14 - Javier Mascherano


Senior Member
Did what was asked. No complaints. His sliding tackles are quite effective i must add. (when they're not badly timed)

better than toure at CB IMO


Mascherano, despite his performances in central defense has not been properly tested unlike the Ivorian who managed to subdue the threats of Llorente, Drogba, Ronaldo etc and all that in his first stint as a CB for us. I know people here have short memories but lets not hate on former players for they chose to leave us for whatever reasons, esp, one who was crucial to our treble and year before that.. A versatile, and an explosive footballer, whose been winning stuff for his new team in both defensive and attacking sense. He would've added quality in depth and given us varying options. As a pure DM, Masch is better but as an overall footballer, Toure is superior. I know which one i prefer.


Did what was asked. No complaints. His sliding tackles are quite effective i must add. (when they're not badly timed)


Mascherano, despite his performances in central defense has not been properly tested unlike the Ivorian who managed to subdue the threats of Llorente, Drogba, Ronaldo etc and all that in his first stint as a CB for us. I know people here have short memories but lets not hate on former players for they chose to leave us for whatever reasons, esp, one who was crucial to our treble and year before that.. A versatile, and an explosive footballer, whose been winning stuff for his new team in both defensive and attacking sense. He would've added quality in depth and given us varying options. As a pure DM, Masch is better but as an overall footballer, Toure is superior. I know which one i prefer.

thank you.
this is also the reason why businho got his place. imo yaya is overall better then businho but businho is much better suited for our game


Bomb Dropper
I'd say Badger's passed the CB test as well as Yaya did. he's faced down everything Mourinho's Madrid threw at him and got lucky once w/ a ref decision (as Yaya did when he fouled Drogba at the Bridge) and handled United better than Yaya managed to. although you'd haveta think he'd get merked by Llorente should they ever face down, but that's purely down to physical stature.

Yaya is a superior all-around player, but let's not rip our new DM/CB just because he's not as sharp in attack.


Senior Member
I'd say Badger's passed the CB test as well as Yaya did. he's faced down everything Mourinho's Madrid threw at him and got lucky once w/ a ref decision (as Yaya did when he fouled Drogba at the Bridge) and handled United better than Yaya managed to. although you'd haveta think he'd get merked by Llorente should they ever face down, but that's purely down to physical stature.

Debatable. There was slight contact with the ball. Calling it a foul would be conceding that was a penalty. And i never remember you ever calling that one a peno in the past. Changing your stance to suit your argument. The man kept Drogba quiet for the most part for only his sec start at CB, thats impressive. He also had greater united threat to deal with, that season.

You've been dissing the Ivorian for sometime now. You even blamed Yaya for our CL exit last year. I mean.... :lol: Him joining your beloved team's city rivals and owning them in the Cup must 've not helped at all.. :p

Your "Badger" is not as competent a CB as Yaya. But he did well for us when asked. Good on him.


Bomb Dropper
Debatable. There was slight contact with the ball. Calling it a foul would be conceding that was a penalty. And i never remember you ever calling that one a peno in the past. Changing your stance to suit your argument. The man kept Drogba quiet for the most part for only his sec start at CB, thats impressive. He also had greater united threat to deal with, that season.

kept Drogba quiet for the most part? like I said; it was a 50/50 battle between the two. which is still damn impressive (and something Badger likely wouldn't be able to do) but let's not pretend he marshaled him like Marquez did in 2006, yeah? coz that'd just be silly.

and tbh I misremembered the event. I always thought the incident where Drogba dove after being "tackled" from behind was the penalty incident everyone referred to. had totally forgotten the Yaya incident. I never rewatched that SF, save for the clips of Iniesta's goal, which is why I forgot. but I watched a youtube vid a few weeks ago of decisions for and against us and saw it. and there's a legitimate case for a penalty there. I remember saying at the time that Drogba had a case and were he not such an incessant diver he'd probably have gotten it. not a blatant penalty, no, but I'd say it's safe to say Yaya fouled him.

You've been dissing the Ivorian for sometime now. You even blamed Yaya for our CL exit last year. I mean.... :lol: Him joining your beloved team's city rivals and owning them in the Cup must 've not helped at all.. :p

I blamed him? don't recall that.

but I have dissed him, and it's because he's a merc who chased the money. has fuck all to do with anything else. he engineered his own exit from the club for financial gain. so he can fuck off.

and my beloved team just won the CL, darling. :)

Your "Badger" is not as competent a CB as Yaya. But he did well for us when asked. Good on him.

he's not my Badger, he's our Badger.

he belongs to all Culés who accept and appreciate the Barcelona players, who appreciate them ahead of former players, or players who ply their trade for other clubs.

join us, won't you?



Senior Member
kept Drogba quiet for the most part? like I said; it was a 50/50 battle between the two. which is still damn impressive (and something Badger likely wouldn't be able to do) but let's not pretend he marshaled him like Marquez did in 2006, yeah? coz that'd just be silly.

and tbh I misremembered the event. I always thought the incident where Drogba dove after being "tackled" from behind was the penalty incident everyone referred to. had totally forgotten the Yaya incident. I never rewatched that SF, save for the clips of Iniesta's goal, which is why I forgot. but I watched a youtube vid a few weeks ago of decisions for and against us and saw it. and there's a legitimate case for a penalty there. I remember saying at the time that Drogba had a case and were he not such an incessant diver he'd probably have gotten it. not a blatant penalty, no, but I'd say it's safe to say Yaya fouled him.

Don't remember Drogba going past him or having many shots on target. Hence kept quite, in my book.
The Yaya incident wasn't even up for discussion. If you don't consider it a blatant penalty , you can't say he got lucky with the referee.

I blamed him? don't recall that.

Don't 've the time to dig up the post. But you did.

but I have dissed him, and it's because he's a merc who chased the money. has fuck all to do with anything else. he engineered his own exit from the club for financial gain. so he can fuck off.

He was on City's book a year before he eventually joined them. If it was about money, he should've joined them right after the treble, don'tya think?! No point waiting a year and spending most of it on the bench. He was chasing regular game time and when it got clear he wasn't gonna get it here, he decided to leave. You can call him a money-chaser for that if you like.

he's not my Badger, he's our Badger.

You nicknamed him. Thus your Badger. For me, he's Mascherano, a useful squadie.

he belongs to all Culés who accept and appreciate the Barcelona players, who appreciate them ahead of former players, or players who ply their trade for other clubs.

join us, won't you?


I'll give him credit where its due. Just i do with every Barca player. But he'll never reach the amount of devotion i've for the Xavi's and Puyol's of this club. I'm not in the habit of underrating or overrating performances either, barca players or not.
And if by "joining us" u mean those who divide loyalties and keep 2 teams close to heart, i'm not for it. I'm all blaugrana, baby!.



Bomb Dropper
Don't remember Drogba going past him or having many shots on target. Hence kept quite, in my book.
The Yaya incident wasn't even up for discussion. If you don't consider it a blatant penalty , you can't say he got lucky with the referee.

Drogba had an absolute sitter that he should have scored (Valdés owned him). as well as being clear once before diving when someone tapped him from behind. and then the 50/50 with Yaya. and that's just off the top of my head.

He was on City's book a year before he eventually joined them. If it was about money, he should've joined them right after the treble, don'tya think?! No point waiting a year and spending most of it on the bench. He was chasing regular game time and when it got clear he wasn't gonna get it here, he decided to leave. You can call him a money-chaser for that if you like.

he was on City's book? no, he was a Barcelona player for all of 09/10 I'm pretty sure.

but then his agent did spend the whole season creating problems, and Yaya spent most of it playing like a lazy mercenary, so maybe you're right that he had already checked out after the treble.

You nicknamed him. Thus your Badger. For me, he's Mascherano, a useful squadie.


I'll give him credit where its due. Just i do with every Barca player. But he'll never reach the amount of devotion i've for the Xavi's and Puyol's of this club. I'm not in the habit of underrating or overrating performances either, barca players or not.

you don't give credit where it's due if it's a player you don't like.

And if by "joining us" u mean those who divide loyalties and keep 2 teams close to heart, i'm not for it. I'm all blaugrana, baby! :)


I could support five teams with more passion and loyalty than you support one.



I liked Yaya a lot but I think Mascherano can play CB better than him, Yaya was great but his problem was that he was quite slow, Mascherano on the other hand is fast and a Barca CB needs to have pace.

Barcafan 2304

New member
Was worried but he did a job. Obviously, not as technically good as many of the squad but he has done the 'ugly' stuff well and has proven reliable


New member
Why comparing Yaya with Mascherano , they both are different players ... IMO Yaya is miles ahead of Masc , more versatile and more clean .

Until Masc is doing the job given , i is not complaining.

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