Just wait and see. If Barca's 100-150m investment does not end up getting enough minutes to prove himself a failure or a success in 2018-2019, then people will know who to shit on.
Jesus, How many in here actually bothered to read valverde statements carefully before raising their pitchforks.
I actually bothered myself to dig up the full quote from MD, And it translates as this:
"I don't know if Dembele can leave. I'm the coach and I want him to stay. The coach is counting on him and doesn't think about players coming out”
Valverde stance on dembele is very clear, So I have to be excused for not understanding the rationale behind all the berating he’s getting.
As for the vagueness in the “I don’t know If dembele can leave” statement, It’s something We should expect him to say after what happened with Paulinho, A player he clearly counted on his first season, Only to find out that the club and the player agreed on a transfer deal, With the club pretty much ignoring valverde opinion on this, It’s the reason we heard that valverde was pissed off at what happened with Paulinho.
So in valverde eyes, The club and a player already screwed him a month ago, Who blames him, For not trusting that they’ll go behind his back again, especially seeing the front covers of MD and SPORT, All he can do is as the coach he reaffirm his trust in dembele.
IMHO Valverde’s biggest problem is his lack of personality and communication skills. Either he doesn’t say anything or he does it in a wrong way. He should try to imrove his skills, it would help him and our club a lot. You really need to know how to communicate with young players, with them it’s not just about footballing skills but also about improving their self confidence and footbaling IQ. You can’t talk in the same way with 30y old Vidal and 18y old Miranda, you must be able to approach them differently and try to develop them. As a manager you also have to be able to protect them from press, supporters and sometimes even from their immature behavior.
His statement is wrong in every possible way. He basically said “I would like for him to stay but if he leaves life goes on” while he should have said: “He isn't going anywhere, he is a fantastic talent and I expect a lot from him this year”. No one can tell me that statement like this one wouldn’t raise his confidence.
Some of you were comparing his way of coaching with the one from Mourinho. Sorry guys but they aren’t even simmilar, Mou has a big fucking personality while Valverde has none.
Everyone in the photo appear focused, And serious, Yet he’s the only one in here wearing headphones and listening to music, And doesn’t seem to take today’s match seriously.
It seems he doesn’t give a sh** anymore and his mind isn’t with our club, These “Lack of discipline” rumors starting to seem true.