11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Flair Trait

Ney making all kindz of gains, all kindz


2:12 is a good example of what I hope we've seen the end of- a needless bit of Neymar 1.0 flashy-dashy turning a 3v2 advantage on the left into a 1v2 disadvantage, then a nonproductive run central near the half line towards congestion, ignoring the open space he's left behind him on the left. Neymar 2.0 (based on his performances vs Madrid and Roma) would take advantage of the options his teammates offer, who he here relegates to the role of neutered spectators.

The way I judge a player's individual skill at Barça is 1) what are his teammates doing to support, and 2) how well the move takes advantage of that support and leads to a productive move. There are plenty of examples here of Neymar 1.0: fancy footwork that draws the eye, but lack of awareness of his teammates positioning to convert advantages into production. Watch the video once to enjoy his skills, then watch again to see what his teammates are doing, and how often their efforts are left hung out to dry. That is the Neymar I've found difficult to watch, the one that wastefully misses opportunity after opportunity to make a move productive; I hope we will continue to see more of what we've finally seen the last few games, which is a very different player.

Now, explain why Pedro should be bought back to replace Neymar.


New member
For those wondering, David Brazil is a gay "celebrity" from a popular radio in Rio.

He is know for his extensive friendship with lots and lots of way more famous people.

This is basically his job.
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