has widely accepted as the most successful keeper in thee club history, and put your faith on pretty much any other goalie out there, is beyond me.