11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Nicosur de la Braila

We kinda know, if you come trolling that Neymar should win it instead of Messi, you'll rightly get banned :lol:

I say that because I just saw your sig and remembered who you are.

oh well


New member
About BDOR, I hope Neymar win someday, when Messi retire.

Until there, I want Messi to win ALL OF IT.

But being conservative, I want him with at least 6 BDOR. Double of previous legends.


Previously known as Mehssi
Who is he in fact?

Don't remember the exact words but posted something like "he's a good player but he'll never be better than ronaldinho" in the Messi thread, than posted in the neymar thread that he's the best player of our team and should get the next BO or something like that, trolling 101.

This forum doubles as a Messi fan forum, you don't want to rattle his supporters. Though in Messi fans defense, this forum has started to attract Neymar fans too :lol:

Right, because obviously Neymar has brought us the same joy, trophies and football world supremacy and respect as Messi, so we should immediately switch to hailing neymar for his skills and fancy hair... give me a break, anything that suggest that neymar is even remotely close to being as good for us as Messi is trolling, and I love Neymar, but let's keep it real for a sec :)
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New member
I also love Neymar and you are right.

He is nowhere close to Messi's level and I think he won't ever be.

Messi is one of a kind. Greatest player of all time (no Pelé or Maradona bullshit, please).


New member
I never want to hear "Pedro is better than Neymar" and "Pedro should start over Neymar" again.

Before I start I want to make one thing clear, I love Pedro and this really hasn't got anything to do with him, but some of our fellow members on Barcaforum who says, that he is better than Neymar.

What I am about to show you surprised me very much and I think you will agree.


Did you know that Pedro in 8 seasons with the 1st team only has scored 78 goals in La Liga and Copa del Rey combined? No, neither did I. Earlier today I decided to play with these numbers, I wanted to see how good -or bad Pedro has been against La Liga's top 10 teams throughout these 8 seasons, the end result shocked me.

Pedro has only managed to scored 23 goals in 8 seasons against top 10 teams, but has scored nothing less than 55 against 11-20 teams AND teams not even in La Liga like: Ceuta & Huesca.

This was very shocking for me to say the least. No matter how you try to spin it, it looks bad.

Now that we know this, let us compare they two.


There really isn't any discussion to be had.

I am curious to what you guys think?


New member
Well, Neymar has 52 goals total in two seasons. You should probably stipulate that instead of 38 goals? (he has 37 this year)



1. Seasons are irrelevant. Players get injured/don't play for long periods of time.
2. Why did you not post the number of games pedro has played against top 10 teams and against 11-20 teams? He could play 20 games against 11-20 teams, score in every single one, but using your analysis would still look like a poor player for not scoring in 1-10 teams, even if he never played them.

Not that I disagree with you, Neymar is clearly the better player, anyone who suggests otherwise needs a reality check. I'm just saying that your statistics don't really show much.


New member
1. Seasons are irrelevant. Players get injured/don't play for long periods of time.
2. Why did you not post the number of games pedro has played against top 10 teams and against 11-20 teams? He could play 20 games against 11-20 teams, score in every single one, but using your analysis would still look like a poor player for not scoring in 1-10 teams, even if he never played them.

Not that I disagree with you, Neymar is clearly the better player, anyone who suggests otherwise needs a reality check. I'm just saying that your statistics don't really show much.

Seasons was just a .. stat, I am well aware of its insignificance, which is why I also added games. There really is no reason to write how many games agains top 10 etc.

This chart says it all.


Senior Member
There really isn't any discussion to be had.

Of course there is.

I personally don't get this fascination/obsession with numbers. I really couldn't give a crap who scores how many goals. What's important to me as a spectator is 1) the quality of the goals [entertainment], and 2) that Barça scores more than the opponent.

Obviously, Messi (especially, but others, too) have scored wonderfully entertaining goals of brilliant individual quality. But, above all, the goals that are most pleasing to me (and the reason I started watching Barça) are the team goals- brilliant passing sequences that penetrate seemingly impenetrable defensive blockades.

Pedro, by training, is a conservative team player. He is happy to take a shot when he sees an opening, but if he has a teammate available and it looks like he's running into a wall, he instinctively circulates the ball, because he knows, sooner or later, he or one of his teammates will find that opening, no worries. And when it comes to the kind of team goals I mentioned above, just like his assist to Messi last week, Pedro has often been involved (brilliantly) in the one-two wall passing build-up to the final strike. One of my favorite Messi goals had Pedro making two wall passes near the top of the box, the last one angled and weighted perfectly through for Messi to run onto that he finished by chipping the keeper.

It is exactly these kind of goals that I enjoy most where Neymar has yet to show any natural aptitude. He doesn't have Pedro's touch, vision, or timing in the box, which is understandable- he comes from a completely different football culture. So while he has racked up some numbers with good finishing, he is seldom successfully involved in the kind of creative buildup that was the signature of Pep's Barça. No matter what Pedro's goal tally is, he's still the far superior provider for his teammates around the box. Which is why I like him, and why I'm not "shocked."
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