10 - Lionel Messi - V6


Senior Member
Piers Morgan was always a twat and always will be.

How I wish Jeremy Clarkson would have fucked him up a few years back.


New member
Goddamn, just watched the highlights of that 2nd leg again. He made 3 passes that should've been assists, at LEAST one of them should've been in the back of the net. Would've probably been enough, as it could've taken some wind out of Liverpool, as all 3 of them would've made it 1-1! Not to mention that insane fuck up by Dembele in the first match. Holy fuck how hard can this team ruin it for him? No one else did anything offensively in that 2nd leg.


New member
Then they would be ranting about Liverpool being a great team that gave it a real try, but Messi being just TOO good... Would also mean that Barca probably would've lifted their 6th CL in MADRID and softening the pain of seeing Real win the last 3 in a row. The only good thing I see from this is that Valverde is probably done and we don't have to watch his "pragmatic", boring football anymore.


New member
The things are reading about Messi these days.....

Fucking INGORANTS are on with the usual cliché: "Messi can't carry a team on his shoulders, bla bla bla..."

You fucking PRICKS, Messi is exactly doing that since september.
He played a level of football head and shoulders above anyone else in the world this whole year.
In the first leg he scored two goals and potentially assist for two more, too bad that he is sorrounded by overrated players who can't even shoot on target.
He gave us a 3-0 lead that this team still managed to bottle.
In the return leg he set at least 3 times one of his teammates to score, but once again they failed miserably.
But of course it's his fault because he "didn't show up", LMAO.
What he had to do? Insult, blame and curse his teammates during the game? Had he done this, it wouldn't have change anything at all.

This has been one of his best seasons, almost 2015 level, but with a much worse team behind him.
He was literally winning single handedly the fucking Champions League this year.

But no, it's not enough. It's his fault for everything of course.
Everyone in the media blames him.
Those fans at the airport, LMAO.

The rest of the team, paid fucking billions, doesn't have to take the blame of course.
It must be comfortable playing in Barcelona: if you lose, it's always Messi's fault.
When he wins, he wins because he plays in FC Barcelona. When he loses, it's only his fault, because "he doesn't carry the team".

TO HELL with this.

Thank you, Leo. I thank you for all the beautiful football that you gifted to me, once again, for the whole year.
Not everyone is so biased and not to see the reality. And not everybody forgets.

Nice rant but you forgot to mention one word that would have put the iceing on the cake.



New member
We should have a new board rule to ban anyone that even comes close to mentioning Messi winning or loosing the Ballon d'Or. I have never seen more pathetic and outright idiotic comments than those ones.


We should have a new board rule to ban anyone that even comes close to mentioning Messi winning or loosing the Ballon d'Or. I have never seen more pathetic and outright idiotic comments than those ones.

Ronaldo fanboys getting triggered by Leo winning his 6th



New member
Ronaldo fanboys getting triggered by Leo winning his 6th


In my book, there is no award where anybody can compete with Messi, but why should I try to convince a child? I'd rather want Messi to win a couple more CLs and La Liga trophies, but ok, have fun with your Ballon D'Or. Wait, an award that says close to nothing about a player.


In my book, there is no award where anybody can compete with Messi, but why should I try to convince a child? I'd rather want Messi to win a couple more CLs and La Liga trophies, but ok, have fun with your Ballon D'Or. Wait, an award that says close to nothing about a player.

I'd rather win the CL, but that's clearly not possible this year so we might as well hope for Ballon d'Or


New member
Just fucking leave already. He's far too good to be spunking his remaining years away trying to paper over the cracks in the Club. The board should be fucking ashamed of themselves.


New member
Just fucking leave already. He's far too good to be spunking his remaining years away trying to paper over the cracks in the Club. The board should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

I want him to retire here. However, i would love to see him and Pep together once last time. My god, i honestly wouldnt care which club it would even be at, just one season together.


Senior Member
Guardiola to Italy for 2 years to conquer Serie ZZzzzz and than one last dance with Leo in 2021. It's written in the stars.

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