i could sneak in though, after i'm done with my OSCE tomorrow.
how severe is the condition.
the amount of time Messi is out will depend on the severity.
if the stones are small, they can pass out very easily with hydration, and a little medication, some even spontaneously. could take a week or two
bigger stones may require more serious approach, some may even require surgery

, with them being so huge and blocking urine flow.
we also need to know the origin of the nephrolithiasis
is is due to excessive urate, in which case allopurinol could be used to decrease their synthesis, they could be due to hypercalcemia so we'd need to know if he's having a parathyroid overfunction, or any condition that causes bone resorption to be higher then usual, we could use thiazide diuretics (for calcium),
struvite stones are usually due to infections za urinary tract,
now in april i will have more details to give. now i am doing pediatrics and we don't really get a child with kidney stones to learn from

but with internal medicine, we get plenty such cases