1 - Victor Valdes


New member
One absolute class save, but didn't have anything to do besides that. But classy save he pulled off.


Momo un Bello Uomo
I don't understand! lol
I thought he was our weakest link? he really shoved that performance in yo faces didn't he? haha

Let's pray to god he continues!


I don't care what he does with his hair. Great match against Malaga, even after going 6 up he didn't fall asleep this time like he usually does :p


I walk the line
His first save was brilliant..the one where it was going in the bottom corner. It reminds me of saves he made in 05/06.

M.L. King

The Preacher
I'm glad Victor found a part of his form. But, he'll be under a detailed surveillance until he proves his quality in some more decisive matches.


I walk the line
This is for you, MLK:




I walk the line
Thats the thing i like...u dont have a vendetta against vv, u just want what u think is best for the club, and i can respect that.

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