1 - Victor Valdes


Mike the Knife
Talk about being on a roll...apart from that one terrible 'old Victor' moment where he got caught in no man's land on a cross...I can't believe he still will do that from time to time


Staff member
I lost count how many times Valdes saved us since the start of the season. It's great for Valdes, but bad for Tata.


New member
Impressive season for Valdes ! Very sad to see him wanting to leave.

Still yesterday he made a big error in existing hazardously upon a corner kick shot, a move that made such a big chance for Celtic to score a possible winning header in the final part of the match...


New member


New member
What do you people here think? Will he change his mind and extend his contract at the end of the season?

I can see us struggling to replace him if he leaves, simply because there aren't many great keepers out there, and even if we find one we'll have to pay a lot of money for him, which we could use to bring in a much needed defender(s) instead.

I'm sure everybody would love to see him back, but the way he sounded in one of his recent press conferences doesn't suggest that he's coming back.


New member
I can see us struggling to replace him if he leaves, simply because there aren't many great keepers out there, and even if we find one we'll have to pay a lot of money for him, which we could use to bring in a much needed defender(s) instead.

If Bartra can maintain his progress then there's a good chance we won't buy a defender in the summer...


New member
What do you people here think? Will he change his mind and extend his contract at the end of the season?

I can see us struggling to replace him if he leaves, simply because there aren't many great keepers out there, and even if we find one we'll have to pay a lot of money for him, which we could use to bring in a much needed defender(s) instead.

I'm sure everybody would love to see him back, but the way he sounded in one of his recent press conferences doesn't suggest that he's coming back.

Sadly he won't change his mind !


Culé de Celestial Empire
Please, let us all do our part to make him change his mind!

Valdes forever!

Víctor Valdés is the FC Barcelona goalkeeper with record appearances (512), trophies (21), zamora titles (5), clean sheets (227) and minutes without conceding (897), but as everyone knows come the end of the 2013/14 season, he will never again stand between the Camp Nou goal posts. That’s what he’s said and repeated multiple times, but with his departure now just eight months away a campaign has begun to try and convince him to stay. It’s about time.

The campaign is called “Valdés Forever” and was started by 21 year old member (132,330) Marc Darné. Here is the initiative’s official mission statement:

“Valdés Forever” initiative was born in September 2013, with the objective to succeed in convincing Víctor Valdés to renew his contract and continue for many more years wearing Barça’s t-shirt. It’s known that Valdés announced last January his intention not to renew with the Catalan club; he has announced yet that he has taken this decision. However, we think it’s possible to make him change his opinion.

The initiative is focused to all FC Barcelona members and fans that support their team in Camp Nou. We think the tier is the best place for transmitting our wish of having Victor Valdés as our goalkeeper. If we get all Camp Nou shouting in unison, Valdés will feel all fans support.”

The group is wanting to rally fans to sing in unison in support of Valdés on the 30th minute point of both the first half and second half. Here are both the instructions and the lyrics:

At 30th minute of first half: OE, OE OE OE, ¡VÍCTOR VALDÉS! OE, OE OE OE, ¡VÍCTOR VALDÉS!


Ideally Darné wanted to do this during the first minute, symbolic of his squad number, but decided that wasn’t going to be practical as people are still arriving at that point or returning from their half-time activities.

You can find more information at the official campaign website: www.valdesforever.hol.es

Also get involved on Twitter by tweeting to Valdés himself a personal message accompanied by the official hash-tag #valdesforever.

So if this appeals to you, get involved. Because as Darné says:

“The purpose is that the message is simple and clear: WE LOVE VÍCTOR VALDÉS AND WE WANT HIM TO STAY!“

Source: Sport, Valdes Forever / Image: David Ramos/Getty Images Europe

EnriqueSDS is a senior writer and editor for totalBarça, he can also be found in the Twittersphere under @enriqueschoch

Read more: http://www.totalbarca.com/2013/exclusive-special/valdes-forever/#ixzz2gipLF6HA


President of FC Barcelona
Victor Valdés: “Real Madrid's Pepe in an alley scares me more than a Cristiano Ronaldo penalty kick.” [antena3]

Valdés: “The reason for not renewing my contract? It's hard to understand. The goalkeeper position entails enormous pressure.”

Valdés: “Barça offered me a renewal, but I didn't want to negotiate. It's a combination of circumstances. New challenges and a new league.”

Valdés: “A few days ago, I told Neymar that I liked his hairstyle from Santos more, and he told me to wait a week.” #fcblive

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