10 - Lionel Messi - v4

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remind me again why getting paid to visit gabon makes more sense than not getting paid and visiting them out of good will for example? i think our reasoning is blinded as we try to look for some ulterior motives, when the truth is actually simple. i honestly believe he didn't get paid. maybe his pr team got paid like one hundred thousand to 'convince' messi and arrange the visit, but im sure messi didn't get jack sh*t from it. just because he is rich doesn't mean he wouldn't do things for free when he is asked to, especially when a god damn president involved. and messi exactly is the kind of person to do it out of good will, esp. on his holidays because he is free and can do things he finds interesting, and being invited there is one of them.

3 millions my ass =))))


Best midfielder around
Just the calm beginning of another smearing campaign. It's going to get worse and worse, and the board will turn their back as always.


Previously known as Mehssi
Politicians and Traders wear suits as a rule, and we all know that's because they are the straightest, most intelligent and respectfull people of all ... give me a break.

This discussion is ridiculous, and obviously just people taking any chance again to throw stones at Messi.

He is the goat, he has fuck-you money, he can wear whatever he wants, that's basically advantage #1 of being rich .. do whatever the fuck pleases you.

I'm sure all the kids that were filled with joy by seing Messi in their far away town did not care one bit how he was dressed, the fat politicians criticizing him should try wearing shirts and giving their people food, instead of wearing suits and starving their country.

Also, suits are so overrated, they were once upon a time a way to make yourself look important because they were expensive, now it's the opposite any bum can have one, they're not confortable, and they're not fooling anyone anymore, so people tend to wear them less the richer they get, because they don't have to anymore.

I for one have NEVER worn a suit, and don't plan to EVER - pretty proud of that actually - it didn't keep me from having a company, employees, dealing with lawyers banks & all those greedy dressed up bastards, hell I even sold my company in shorts & havaiana's...
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New member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When a monkey thinks he is Lionel Messi. <a href="http://t.co/Ap45EqiH5T">pic.twitter.com/Ap45EqiH5T</a></p>— Footy Vines (@Footy_Vines) <a href="https://twitter.com/Footy_Vines/status/624338961570246656">July 23, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/tw]


New member
Here's what it comes down to:

Did Messi get paid to go to Gabon? It's certainly not incomprehensible. Denials do nothing to change that. But it's also a non-issue EVEN IF it IS true. The stories seem to operate under the theory that if you report an allegation and label it a scandal then people will automatically believe it actually is a scandal. But the fact is that there's literally nothing wrong with being paid money to go to Gabon by people who were evidently willing to pay him for it. There's not a soul on this forum or amongst the people reporting on this that wouldn't hop on a plane to Gabon IMMEDIATELY if given the chance to make that kind of money just to show up somewhere and do nothing. So I don't see the issue. Perhaps it's an issue in internal Gabonese politics, since the President would want people to think he's friends with such an influential and well-known world figure as Messi (and Messi being paid would put a damper on that impression). But from the perspective of criticizing Messi himself, I just don't see it.

As for what he wore, it seems rather clear that he probably should have worn nicer clothes, given what everyone else was wearing around him. But I think we've all failed to understand the dress code to something before, and it's hard to see it as anything more than a mistake/miscommunication. Again, it's being used for internal Gabonese politics I think. The president wants people think he's buddies with Messi. That's of course why he had Messi visit. It's good publicity for him. But if you say that Messi purposely disrespected his audience, then suddenly the president is no longer buddies with Messi, but rather a weak leader who is humiliated by a visiting celebrity.

So I think the uproar is somewhat just being created for Gabonese political reasons. There's a big publicity difference between the president being buddies with Lionel Messi and having him show up as a personal gift to the president, and having the President have to pay a celebrity to come visit and then be humiliated by the way that celebrity dressed. The former makes him look strong and the latter makes him look weak. And I think this is what it's about (or at least, certainly the "outrage" from opposition parties in Gabon is about this).


New member
I really tried hard to end this topic:because it can be endless blahblahblah :banghead: don't you see it,,:cry:

Here's what it comes down to:
As for what he wore, it seems rather clear that he probably should have worn nicer clothes, given what everyone else was wearing around him. But I think we've all failed to understand the dress code to something before, and it's hard to see it as anything more than a mistake/miscommunication. Again, it's being used for internal Gabonese politics I think. The president wants people think he's buddies with Messi. That's of course why he had Messi visit. It's good publicity for him. But if you say that Messi purposely disrespected his audience, then suddenly the president is no longer buddies with Messi, but rather a weak leader who is humiliated by a visiting celebrity.


but i see this picture....
seems like everyone can wear whatever in public, president wore western printed t-shirt, Eto'o wore white dress(?),
while bodyguards are only allowed to wear full black jacket suit.

I don't think there exists dresscode or something, because there, the weather is burning hot...
I just think its political attack from opposition, because whole thing politicians do is just that, whole around the world.
and i will volunteer to be his stylist,,,if his wife:antonella: doesn't say anything about his love for printed t-shirt.:smartass:


New member
Here's what it comes down to:

Did Messi get paid to go to Gabon? It's certainly not incomprehensible. Denials do nothing to change that. But it's also a non-issue EVEN IF it IS true. The stories seem to operate under the theory that if you report an allegation and label it a scandal then people will automatically believe it actually is a scandal. But the fact is that there's literally nothing wrong with being paid money to go to Gabon by people who were evidently willing to pay him for it. There's not a soul on this forum or amongst the people reporting on this that wouldn't hop on a plane to Gabon IMMEDIATELY if given the chance to make that kind of money just to show up somewhere and do nothing. So I don't see the issue. Perhaps it's an issue in internal Gabonese politics, since the President would want people to think he's friends with such an influential and well-known world figure as Messi (and Messi being paid would put a damper on that impression). But from the perspective of criticizing Messi himself, I just don't see it.

As for what he wore, it seems rather clear that he probably should have worn nicer clothes, given what everyone else was wearing around him. But I think we've all failed to understand the dress code to something before, and it's hard to see it as anything more than a mistake/miscommunication. Again, it's being used for internal Gabonese politics I think. The president wants people think he's buddies with Messi. That's of course why he had Messi visit. It's good publicity for him. But if you say that Messi purposely disrespected his audience, then suddenly the president is no longer buddies with Messi, but rather a weak leader who is humiliated by a visiting celebrity.

So I think the uproar is somewhat just being created for Gabonese political reasons. There's a big publicity difference between the president being buddies with Lionel Messi and having him show up as a personal gift to the president, and having the President have to pay a celebrity to come visit and then be humiliated by the way that celebrity dressed. The former makes him look strong and the latter makes him look weak. And I think this is what it's about (or at least, certainly the "outrage" from opposition parties in Gabon is about this).

Im glad I have avoided this thread for the summer.... how on earth do you know what the dress code was? were u invited too? Judging by the pictures the dress code was clearly 'wear the fuck what you want.'


Previously known as Mehssi
Again, guys, it's lessthanjake, he is the expert in trashing Messi on here and make it look like he's just being " the almighty objective one, while being a big messi fan", it's so systematic it's funny :lol:

People were offended by how Messi dresses hahaha ... his clothes were probably more expensive than 99% of the cheap suit surrounding him, again, give me a break :)


Dr. Raed St. Claire
:lol: :lol:

Messi is a PR mess. He gets picked on for EVERYTHING and he just isn't a celebrity at all. He has no idea who he is in the eyes of the world.


Active member
we live in the age where people accept gay marriage, sex changing is considered heroic, and everything is tolerable due to modern progressive thinking, yet messi gets bashed for a dress code and everyone forgets what progressive thinking is based upon - individual's independence. i know, i know, if it was a tranny instead of messi, her/his dress code would represent freedom and strong personality as she/he has the right to do whatever he/she thinks because it is their right! but messi? nah man, f*** him, he should be ashamed! lol. pathetic. i hate this world


I get what they're saying in the sense that I would probably dress more formally, as well. Messi isn't exactly showing class in that sense. But they're absolute idiots in trying to make it about Messi not respecting Gabon for political or racial reasons or whatever. Messi always dresses like that, he's that kind of guy. This is how he dressed when visiting our sponsors in Qatar. Ripped jeans, what a bum!



what's wrong with what he wore? for a moment i thought he wore shorts and a vest. his outfit is quite okay
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