10 - Lionel Messi - v5


New member
They basically need Nigeria to win tomorrow afternoon then beat Nigeria by a large enough scoreline to overcome the goal difference.

They're as good as out, Messi should be ashamed of himself for his effort (or lack of)... and to think this fucker was rested when the team were about to go a season unbeaten just so he could walk around in Russia.

I'm disgusted.

remember who decided to rest him you fucking piece of shit?! fucking asstard, go die in a fire you scum


New member
Dont know whats wrong with him, but this messi doesnt help barca either, if he doesnt turn around things, barca will suffer also


New member
That is what bothers me the most about him. No matter how talented you are if you don’t try hard enough you will get nowhere. His mental swings and inconsistency of motivation and engagement in games really piss me off sometimes.

Anyway, choker or not, I am still grateful to what Messi was able to bring us all these years. He will probably remain clutch for us, at least in league games for another season or two, but it is high time to start thinking replacing him now and start planning the post-Messi years. Now.

I find it baffling that managers don't address this problem properly. Samapoli let Messi walk, Valverde let Messi walk and so did Enrique, Vilanova and Tata. Do they think it's normal a players covers only 7.5km per match?


Senior Member
I find it baffling that managers don't address this problem properly. Samapoli let Messi walk, Valverde let Messi walk and so did Enrique, Vilanova and Tata. Do they think it's normal a players covers only 7.5km per match?

Messi is bigger than the manager. none of them have the balls to do it thats why i wanted someone like Sarri at Barca.


Active member
I'll even say that RM would still win at least 3/4 of their CLs without CR in the past 5 years.

You are spouting proper hard facts and the worst thing is that when you tell this to someone he is going to dismiss you as biased because you are barca fan and I am sure over 100 guests currently reading your post would be thinking that.


Wild Man of Borneo
Now now guys, you haven't been listening.

If Messi had shuffled around sideways a bit more while being covered by 4 players they would've won this game :coffee:


New member
Most of you guys deserve another 5 years of Madrid winning Champions League and another 10 years with Barto and this board. You guys still think Football is only about entering the field and playing, without tactics, without team cohesion, just play the best players and you're going to win.

This terrible Argentina had 30% of the points without him. They weren't supposed to go to World Cup at first. You guys think it's coincidence, that both AFA and Barca are badly conducted by their corrupted boards and both teams are suffering in the biggest competitions?? It's not.

Yes, he's been bad in both games at this World Cup. Yes, he needs to do more for both teams. But Messi running 20km more wouldn't make them win against Croatia. Messi running 50km more won't stop defenders and Caballero from having brainfarts 10 times each game. Messi running 20km more won't make this Argentina side go further. Messi running 20km more won't make Barcelona win Champions League again.

A great coach, good tatics, a good environment, good players that know what they have to do with and without the ball. These things togethers can make a team to win the World Cup or Champions League.


Active member
If only he actually tried to make things happen and fight for every ball. From the start of the game he had a look about him that said «I don’t give a shit about this game either». Looked like he was in a very light training session.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Ungratefull shit, whatever mediocrity is coming barça's way after he leaves the club (at some point) fans like you deserve no better.

What? I just said I am grateful to what he was able to bring us all these years, did you see that?

I know we will not be the same after Messi leaves and we will suffer etc., but we can't just sit and do nothing, that's why I said we need to start planning now. This is FC Barcelona, not FC Messi.


Senior Member
I'm not sure why people are blaming Messi at all for this. He was a forward today and he literally had to come below the center half line just to touch the ball and move the lines. It was remarkable how not a single midfielder for Argentina could get the ball to the forward line. Also, any team that gives up a goal like the first one is a huge gut shot that is extremely difficult to come back from. Talk about Ronaldo's "winning" mentality all you want, even he would struggle to lift his team from something like that and even still, they have to get the ball to him for him to be able to even do anything. The handful of times Messi actually got the ball in the 2nd third, he was extremely productive. It's not like he was turning the ball over or making poor decisions, getting caught dribbling etc.

Messi and Dybala were the only people who showed any sort of poise and danger for Argentina. Between the lack of quality, balls and tactical nous of a majority of Argentina's squad and a coach who couldn't pick his strongest 11 if they all slapped him in the face, Cryuff, Maradona, Pele, Cristiano, Ronaldinho, Zidane, Il Phenomeno, they'd all struggle the same way Messi is struggling.

So please stfu with this selective memory and bashing of Messi. I've seen Ronaldo go missing for Real and Portugal many, many times prior to Zidane's arrival so I really don't want to hear talk of this being a mentality thing. It's simply the football tides, Messi had it early during the Pep years, Ronaldo has it now. Messi is still the best player to play the game in the modern era, this campaign changes none of that.

This, every time he had the ball he tried to make something happen.
Had he come down to collect the ball people here would be complaining he shouldn't drop so deep all the time.

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