10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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New member
It's from Sports Illustrated. There is not a problem with pace this season as such. It was there vs Santos & vs Atletico earlier this season. It's possible he's carrying an injury or knock that means he can't play at 100% speed right now. Given that he's played football pretty much non stop for the best part of 2 and a half years it wouldn't surprise me if his body needs a rest. However he was still very good in the Classico in a different role. Pace doesn't desert you at 24.

yes, I hope it comes back, hes still great without that fantastic acceleration , but with it, he's unbelievable


New member
yes, I hope it comes back, hes still great without that fantastic acceleration , but with it, he's unbelievable

I don't think there should really be concern over acceleration/pace, as it is was there as little as a month ago. My only issue with Messi this season has been his work rate, particularly against lesser teams and that's a job for the coach to sort out. The thing about Messi is that Barcelona are so protective of him that even if he was carrying a slight knock they'd probably keep it quiet for fear of opponents looking to take advantage of it. Messi's biggest issue is that he wants to play every game all the time.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
“Some players are finished when they no longer have the physique. Leo Messi will not be. Speed is a huge part of his game but it is only part. Last night he showed once again why he is so complete. Messi still lacks that turn of pace, that acceleration, that makes him so special — “it’ll come back,” said Guardiola — but he still has touch and vision. When he is 36 he will still be a great player. He showed that last night: in a game in which he was denied space, bullied and largely subdued, in which he was not quick, he still produced a wonderful assist for Eric Abidal’s goal.” - Sid Lowe


wow, I guess Sid lowe is a hater and is trolling because he too has noticed that Messi is slower!

Even Guardiola must be a hater and an 'ungrateful little plastic fans with no idea what it is like to support a real football team' and a troll for acknowleding that Messi is slower too, by saying of his turn of pace that 'it will come back'.

This just goes to show that some of the posters on here are can't take hearing any kind of observatorial comment that may be the slightest bit negative.

I think Zanela and others who noticed that Messi seems slower and mentioned it deserve an apology for the hostility that was thrown their way by some on here.
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Look at what happened to this thread, ffs. Pages and pages of a pointless discussion, the thread is totally derailed... Really, people, stop it.


HBA, take this discussion to pm, msn, facebook, anywhere, really. It's not about Messi anymore. You can even open a thread about this if you want discuss it, but please, let's talk just about Messi here.


HBA, it is offtopic, and I'm asking you, Pepe and everyone else to stop. Go have this discussion elsewhere, please.


Mr. Japes
may i say that HBA is the worst poster at barcaforum?

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
The more you all respond to this guy the more he's going to pollute this forum. The sooner we all ignore him the sooner he stops. Please guys, stop responding him.

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seriously guys, what have I posted in this Messi thread that is so bad?
It's not just what you post. It's also the way you do it. And you never know when to stop either. You have to have the last word most of the time. You try to impose your ideas, doesn't matter what. Busquets thread was once locked because of that, remember. Now you're doing it here again. Not to mention when you come up with stuff like "iniesta is jealous mf messi" and such. Also your negativity towards Barça players. I don't see you posting like that when the subject is newcastle and its players. Just so you know, I have nothing against criticism or a good debate. Zanela was posting the same you were, about Messi being slower, but read her posts. Also read the last pages here. It's just ranting, and it's annoying. And the final thing, this is a community. You have to fit into the community, not the other way around.
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