10 - Lionel Messi - V6


New member
There was only one goal and Messi created it. But he was given no space by ManU's very physical defenders. Expect him to be on fire next week if he is given a full rest this weekend.
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New member
Why on messi?
Everyone in the middle seems to be content with a 1-0 scoreline. Its part of strategy, i think, yet we are lucky that some mistakes didnt get punished, especially in the 1st half. If it were liverpool, we could've lost. This result is good. I predicted a draw, really.


Active member
No he wasn't at his best but the whole midfield and attack didn't exactly play we'll either which doesn't help. He had a big hand in the goal and then got a serious smash in the face which probably didn't help him. Hope his nose isn't broken.


Senior Member
Didn't really seem to have a different gear tonight, not that it really matters now as we've won. In fact I couldn't care less how he performs as long as we progress.


Senior Member
He was the only creative outlet in our team tonight. Had an assist and supplied a couple more through balls that with better attackers we would have finished. Far from being his worst performance, people in here are retards.


Something wrong with him today. Didn’t feel like he was bothered.

Still his assist to Suarez is one of the best passes I have ever seen.

Go watch his assist again. He doesn’t even know where Suarez is, yet he still finds him. It’s INCREDIBLE!


Senior Member
they parked the bus and Messi struggled mainly due to having to drop deep to get a touch of the ball as our pathetic midfield cant pass a football


Professor Balthazar
meh, but so what - can't run and create and score each freaking game, maybe shouldn't have started even and we should have played Cou in the middle


6racies Xavi
Got to have them excuses ready.

"Didn't win the CL final because we weren't allowed to bribe refrees"

"Didn't win the CL final because we weren't allowed to dope"

"Didn't win the CL final because we weren't allowed to racially abuse the opposition"

"Didn't win the CL final because we weren't allowed to r a p e the other players"

Got to have them excuses ready.

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