10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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New member
Weren't you saying earlier that Messi almost left at the end of 12/13 season (?), and only stayed because Tito had asked him to stay?

I would have shrugged it off if Messi had not said those deeply troubling words to Ole. But he did, and he had to mean something there, despite Jorge Messi downplaying the whole thing.
But things change, people think differently as time goes by, I bet if you were to ask Messi right now if he was even contemplating the fact of leaving he would tell you no, he just broke 2 records and Barca has been playing better and is probably happy as hell currently.


Active member
Pep says he's never coming back, and i doubt he'll retire coaching by 2016, he's what 42?

I respect his decision, he owns nothing to Barca, but one must be fool to say 'never'. As things usually turn out in life, Barca could be his only saving boat.


Active member
There are people who actually believe this bullshit about Messi going to Chelsea?

250M buyout plus tax (what is it like 44%?) Thats something around 360M Euros. Ridiculous...

HAHA, true. People who say Massi will bought by activating his buyout clause,forget about taxes in Spain that go along with it. There's no way some team will pay 360M for him (plus salary). He only goes out if he forces the issue, and I highly doubt he'd do that.

Also Chelsea is in fact not that rich club now. With FFP, Abramovic can't feed them money like he used in past. Mourinho said something in that regard in summer.
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Senior Member
HAHA, true. People who say Massi will bought by activating his buyout clause,forget about taxes in Spain that go along with it. There's no way some team will pay 360M for him (plus salary). He only goes out if he forces the issue, and I highly doubt he'd do that.

Also Chelsea is in fact not that rich club now. With FFP, Abramovic can't feed them money like he used in past. Mourinho said something in that regard in summer.

I don't think its as black and white as that. It's an amalgamation of many factors that would lead to him leaving. So first up, it's clear that Messi doesn't want to leave, he feels he is being forced out, or let's put it this way, the board is not exactly resisting selling him (that's the hypothesis). If that's the case, then the board wants to cash in on him, in which case Messi will obviously want to leave if he doesn't have the boards support. Add to this mix a rich club who are desperate to buy him - And you have a situation where all parties want the same thing.

Which would mean that Barca would obviously be ready to negotiate the price, rather than stick to 250, probably around 150 or so and offer a yearly payment method or some sort of flexible thing that Chelshit can actually afford. And you know these scumbags are going to have some shady underhand deals to pocket a lot of money.


New member
I dont understand all these people bitching about his workrate. At the end of the last season and in the WC he had some problems but his workrate has been fine so far.
Most people forget that Messi has to play for 90min every game the whole season. He is our only player who doesnt get any rest, except some games in the early stages of cdr.
I dont mind if Messi doesnt press much and doesnt defend, if that means that he is fresh and active when we have the ball. He is the best player in the world when it comes to deciding games and you guys want him to get consumed in useless runs?
If you want more workrate you can have Pedro.


World Champion
I dont understand all these people bitching about his workrate. At the end of the last season and in the WC he had some problems but his workrate has been fine so far.
Most people forget that Messi has to play for 90min every game the whole season. He is our only player who doesnt get any rest, except some games in the early stages of cdr.
I dont mind if Messi doesnt press much and doesnt defend, if that means that he is fresh and active when we have the ball. He is the best player in the world when it comes to deciding games and you guys want him to get consumed in useless runs?
If you want more workrate you can have Pedro.

No. He has to participate in the pressing. If he doesn't the whole concept becomes useless. Pressing doesn't work even with 1 player not participating. If Pedro runs his lungs out closing down the fullback and Messi doesn't close down the centerback Pedro's pressing also becomes useless as the fullback will pass it on to the centerback who will have enough time to play it out of the back with Messi just standing there and watching. Someone else then will go and press for him (usually Xavi comes forward to press) which will leave gaps all over the place in midfield. Simple numbers game. Pressing is crucial, not a luxury. Even more so for Barcelona where the whole squad bar Mascherano doesn't have a clue how to defend conventionally.

BUT. This hasn't been a big issue this season with Messi. His pressing late in the game against Villarreal has even secured Barca 3 points and in the last 2 games he has tracked back all the way to his own half. So I don't know why JamDav brings this up to justify selling Messi other than JamDav being JamDav and arguing against the majority opinion for the sake of it.
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