1 - Victor Valdes


New member
You're right. I would love to see VV get a game in :)

It's almost absurd the quality of GK's Spain has. I'm going to start feeling very sorry for myself when the WC starts. lol


The Observer
Del Bosque praised VV words on the keepers situation and VV expected to make his debut tomorrow in the friendly


New member
when's the match?
korea..my fav asian team!
let's see how they will fare against spain.
i remember the last time another asian powerhouse went up against spain(or france) it was a thrashing.


Mike the Knife
He completely blew the only play that came towards him... not the best showing.

Yeah, that was a bit bad from Vic, gotta say...Painfully reminiscent of his old form for us but I haven't seen him misplay a deadball like that in over a year


Love is All
Its so hard to believe that a keeper as good as Victor hadn't played for his national side all this while! Anyways, its great that VV did not feed into his ego and make him unavailable for Spain. He took the opportunity to participate as it came. I so love seeing him as Barca number 1.


New member
thanks to barcafandallas at ********** for the translations..

According to Catalán sports daily Sport, FC Barcelona and Spanish International Víctor Valdés (28) attracts, for better or for worse, the attention of all fans. There are those that admire him for his character on the field, for his spectacular stops, and his leadership beneath the posts. And there are those that detest him for his seemingly arrogant and cocky attitude. In all cases, he never leaves anyone indifferent. Valdés agreed to “play a little diversion” with Sport to clear up many of the urban legends that circulate about him.

Is it true that Oliver Kahn was your idol, but one day, you asked him for his shirt, he refused, and since then you don’t want to know anything about him?

Totally false. The truth is that Kahn was my idol since I was small. I saw him play in a UEFA game against Barça, in a Gamper match against Bayern. I went to ask him for his jersey during the break, but he said he would give it to me at the end of the game. At the end, I couldn’t come onto the field and he wasn’t able to give it to me. But later, Puyol asked him for it in a friendly that Spain played against Germany because he knew the I really wanted it. And so I have that jersey of Kahn’s.

That you are an order maniac, almost to the point of obsession.

Yes, it’s true. I’m an order maniac in enough senses. I have always liked order, since I was young. At times it serves to kill time.

That you were at one point going to be the image of the Harley Davidson brand.

That’s not true, because it doesn’t go along with the life of a football player. What is true is that I’m one of the people in the world who’s crazy for Harleys, and possibly when I retire, the first thing I will do will be to buy one. Right now I don’t have one and can’t have one because of my profession.

That you don’t get along well with a lot of people.

When I don’t have confidence, it’s hard for me to open up enough so that people can get to know me, and I can give that image of a “cold person.”

That on the field you are cocky and arrogant.

When I’m playing I only think about winning, not the image I’m presenting. If I give the image of an arrogent guy, I can’t control that. Maybe I present a different image on the field than how I am in real life.

That you play the piano.

Well, more like I bang on it. If playing the piano is knowing three or four cords, then, yes, I play piano.

That you ended up being a goalkeeper out of obligation.

I was a goalkeeper for different circumstances in my childhood, and they pushed me to continue along this path. I didn’t use to like it, that’s the truth. I wanted to enjoy playing football, and in the goal, I couldn’t do that. Now, I don’t see it as a diversion, but it’s my profession. At any rate, I appreciate the people who knew to direct me to be a goalkeeper.

That it hurt you a lot when they called you mercenary in your renewal.

Yes, that’s the truth. It hurt a lot because they said many things about me that weren’t true. I always stayed on the margin, and they gave me a false image. That image of a mercenary that they gave me hurt a great deal.

That when Milito goes, you’re going to have to go back to celebrating goals alone again.

The truth is that the goalkeeper always has to celebrate alone. With the defenders I have a very special relationship, because they suffer as much as the goalkeeper does. They deserve a special recognition.

That you are the most superstition of the squad.

Possibly. And I’ve been becoming less so over the years. What I always continue to do is to say a prayer at the beginning of games, always the same one. It helps me to connect in the minutes before the match.

That you sleep very little, barely four hours a day.

That was before. During a stage in my life when, it’s true, I had trouble sleeping, but now I sleep like a baby.

That you have in mind to get even more tattoos.

Yes. I would do more if I could, but during the season I can’t. It’s something that I have a passion for, and I am sure that I’ll find a reason to get a new one.

That your favorite color is black.

I like it because it’s a color that transmits simplicity and elegance.

That your preferred Spanish goalkeeper is Santiago Cañizares

Yes. As I’ve matured as a goalkeeper, I’ve gone from admiring Khan to admiring Santi. He had a concept of the goal with which I totally identify. Above all, I liked the security that he transmitted beneath the posts

That when you walked through Gavà with your dog, more than one person changed sides of the sidewalk.

Well, now the poor thing is not in the house because with the arrival of Dylan, we had to get rid of him. I’ve had two Rotweillers. It might be that the first was a little bit impulsive, but the second one was more caring.

That as a youth, you had attacks of rebellion that you now regret.

It’s certain that I have done things that I now regret, but I wouldn’t say it was because I wanted to be rebellious, but because I was too impulsive. That has been one of my worst defects, but fortunately, with time, I’ve limited it, little by little.

That you are the last to leave the locker room because you are very vain and spend a lot of time in front of the mirror.

Big fat lie. The truth is that I’m almost always the last to leave because I do a series of recuperation exercises that I need. I don’t look in the mirror, and I’m not particularly vain.

That you left the field mad after the 2-6 in the Bernabéu because they had scored two goals on you.

Obviously I was happy after the victory, you would say, but if we talk about my personal performance, yes, then it’s true that I left the field with the idea that I could have done a better job.

That Camp Nou has whistled you more than one time.

True. I have experienced some very hard and complicated moments in Camp Nou. But I’m the first to accept that at certain times I have committed important errors, and the fans have let me know in a totally justified manner. When I’ve done a good job, the fans have also let me know, especially this season.

That you are the happiest about the signing of David Villa, your “black beast.”

True! Villa has always scored goals on me, so having him at my side is one headache less.


New member
That you are the happiest about the signing of David Villa, your “black beast.”

True! Villa has always scored goals on me, so having him at my side is one headache less.

:lol: Victor is a smart keeper.

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