11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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So what you're essential saying is:

You DON'T think Suarez is the best CF in the world :slap:


Messi DID NOT revert to RWF, because we signed Suarez. :fool:

I'd think more carefully in future if I were you. :shutup:

The thing is your post was laughable, I dare say comical.
You can not attribute one player's success to another, its a mistake a lot of people make. . . Considering the what ifs involved, it just doesn't make sense.
No one can undermine Suarez importance this season, but saying:

"without him, Messi would not have played in the manner that he did last season with such devastating effect."

That right there is just BS in its most quintessential form! I am sorry if it sounds rude, and apologize but I am just passing my point across.

Secondly, this is inconsequential, but you wrote :

" Neymar or Suarez; I'd just go with Suarez, on the basis that he is the best Centre-Forward in the world"

Its your opinion, but what sort of logic is that?
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High Definition Member
I have been reading so much nonsense in this thread. Also for your information bernie, neymar is capable of being just as good creatively as hazard, look at him for brazil. He doesn't take on that role for Barca because he's instructed to make runs in behind and score goals, and messi has been given the creative role.


Senior Member
You guys are missing the point. You don't simply substitute a player and visualize if they could score the exact same goals or not. The hypothesis is how the entire *team* would perform with a different player. Hazard is a much more technical tight space dribbler and passer than Neymar, and has better judgement. Perhaps he shoots/scores less, but gets the ball to Suarez and Messi more. He certainly can drag defenders as well or better than Neymar. Ultimately, one can't know, but Hazard's skill set is clearly closer to the Barça style than that of the Brazilian. You can speculate as to whether that's a positive or a negative- it's my opinion it's a positive.

Neymar is a better dribbler IMO. He doesn't keep the ball as close, but he commits more people, and his a much better goal scorer. I also feel he's more unpredictable. Never know what trick he'll pull. Ask Bilbao :p I WILL say that Neymar probably wouldn't have been much use if we stuck with our strict 70% possession, only 5 yard passes, side to side game. He is a player that needs to be allowed to express himself. It's almost fortunate that Enrique came in, and that we re-invented ourselves, such that we are more direct, and encourage more dribbling. This also fell into the hands of Suarez, and in turn Messi since alot of pressure was removed from his shoulders.

I watch the BPL (Hazard) every week aswell as La Liga, and for me Neymar would have always been my first choice.
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New member
Hazard, for one, I feel would have been a much better fit with Barça from day 1.

Highly dubious, if not absurd.

Neymar is infinitely the better scorer between the two, Hazard's only non-penaldo CL goal this season came against the likes of the mighty Maribor. Hazard is also the main attacking outlet for Chelsea, hence why we see him having organizational and distributive duties for his team. As we have Mr. GOAT for the role, why would Hazard (allegedly a better creator than Neymar) be a better fit for us? With Messi in our team, what we need first and foremost are players that can finish off moves initiated by our super-star player, you know, the thing we sorely lacked with Ibra/Alexis and all too often Villa/Pedro too.

As for the widespread notion that Hazard is a better playmaker/creator than Neymar, well let's just compare their respective performances in similar roles with their national teams.

Like I said many times before, the comparison between the two is wholly redundant and only made possible by the extreme urge (as well as media-enabled capability) of Prem-fans to hype-up their product and keep it relevant when it comes to the "best-players-in-the-world debates".

If Hazard played for any of Valencia/Sevilla/Villarreal and even Atleti, no one would be placing him in the same sentence as Neymar. I mean, did Hazard have a better season than Griezmann during 14/15? I think not. Where is the Griezmann hype?


Senior Member
Can I also add once more:

I feel that we need to pay respect to Unzue!

From what I've heard/read, that guy was crucial to our regained defensive solidarity, especially from set pieces.


New member
You can not attribute one player's success to another, its a mistake a lot of people make.
Yes you can, I just did. Read below...
The thing is your post was laughable, I dare say comical.
You can not attribute one player's success to another, its a mistake a lot of people make. . . Considering the what ifs involved, it just doesn't make sense.
No one can undermine Suarez importance this season, but saying:

"without him, Messi would not have played in the manner that he did last season with such devastating effect."

That right there is just BS in its most quintessential form! I am sorry if it sounds rude, and apologize but I am just passing my point across.

Secondly, this is inconsequential, but you wrote :

" Neymar or Suarez; I'd just go with Suarez, on the basis that he is the best Centre-Forward in the world"

Its your opinion, but what sort of logic is that?
It was a hypothetical question. I was giving a hypothetical answer. Ofc there is no-way of proving it. I am by no means insisting that it is scientifically correct. It's just my observation. Are we not allowed to give our hypothesis on this forum now?

But you still haven't answered my question: :?: Do you think that Messi would have played with such devastating effect without Suarez? Take a breath and think before you answer this time. Look at Leo's performances last term and the tactical way he played. Do you really think he would have had an identical season playing as False-9 and without Suarez beside him?

And "What is the logic" in calling Suarez "The Best Centre-Forward in the World" you ask? :huh: My point is the team is more dependant on having the best CF in the team, than it is having the best LW in the team. Largely because (as I stated), it initiated a re-born Messi to God-mode. In a nutshell: Suarez brings the best out in Messi. Do you dispute this also?

Please stop now! You're only embarrassing yourself. :shh:


We won the treble with Neymar being one of our most key players and Bernie is in here saying Hazard would have been better?

Seriously, just stop and think about that for a moment. Bernie is on another level of player hating. Even with the players I dislike I would never say we should have gotten a different player because the players we have led us to having this damn near perfect season!
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