11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
In that case Lucho should have gave them a "rest" day. Not a "free" day. If I get a free day from my job, I spend it anyway I please.

he gets paid 10 million plus a year, we don't. i think the more than great compensation should warrant better judgement, especially on the back of our recent schedule, his less than stellar form, his apparent shoulder discomfort/injury, and our aspirations to repeat the treble.


New member
In that case Lucho should have gave them a "rest" day. Not a "free" day. If I get a free day from my job, I spend it anyway I please.

Perfect, just perfect.

People here are way too eager to jump in the ship when Neymar is the subject.


New member
How much does Matthieu earn and how much is Neymar demanding ?

Sorry, I can do what I want with my free day, cause I'm not asking anyone for 20M, Neymar can't.. well, he can, but he shouldn't.

He can ask what he want based on what he deliveries on pitch (be it on training or matches).

And Barça can decide if he is worth it or not.

What he do on his free days, as long as it is legal and doesn't hurt our brand, doesn't really count for the negotiation.

And of course it's not Vlom the one to dictate what they can and cannot on this matter.


Previously known as Mehssi
Of course it's not Vlom to dictate anything, but if baby Ney wants 20M, I'm sorry, I might be a pain in the ass, but I'd expect ABSOLUTE DEDICATION to Barça and winning us trophies.

Remember Messi got to 20M after bringing in 2.5 Champions Leagues and a lot more Ligas, Supercups, BdO, joy ... simply put.

But sure, if we're now rewarding any good player that is not commited to the cause with those amounts just because "he thinks he deserves it" or because he can get it in PL, have fun, but that's not how I see life.

You're demanding something massive, you have to give something massive in return, simple as that.


So having fun on his free day means he's not dedicated? Right.
Messi went skiing not long ago on a free day too. We don't know everything they do when they have free time.


Previously known as Mehssi
Jeez you'd think this was Theo Walcott we were talking about.

Is Theo Walcott on 20M/year or even 15 ? :)

Anyway, I think I'll just unfollow him on snapchat and save myself the trouble.

You guys act like partying has zero effect on him, even if he plays great, if he had a better lifestyle he'd be double the player, don't know why we should settle for half when he's apparently not settling for anything less than what he wants :)

I'll end it here eh, I love Neymar, just not ready to cut him that much slack.


Senior Member
to add another variable to this, the guy is already 24. there is a lot of talk of when he enters his "prime" but age wise, i'd say it's already here. he was dazzling europe only a few months earlier but that level seems to have dropped noticeably. it's obviously his prerogative how he shapes his career but if he wants to be remembered as an all time great, then the time for play is now, party later.


I don't see what's wrong with his life style. He doesn't drink, he's completely fit. He often posts pics of himself doing extra work at home. He's clearly taking care of himself. Unwinding on his free time is actually a good thing, to clear his head.


New member
His life his business, if he slips it's going to be his problem. As far as I know he's not telling anybody here how to live their lives, so maybe he should get the same back.


Active member
I don't see what's wrong with his life style. He doesn't drink, he's completely fit. He often posts pics of himself doing extra work at home. He's clearly taking care of himself. Unwinding on his free time is actually a good thing, to clear his head.

True he only parties on his free days. It's not like he parties late into the night then shows up late to training :messi:
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