I can't believe people have seriously forgotten that Ribery is currently being tried for sex with minors but keep on bringing Messi's ALLEGED tax evasion up, for which he hasn't even been, and probably won't be, put on trial. Let alone those ridiculous and proven-to-be-fake pictures of him with a 'stripper'. What part am I missing? Has Ribery's sleeping with an underage prostitute diminished his chances of winnign the UEFA award? Then why should something that isn't considered as bad as that and isn't even official harm Messi's chances?
Also, there are two implications of this debate that are just wrong.
1) Suggesting that Messi doesn't get the Ballon D'Or because his image has been tainted implies that in previous years, he got it because his image was good. That's so wrong. He got all of those because he's the best player in the world.
2) With all due respect, I seriously doubt sports journalist, NT coaches and fellow football players give a damn about paper gossip. This is not a bunch of fans voting, and it's certainly not a popularity contest as some haters suggest.
And lastly, how has Messi's image even been harmed? I've seen none of these stories being mentioned or talked about outside of the internet or some tabloids. The tax case, sure, but all that was said was "Messi being investigated". I see no harm done. When Messi played in the supercopa, my commentator said "he's known to be a humble and decent person". In general, there hasn't been that much of a fuss in the mainstream media as the internet makes it seem.