11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
He is great player, my only concern is his mental preperation...even when thing don't start well he needs to step up and fully concentrate on playing not partying. But to question his talent and quality is insane.


Senior Member
every time i see him or anyother player waste those fucking amazing passes from Messi i feel like stabing my eyes with a knife


Senior Member
He is great player, my only concern is his mental preperation...even when thing don't start well he needs to step up and fully concentrate on playing not partying. But to question his talent and quality is insane.

I think that we all agree on that.
Since there are tons of replies here about how good Ney sometimes is, or how good he may became, again, I think that we all agree that he is awesome sometimes and that he can be even better.

I know that it is stupid to explain things in numbers, but just my opinion is:
1. if Neymar plays six Months for 10/10
-- and if then plays 3 Months for 1/10
Then, imo:
2. I would rather have a player who plays 12 Months for 8/10

So, when Neymar is on prime and when this, random winger is on prime, Ney is surely better.
But over the 12 Months, when you put it on paper, a slightly weaker, but way more consistent player offers much more (imo).

So, since we surely won't sell him this summer, we will all have to wait and see how will he play in the next season.
But, if Ney will again have 10/10 Months and then lots of 1/10 Months in the next season, then we can all agree (since then he will be here for 4 full seasons already) that he is just that kind of a hot-cold and very inconsistent player.
And then fans and the board will have to decide is it what we need long term...

Brilliancy is awesome, but we also need a lot of consistency and professionalism, for the highest level, which we are.
This example is not perfect, but you'll get the point about consistency.
I think that Rijkaard or someone from our stuff said this about Ricardo Quaresma while he was in our club in early 00's, something like:
"On 2-3 occasions during every match, Quaresma is the best player in the world.
He does things which no one else in the world can do.

But the problem is, on other 87 minutes, he is extremely average on the field."

So, Quaresma went from 10/10 to 1/10 moments inside of every match (or from 10/10 to 5/10).
So, it is somewhat similar with Neymar. He is going from 10/10 to 1/10 (too often and for too long) during every season.

So, you can't "live" neither from a few bright dribbles/actions on every match.
Neither from a few world class matches/months per season if you will be a crap during other 2-3-xx Months (or during other 88 minutes in the first example).

Top level of football needs consistency.

This was a 20-years old, Portuguese wonderkid Quaresma (hailed as the next Luis Figo in 2003, and hailed as the brightest Portuguese talent back then even brighter than CR7 in those days):

With the ball in his feet, he looked like the best player of our team (with Ronaldinho).
But in other aspects, he was average.
Plus, although beautiful to watch, his end product was poor and he was extremely inconsistent.

Rijkaard and the board were right, they sold him after 1 season at our club.
And during his career, Quaresma never reached the heights which he could have achieved, based on his natural talent.

(I am not saying that Neymar is a similar case.
But they do have SOME similarities.
An awesome natural talent, out of this world moves/dribbles.

But if you are not consistent, on longer terms, even less talented guys will make bigger career than you...)


Senior Member
I think that we all agree on that.
Since there are tons of replies here about how good Ney sometimes is, or how good he may became, again, I think that we all agree that he is awesome sometimes and that he can be even better.

I know that it is stupid to explain things in numbers, but just my opinion is:
1. if Neymar plays six Months for 10/10
-- and if then plays 3 Months for 1/10
Then, imo:
2. I would rather have a player who plays 12 Months for 8/10

So, when Neymar is on prime and when this, random winger is on prime, Ney is surely better.
But over the 12 Months, when you put it on paper, a slightly weaker, but way more consistent player offers much more (imo).

So, since we surely won't sell him this summer, we will all have to wait and see how will he play in the next season.
But, if Ney will again have 10/10 Months and then lots of 1/10 Months in the next season, then we can all agree (since then he will be here for 4 full seasons already) that he is just that kind of a hot-cold and very inconsistent player.
And then fans and the board will have to decide is it what we need long term...

Brilliancy is awesome, but we also need a lot of consistency and professionalism, for the highest level, which we are.
This example is not perfect, but you'll get the point about consistency.
I think that Rijkaard or someone from our stuff said this about Ricardo Quaresma while he was in our club in early 00's, something like:
"On 2-3 occasions during every match, Quaresma is the best player in the world.
He does things which no one else in the world can do.

But the problem is, on other 87 minutes, he is extremely average on the field."

So, Quaresma went from 10/10 to 1/10 moments inside of every match (or from 10/10 to 5/10).
So, it is somewhat similar with Neymar. He is going from 10/10 to 1/10 (too often and for too long) during every season.

So, you can't "live" neither from a few bright dribbles/actions on every match.
Neither from a few world class matches/months per season if you will be a crap during other 2-3-xx Months (or during other 88 minutes in the first example).

Top level of football needs consistency.

This was a 20-years old, Portuguese wonderkid Quaresma (hailed as the next Luis Figo in 2003, and hailed as the brightest Portuguese talent back then even brighter than CR7 in those days):

With the ball in his feet, he looked like the best player of our team (with Ronaldinho).
But in other aspects, he was average.
Plus, although beautiful to watch, his end product was poor and he was extremely inconsistent.

Rijkaard and the board were right, they sold him after 1 season at our club.
And during his career, Quaresma never reached the heights which he could have achieved, based on his natural talent.

(I am not saying that Neymar is a similar case.
But they do have SOME similarities.
An awesome natural talent, out of this world moves/dribbles.

But if you are not consistent, on longer terms, even less talented guys will make bigger career than you...)
According to your points and illustrations last season, Neymar is a Barca legend.
Did you modify the criteria to exclude him again?


Senior Member
My problem or concern is that he looks like a typical brazilian (not to offend them, many do the same) who went from rags to riches to quickly and that affects him. Also his partying and questionable attitude is a bit worrying. He's young, but lets not forget who or what Messi was in that age and yes, pepole (though not I) are comparing the two.
He does look like a potential bomb in the dressing room as well...but lets see what happens.


Active member
Critics here trying to portray that he has done a hazard in the last few months which is just plain pure exxaggeration.

Barca vs arsenal motm

1. masch
2. neymar
3. suarez

Barca vs atletico motm

1. Suarez
2. Alves
3. Neymar

Barca vs arsenal 2nd leg

neymar 4th (just 2 points behind 3rd)

He has been bad after international break but before that he was doing pretty well. Those of you who think he has been playing like this since december have gone bonkers.


Previously known as Mehssi
You failing to come up with one single game where he was clear MotM clearly shows how wrong we are :coffee:


Senior Member
According to your points and illustrations last season, Neymar is a Barca legend.
Did you modify the criteria to exclude him again?

He was a key player in last Season's CL title.
Thanks for that Neymar.

But, the thing is that he is the most expensive Barca's transfer in a history.
While he is much better than Alexis (our former player whom I hate the most in the last 20 years), currently it is questionable whether he is giving as much as he is worth.

For example, Suarez is paying off his 80M transfer.
He is here for 2 seasons, and more or less, we can all see why he is worth 80 Millions.
He is waaaaaaay, waaaaaaay more consistent and shows way bigger passion.

About Ney, I will stand under my post from above:
-- Neymar plays a few Months for 10/10, and then a few Months for 2/10

Other players, weaker than prime Neymar, could imo, deliver the same or more than Neymar, for 50-70 Millions, instead of 150M or 190M (rumoured Neymar's current transfer worth), when you calculate everything and put it down on paper.

I really don't see what we (as a club) are getting from him if he will always play 3 Months in a godlike mode and 3 Months in a horrible mode.
We don't need that kind of a player in our team at all, and especially if someone is willing to pay 150 or 190M for a guy who goes on 3-Months-cold-streaks in each season.

Critics here trying to portray that he has done a hazard in the last few months which is just plain pure exxaggeration.

Barca vs arsenal motm

1. masch
2. neymar
3. suarez

Barca vs atletico motm

1. Suarez
2. Alves
3. Neymar

Barca vs arsenal 2nd leg

neymar 4th (just 2 points behind 3rd)

He has been bad after international break but before that he was doing pretty well. Those of you who think he has been playing like this since december have gone bonkers.

Even if he was the best in some matches, which he surely was, it is still way too little, for his 100M transfer, and for his current 150-190M worth.

But even Alexis was scoring lots of important goals and he was MOTM sometimes.
So what?

Bottom line:
1. if Neymar can improve his consistency and if he can play at 10/10 for a majority of each season
-- and if his poor days will be very rare
= keep him, give him bigger wages
2. if Neymar can't play consistently in the future
= sell him and invest the money in a weaker but consistent and motivated winger

You guys who defend him are constantly saying the same thing, like:
1. omg, he was so good last season
= yes, he was
2. he is the 3rd best player in the world when on form
= yes, true

Nobody is denying that.
When on form, he is good enough for us, and good enough to get higher wages.

Some of you look only at his good sides, while a player (or any human) is a sum of all good and bad things about him.
So, Neymar isn't only a guy who played awesome in the last season.
Also, Neymar isn't only a guy who plays like crap lately.
Neymar is something in between.
He is both a world class guy and a guy who plays like shit for Months.

So, I would ask you a theoretical question:
1. imagine if Neymar will from on (due to his personality, or family history from where he comes from, or because money ruined him, or because Brasilians love to party, irrelevant) will ALWAYS play:
-- 2 Months in a godlike mode
-- then 2 Months like a crap
-- then 2 Months in a godlike mode
-- then 2 Months like a crap

If that is his future, would you keep him or would you like to look for different options for those 150 Millions rumoured?

(and please, don't reply like: we don't know whether he will play hot and cold in the future.
Lol, of course that we can't.
This is why we have brains and we can analyze patterns in someone's behavior and then look for some options, according to someone's patterns and history.

So, we have two options:
1. Neymar will be consistent=then of course, everyone will want to keep him
2. Neymar will remain hot and cold player forever

If No2 will happen, then we have to decide if THAT LEVEL (hot and cold) is good enough for our ambitions, since he is supposed to be our future leader)
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Senior Member
Neymar was clearly 2'nd best player last season and best player in the world when Messi was injured. Dude was a key element in the trophies we got last season so I don't care that he is out of form for 3-4 months if he bounces back. Comparing him with the quaresmas alexis and hazards of football doesn't do him justice at all since they never achieved what Neymar already did , both personal and individual, so stop that.


Senior Member
He was a key player in last Season's CL title.
Thanks for that Neymar.

But, the thing is that he is the most expensive Barca's transfer in a history.
While he is much better than Alexis (our former player whom I hate the most in the last 20 years), currently it is questionable whether he is giving as much as he is worth.

For example, Suarez is paying off his 80M transfer.
He is here for 2 seasons, and more or less, we can all see why he is worth 80 Millions.
He is waaaaaaay, waaaaaaay more consistent and shows way bigger passion.

About Ney, I will stand under my post from above:
-- Neymar plays a few Months for 10/10, and then a few Months for 2/10

Other players, weaker than prime Neymar, could imo, deliver the same or more than Neymar, for 50-70 Millions, instead of 150M or 190M (rumoured Neymar's current transfer worth), when you calculate everything and put it down on paper.

I really don't see what we (as a club) are getting from him if he will always play 3 Months in a godlike mode and 3 Months in a horrible mode.
We don't need that kind of a player in our team at all, and especially if someone is willing to pay 150 or 190M for a guy who goes on 3-Months-cold-streaks in each season.

Even if he was the best in some matches, which he surely was, it is still way too little, for his 100M transfer, and for his current 150-190M worth.

But even Alexis was scoring lots of important goals and he was MOTM sometimes.
So what?

Bottom line:
1. if Neymar can improve his consistency and if he can play at 10/10 for a majority of each season
-- and if his poor days will be very rare
= keep him, give him bigger wages
2. if Neymar can't play consistently in the future
= sell him and invest the money in a weaker but consistent and motivated winger

You guys who defend him are constantly saying the same thing, like:
1. omg, he was so good last season
= yes, he was
2. he is the 3rd best player in the world when on form
= yes, true

Nobody is denying that.
When on form, he is good enough for us, and good enough to get higher wages.

Some of you look only at his good sides, while a player (or any human) is a sum of all good and bad things about him.
So, Neymar isn't only a guy who played awesome in the last season.
Also, Neymar isn't only a guy who plays like crap lately.
Neymar is something in between.
He is both a world class guy and a guy who plays like shit for Months.

So, I would ask you a theoretical question:
1. imagine if Neymar will from on (due to his personality, or family history from where he comes from, or because money ruined him, or because Brasilians love to party, irrelevant) will ALWAYS play:
-- 2 Months in a godlike mode
-- then 2 Months like a crap
-- then 2 Months in a godlike mode
-- then 2 Months like a crap

If that is his future, would you keep him or would you like to look for different options for those 150 Millions rumoured?

(and please, don't reply like: we don't know whether he will play hot and cold in the future.
Lol, of course that we can't.
This is why we have brains and we can analyze patterns in someone's behavior and then look for some options, according to someone's patterns and history.

So, we have two options:
1. Neymar will be consistent=then of course, everyone will want to keep him
2. Neymar will remain hot and cold player forever

If No2 will happen, then we have to decide if THAT LEVEL (hot and cold) is good enough for our ambitions, since he is supposed to be our future leader)

You didn't answer my question though :pep:

You're repeating the same arguments from your previous comments.

Is he is he not a Barca legend?
If not, has your criterion changed? And why so?


Active member
But, the thing is that he is the most expensive Barca's transfer in a history.

Even if he was the best in some matches, which he surely was, it is still way too little, for his 100M transfer, and for his current 150-190M worth.

So basically he hasn't been that bad,but you just want him to perform even more because of his expectations? Thats entirely different from being crap.

And just so if you haven't noticed, messi and suarez have also had really bad patches of form in the past few years. Suarez gets it easy because his job is to 'score' goals and he does virtually no game creation like messi. He can stay invisible for a whole match staying in the centre and when the opportunity created by his teammates comes,he just has to finish it and there are no blames left on suarez. Not that I am attacking suarez, but neymar and messi share a lot more responsibility than suarez to create something and its difficult for them both. You can't keep delivering every game when so much is needed out of you, not even messi can deliver and messi has been bad too in patches.Messi was crap for 4 consecutive matches after NT, just the last 2 matches messi has been better and neymar hasn't. As proved before,saying that he has been crap since months is pure exxagerration, he has been bad only since the NT and that is acceptable.
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El Guaje

He was a key player in last Season's CL title.
Thanks for that Neymar.

But, the thing is that he is the most expensive Barca's transfer in a history.
While he is much better than Alexis (our former player whom I hate the most in the last 20 years), currently it is questionable whether he is giving as much as he is worth.

For example, Suarez is paying off his 80M transfer.
He is here for 2 seasons, and more or less, we can all see why he is worth 80 Millions.
He is waaaaaaay, waaaaaaay more consistent and shows way bigger passion.

About Ney, I will stand under my post from above:
-- Neymar plays a few Months for 10/10, and then a few Months for 2/10

Other players, weaker than prime Neymar, could imo, deliver the same or more than Neymar, for 50-70 Millions, instead of 150M or 190M (rumoured Neymar's current transfer worth), when you calculate everything and put it down on paper.

I really don't see what we (as a club) are getting from him if he will always play 3 Months in a godlike mode and 3 Months in a horrible mode.
We don't need that kind of a player in our team at all, and especially if someone is willing to pay 150 or 190M for a guy who goes on 3-Months-cold-streaks in each season.

Even if he was the best in some matches, which he surely was, it is still way too little, for his 100M transfer, and for his current 150-190M worth.

But even Alexis was scoring lots of important goals and he was MOTM sometimes.
So what?

Bottom line:
1. if Neymar can improve his consistency and if he can play at 10/10 for a majority of each season
-- and if his poor days will be very rare
= keep him, give him bigger wages
2. if Neymar can't play consistently in the future
= sell him and invest the money in a weaker but consistent and motivated winger

You guys who defend him are constantly saying the same thing, like:
1. omg, he was so good last season
= yes, he was
2. he is the 3rd best player in the world when on form
= yes, true

Nobody is denying that.
When on form, he is good enough for us, and good enough to get higher wages.

Some of you look only at his good sides, while a player (or any human) is a sum of all good and bad things about him.
So, Neymar isn't only a guy who played awesome in the last season.
Also, Neymar isn't only a guy who plays like crap lately.
Neymar is something in between.
He is both a world class guy and a guy who plays like shit for Months.

So, I would ask you a theoretical question:
1. imagine if Neymar will from on (due to his personality, or family history from where he comes from, or because money ruined him, or because Brasilians love to party, irrelevant) will ALWAYS play:
-- 2 Months in a godlike mode
-- then 2 Months like a crap
-- then 2 Months in a godlike mode
-- then 2 Months like a crap

If that is his future, would you keep him or would you like to look for different options for those 150 Millions rumoured?

(and please, don't reply like: we don't know whether he will play hot and cold in the future.
Lol, of course that we can't.
This is why we have brains and we can analyze patterns in someone's behavior and then look for some options, according to someone's patterns and history.

So, we have two options:
1. Neymar will be consistent=then of course, everyone will want to keep him
2. Neymar will remain hot and cold player forever

If No2 will happen, then we have to decide if THAT LEVEL (hot and cold) is good enough for our ambitions, since he is supposed to be our future leader)

He was a key player and maybe even the most important player in the KO-stages last year. He scored important goals in each and every leg except vs City.

He has proven his worth over and over. A patch of bad form aint ever gonna change that. He has scored and created tons if important goals. He brought the treble together (he even carried the team in the beginning of the season when everyone was playing sh!t) with his teammates. He is on 29 goals this season (which other players have managed to do that except Messi and Suarez?) and he was unquestionably the best player on the planet when Messi was injured. He took the biggest responsibility to lead the team and he did it excellently. And you compared him to Hazard

He was a huge part of the treble and he will be a huge part of the liga title if Barca manage to win it. He is on 83 goals already in total since he came and he has been amazing playingwise with all creating, dribbling and tracking back unlike another certain player. He is paying off his transfer sum too. Also, he coulve fetched a much bigger transfer sum and landed a higher salary if he wanted to. He had tons of clubs after him but yet he chose to come to Barcelona. Even now he has tons of clubs after him but yet he wants to stay in the 1st place so you cant question his commitment.

You cant just ask yourself if he will play 10/10 under one period and just 2/10 the following period. It isnt that black and white as you put it. You cant predict what will happen. He might have a full season of top notch performances. He might also have a season full of sh!t. You dont know that and you cant just predict and throw around random grades. Yes, he was underperforming during these last important games, but so was everyone else.

IF Barcelona would be stupid enough to sell Neymar, who would you replace him with? Who is this player that will manage to score 30+ goals a season? Who is this player that will score vs all big teams in CL KO-stage? What if this player also underperforms? You dont know if these players, that in your opinion, COULD deliver the same (or even better LOL) performances Neymar is delivering. 1st off, there is nobody that will be able to do it simply because there is no one as good as him. Secondly this new player might not be able to adapt as good as Neymar has done. What if he becomes another Alexis?

What the club is getting from Neymar is having the best player of his generation. A player that most probably will be on top once Messi and CR7 start slowing down. They will have a player to build a team around for years to come. They will have a reliable player to place huge responsibility on (he has already shown he can take it). Once again, you cant just say he will always have 3 months of bad form. And FYI bad form happens to everyone. What he has managed to accomplish so far is not way to little at all, even considering his price tag. Remember that there were clubs willing to pay much more so Barca actually payed less than is actual value was back then.

1. Who other than Messi has been delivering months and months of 10/10 performances consistently during the years? No one.
2. Who is this winger that will bring better and more consistent performances? How would you even know that he would be consistent and even deliver similar or better performances than Neymar? How?

Your theoretical question is nothing but BS as you cant predict what will happen and if he will ALWAYS have 2 months of different levels in performance. Things arent black and white. And you dont even know how good his replacement would be but what we do know is that there is no better winger than him out there, especially in his young age.

He might become more consistent but he might also remain hot and cold. But thing is, that goes for ALL players out there. And it isnt as simple as he will have 2 months of this, 2 months of that and then 2 months of something else. He might have seasons in which he will play good for the most part. In the next one he might perform good during 70% of the season. Next one he might have a very good start, then he dips and then he might become very good again. There are lots of possibilities.

Neymar must be kept at all costs unless he makes a Ronaldinho that is.
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Best midfielder around

No comments on Neymar partying in London last night? I'm disappointed...


Active member
He was a key player and maybe even the most important player in the KO-stages last year. He scored important goals in each and every leg except vs City.

He has proven his worth over and over. A patch of bad form aint ever gonna change that. He has scored and created tons if important goals. He brought the treble together (he even carried the team in the beginning of the season when everyone was playing sh!t) with his teammates. He is on 29 goals this season (which other players have managed to do that except Messi and Suarez?) and he was unquestionably the best player on the planet when Messi was injured. He took the biggest responsibility to lead the team and he did it excellently. And you compared him to Hazard

He was a huge part of the treble and he will be a huge part of the liga title if Barca manage to win it. He is on 83 goals already in total since he came and he has been amazing playingwise with all creating, dribbling and tracking back unlike another certain player. He is paying off his transfer sum too. Also, he coulve fetched a much bigger transfer sum and landed a higher salary if he wanted to. He had tons of clubs after him but yet he chose to come to Barcelona. Even now he has tons of clubs after him but yet he wants to stay in the 1st place so you cant question his commitment.

You cant just ask yourself if he will play 10/10 under one period and just 2/10 the following period. It isnt that black and white as you put it. You cant predict what will happen. He might have a full season of top notch performances. He might also have a season full of sh!t. You dont know that and you cant just predict and throw around random grades. Yes, he was underperforming during these last important games, but so was everyone else.

IF Barcelona would be stupid enough to sell Neymar, who would you replace him with? Who is this player that will manage to score 30+ goals a season? Who is this player that will score vs all big teams in CL KO-stage? What if this player also underperforms? You dont know if these players, that in your opinion, COULD deliver the same (or even better LOL) performances Neymar is delivering. 1st off, there is nobody that will be able to do it simply because there is no one as good as him. Secondly this new player might not be able to adapt as good as Neymar has done. What if he becomes another Alexis?

What the club is getting from Neymar is having the best player of his generation. A player that most probably will be on top once Messi and CR7 start slowing down. They will have a player to build a team around for years to come. They will have a reliable player to place huge responsibility on (he has already shown he can take it). Once again, you cant just say he will always have 3 months of bad form. And FYI bad form happens to everyone. What he has managed to accomplish so far is not way to little at all, even considering his price tag. Remember that there were clubs willing to pay much more so Barca actually payed less than is actual value was back then.

1. Who other than Messi has been delivering months and months of 10/10 performances consistently during the years? No one.
2. Who is this winger that will bring better and more consistent performances? How would you even know that he would be consistent and even deliver similar or better performances than Neymar? How?

Your theoretical question is nothing but BS as you cant predict what will happen and if he will ALWAYS have 2 months of different levels in performance. Things arent black and white. And you dont even know how good his replacement would be but what we do know is that there is no better winger than him out there, especially in his young age.

He might become more consistent but he might also remain hot and cold. But thing is, that goes for ALL players out there. And it isnt as simple as he will have 2 months of this, 2 months of that and then 2 months of something else. He might have seasons in which he will play good for the most part. In the next one he might perform good during 70% of the season. Next one he might have a very good start, then he dips and then he might become very good again. There are lots of possibilities.

Neymar must be kept at all costs unless he makes a Ronaldinho that is.

Finally some sense. At this point neymar is being showed as nothing but a scapegoat by those who are short-sighted and pretty delusional people who don't know or don't understand that bad patches come in for every player.
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