For a moment there, I almost mistook you for a messi fanboywhy everybody hates his suit?i got to admid i love it. and as well the fact that every year he has something else in his pocket. already wondering what he'd wear next year.
as for the gala, the standing ovation was a really special moment, i think everybody there felt it in the same way, that they are whitnessing something that they might never see again. i was watching replays and tried to figure out who was the first one to stand up there but can really say with this angle.
the speech was cool to, thanked his argentina captain, then said he is very nerveous
best player won the award, simple as that. no matter how the votes goes or trophies won, he is still out of this world, but really cool that he said that it wasn't his best season because he didn't win enough titles with his team
as for spain, it's hard to get recognition when you have leo hanging around but the award to VDB was WELL DESERVED and i'm really happy for him.
+1 very undeserving winnershould be four..
Epic trolling going on there. It is cycling through various Bulgarian players, saying they have won 3 FIFA Ballon D'ors. Currently it is on Alexander Kovachev; earlier it was Berbatov.
How do you find this stuff?For you emotional ones..
what do you mean ?? cant finde something like that...