10 - Lionel Messi - v4

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Their timing was bad. They really should be supporting him before the sentence. I'm not sure a twitter campaing is what Messi wanted as support, either.

How do you support him before the court trial? You don't even know how it's going to end. Messi can afford a lawyer so what else the club could do? You don't want to put a pressure on the judge during the trial, that always backfires. I don't see anything that club could do. I'm sure whatever club is doing right now it is done with Messi's permission. Again, Messi is convicted at this point, who's going to vote BdO for a felon, how much Messi's image will suffer from this conviction. They should fight this decision until the end with all possible means, because assuming that 19 yo kind is competent enough to get into intricacies of financial transactions is ridiculous.
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Senior Member
I don't see what the big issue is with the club supporting Messi like this. The guy has had a terrible summer and now will be getting back to Barca soon to start the season.

There is literally nothing wrong with showing support to him upon his return to Barca.


Active member
Anyone know how much taxes are we talking about? Spanish Court is keeping this a huge secret, mascherano figure was already known after the trial but messis they keep it a huge secret, and media dont have a clue either.


Senior Member
Even if this "Campaign" is back firing, some people already made up their minds about Leo ages ago.

they act like a 18-22 year Messi is some sort of Al Capone character, someone who's so vile and terrible for "Tax Evasion". Madrid fans act like his actions are vile but forget their club was supported and funded by Francisco Franco, a Dictator who's reign led to the deaths of Thousands of people.

And they also have a fair share of Tax evaders as well but they keep quiet on that front as well. I'm not condoning Evading taxes, but I find it hilarious all these people act like 18-22 year old Messi is some sort of Diabolical "Al Capone" type character.


Even if this "Campaign" is back firing, some people already made up their minds about Leo ages ago.

they act like a 18-22 year Messi is some sort of Al Capone character, someone who's so vile and terrible for "Tax Evasion". Madrid fans act like his actions are vile but forget their club was supported and funded by Francisco Franco, a Dictator who's reign led to the deaths of Thousands of people.

And they also have a fair share of Tax evaders as well but they keep quiet on that front as well. I'm not condoning Evading taxes, but I find it hilarious all these people act like 18-22 year old Messi is some sort of Diabolical "Al Capone" type character.

Yeah. Florentino makes billions with his companies, but pays less taxes than Messi. He also got the hacienda to allow cr to pay less taxes for 2 years, from 13 to 15, as part of cr's renewal. It's the usual bs from Spain. Sadly most ppl believe it.


How do you support him before the court trial? You don't even know how it's going to end. Messi can afford a lawyer so what else the club could do? You don't want to put a pressure on the judge during the trial, that always backfires. I don't see anything that club could do. I'm sure whatever club is doing right now it is done with Messi's permission. Again, Messi is convicted at this point, who's going to vote BdO for a felon, how much Messi's image will suffer from this conviction. They should fight this decision until the end with all possible means, because assuming that 19 yo kind is competent enough to get into intricacies of financial transactions is ridiculous.
There were many ways to support him before the trial. Like making some noise about the fact that the prosecution recommended him to be absolved, but the state attorney, under orders of a rm board member, pushed for his conviction. Now the damage is done, it'll be harder to mitigate that. It's like Franco days. With florentino calling the shots instead.


New member
Spain is corrupt as f***, and there is no denying that the court is biased against Messi and that they're using him to set an example, but many people here don't understand the difference between revenue and profit, and how taxes relate to those. You simply can't compare the amount of taxes that X and Y paid based on the amount itself, and assume that you can make a conclusion based on that alone.


Spain is corrupt as f***, and there is no denying that the court is biased against Messi and that they're using him to set an example, but many people here don't understand the difference between revenue and profit, and how taxes relate to those. You simply can't compare the amount of taxes that X and Y paid based on the amount itself, and assume that you can make a conclusion based on that alone.

So, you think it's normal that flo paid only 49,65 euros in taxes, in 2009? This decision on Messi was political. To try to make him leave and damage his image. He was a teen when he 1st signed the papers.

Chong Li

New member
There were many ways to support him before the trial. Like making some noise about the fact that the prosecution recommended him to be absolved, but the state attorney, under orders of a rm board member, pushed for his conviction. Now the damage is done, it'll be harder to mitigate that. It's like Franco days. With florentino calling the shots instead.

And you really believe someone outside of Catalunya would have cared about the scandalous circumstances around the whole case?

The club/fans would be ridiculed by everybody, called paranoid and worse. Most people don't know and probably don't care how rotten and corrupt the whole spanish system is.

The moment that fascist RM lady got involved the case was lost. Only a transfer to Madrid could have solved the problem.


Senior Member
It's amazing how rigged this trial has been. Almost all parties involved found Messi not guilty in this situation. Particularly if it was during 18-22 they are tapping him on, that's such a joke because I'm 23 and I still barely now how to properly file my taxes, let alone if I had a huge contract that was constantly changing during that time. It's awfully unfair to expect him to knows the ins and outs of a foriegn country's tax code while trying to compete for a spot on the first team.

Between all of that and the absurd conflict of interest in the push from Maria Silva Lapiedra is clearly a breach of justice when she has ruled on similar cases and given fairer recommendations. So this entire thing is a sham and my heart goes out to Messi honestly. He's had some really tough summers last couple years.

And even though he has every right to leave purely because the club couldn't protect him from something like this, I expect him to stay. He always does his talking on the pitch and if he really wanted to stick it to Spain, Real Madrid, Maria Silva and Florentino, he will stay and continue to dominate the league and hopefully Europe.


And you really believe someone outside of Catalunya would have cared about the scandalous circumstances around the whole case?

The club/fans would be ridiculed by everybody, called paranoid and worse. Most people don't know and probably don't care how rotten and corrupt the whole spanish system is.

The moment that fascist RM lady got involved the case was lost. Only a transfer to Madrid could have solved the problem.

Laporta's fuss worked a lot of times. But I can't see anyone from this board doing a good job on it. If freixa was still there, he could.


New member
So, you think it's normal that flo paid only 49,65 euros in taxes, in 2009? This decision on Messi was political. To try to make him leave and damage his image.

No, I don't. And I never said that. I also said myself that it's a corrupt system and they're using Messi's case politically.

What I am saying is that companies pay taxes based on a different system than individuals. A company can have massive revenue and very little profit, and therefore will pay very little in taxes. Even less if the profit stays within the company. So comparing the actual amount of paid taxes based on comparison of revenue is pointless.
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New member
Even the Danish tabloids have picked up on it featuring the news as the main story on the front page under the title: Slaughters Barcelona because of bizarre Messi campaign.
The widespread notion here is of course that the club is legalizing tax fraud by protecting a felon. They (or most of the world in general, I reckon) can't, or perhaps won't, see that it's the circumstances and details of the trial that the club is objecting against. And no small fucking wonder... This useless fucking board...
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