Just as predicted, with each game passing messi gets back to his goat self more and more.
Where are the trolls now? Should we sell him?
yeah, he struggles more to beat defenders. He still does but I find his step a little bit slower, might be just me who thinks that thoughOff compared to last season ?
Just as predicted, with each game passing messi gets back to his goat self more and more.
Where are the trolls now? Should we sell him?
he'll score a free kick, walk some more, assist Ney and that's that.
Arda will assist Suarez for the 3rd and be part of the most epic celebration involving himself and el Pistolero.
who seriously said we should sell him?you're just pointing at the sky here. It is dissappointing if you can't understand a joke/trolling attempt. Messi was deservedly criticized here for his lack of movement in recent matches, nothing more. Those who suggested to "sell him" were just mocking people who usually used to say this during Tata's season.
dude you were almost 100% right lol