Yeah, i do understand everything.. That is why i was saying Cech is muc more needed than SIlva when those roumors were alive...
But i still think a destroyer is more important than Cech. I dont rate biscuits at all, but he can cover for both CM and DM, has some creativity.. And back up for Xavi and Iniesta can be someone from your youth or another player to buy, cech is too damn expensive for a rotation player
Cech? Is tht the Italian spelling?!

Just because
you dont rate him dont mean he isn't good enough for us. We 've done perfectly fine with him as DM the past two seasons. And he isn't doing too bad on the world stage either.

Our youth players arn't ready just yet to act as Xaviesta's backup on a consistent basis. They've been getting mins in the copa and they need to be slowly integrated in to the first team. This 'll take time. We certainly can't rely them in the very big matches if either one of xavi or iniesta are unavailable for whtever reasons esp; the former. :icon_neutral:
IMO I think the points you mention make a more compelling case for signing Cesc over Mascherano. But I think it also makes an even more compelling one for Ozil. Cesc is more in Xavi's mold while Ozil is more in Iniesta's & since the concern is mainly Iniesta ATM then getting Ozil may be the better option. It is true that Ozil wouldn't be a very adequate replacement for Xavi as Cesc wld be. But we only have this season to sign while Cesc can wait for another year & given our financial situation I think it wld make more sense to go for him.
Cesc can play both CM/AM. He excelled in his more advanced role last season. He can easily fill in for both Xavi and Iniesta. So with him we could solve all our concerns in the creative dept. And while he could completely take over Xavi's mantle in a few years, Thiago will be rotating with Iniesta for the AM spot. And then there is Rafa alcantara who 'll be ready to make the step up. Our La Masia is stacked with great midfield talent. So Ozil, as much as i like him even if he comes 'll 've to make way for our cantera kids in a year or two. In tht regard his signing wont be the best option for the kid nor for us. Besides, bringing a young foreign talent is always a risky affair. And considering our recent track record with them, its best to rely on the cantera. Also factor in culés impatience and demand for instant performances means if he doesnt live up to their expectations at the earliest, he'll be quickly labelled as a 'flop', 'overrated' etc. Sad but true and thts how it works with the majority of our fans. I've also noticed the Camp Nou crowd isn't very forgiving towards foreign talent.
In short, its best to go for proven, homegrown talent over a younger foreign prodigy who doesn't give as many creative options in the middle and 'll take longer time integrating. A bigger risk.