Messi is not a bad captain, he carries the team on his back every bloody game, no player has ever given more to a club than Messi has for Barca but twats on this board give him shit 24/7. If the other players cared as much as Messi we would be in a much better position.
Every player supports their manager in public, it's just the way things are done. For all we know Messi could want him gone but the board have their own ideas, so lets see what happens. But Messi is just a player, and thats all he wants to be, he shouldn't have to make the call to sack the coach or not. His job is to give 100% for each coach and that is what he does, no downing tools to get a manager fired for Messi, he plays for the club and not the coach and he deserves far more respect than he is getting from certain people here.
He is an absolute genius, and will go down as one of the greatest if not THE greatest ever etc.
But man, seeing him get dispossessed then not even bother fighting back or chasing is fucking infuriating at times.
"I hOpE vAlVerDe StAyS" Hope you enjoy another season or 2 of pure mediocrity followed by an embrassing CL exit.
His diehard fans here have a meltdown but he really should force EV's resignation.
There's a reason Juve booted Allegri because his only tactic once CR7 joined turned into cross to CR7.
Winning the ball back after giving it away used to be a trademark of his but I'm guessing he needs the energy for other things seen as he's older. Anyway no blame for the loss on him today really. He played well especially in the second half. That shot off the post would've been an amazing goal and possibly his first with the outside of the boot. I can't remember if he's scored a goal with outside of the boot
IMO - There's a difference between storing energy and lack of fight. Messi has been guilty in the past as-well of losing the ball and not bothering to fight/chase back the player who stole it from him, often leading to goals/attacks against us. It's just one thing that's pissed me off about him.
I hate to say this and ill no doubt be called a Ronaldo shill but im confused as to our future with Messi
don't get me wrong, hes the only reason to actually watch Barca these days but thats also part of the issue.. hes actually bigger than Barca itself.
its speculation at this point but it does seem he is happy to put his friendship with certain players over whats best for the club and no matter how great you are, thats a huge problem. giving him the captains armband was a stupid idea also, i've seen him get fired up and yell at others so i know he has that leadership in him but not enough. he looks disinterested at times constantly walking around, losing the ball and making no attempt to get it back.. its no wonder our players are so laid back. imagine Puyol, he'd be screaming at these bottling wretches
I was thinking earlier about players we need and the problem keeps coming up; where does Messi actually play these days? is he a ST? no. RW? nope. false 9? only when we have no other options. we have Dembele being totally wasted at LW while Messi plays 'false-RW' or RW on paper atleast only to drift in the center leaving the right side with no support. his workrate is atrocious so theres no chance he can play in midfield. honestly the only way i can see for the future being viable is false 9 with Dembele at RW and a goal scoring Henry type at LW
Arguably the worst captain in Barça history.