14 - Javier Mascherano


The Culest
A wise man once said insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different outcome. With Masch fucking up 974374734545577 times at CB and Alves crossing 7374574578988 times to the opposition defenders there is way too much insanity around Barca since a long time. For gods sake restore some sanity and play players in their actual positions and stop crossing to midgets. Apart from Masch playing because he's a "big name" and not being able to displace Busi i cant think of any reason why he keeps playing there

Fss even busi needs rest and Bartra & Pique need playing time.


Senior Member
It is not his fault the coach insists on playing him out of his natural position. This is begining to freak me out. I thought Lucho won't do the same stupid mistake with him but so far I was wrong...


Senior Member
It`s obvious Lucho doesn`t trust Pique and Bartra. Maybe he`s waiting for Vermaelen to get match fit, so he could play Vermaelen - Mathieu at CB. Although I would like to see Mathieu at LB sometimes, because Alba is pure shit at the moment.


He actually played a decent game. He defended with everything he got, saved our asses many times. But no matter what he does he can't win aerial duels against tall players. He is too short for a CB. At least 2 more inches would have helped.


Staff member
Ironic that an Argentinian shows up and gives his heart out in every game (playing out of his position mind you) while some Catalans just walk around.


New member
Ironic that an Argentinian shows up and gives his heart out in every game (playing out of his position mind you) while some Catalans just walk around.

Argentinians are known for their mentality ; Simeone, Bielsa, Mascherano... they always give their all when they play/coach.


Danger Ahead
I agree, but it's not his fault. The coach insists in playing him there. He can be good as CB in some games, but against a team full of tall good headers, it was bound to be the same old stuff. Masch as DM, Pique as CB, and maybe the result would be different.

Even if you take out Mascherano, you have Alba, Alves, Iniesta, Messi, Neymar, Pedro who are short and can't defend against set pecies and it was actually tall Rakitic who couldn't clear the ball for second goal, Mascherano wasn't the biggest problem yesterday.


New member
Its moronic that he plays at cb, Its obviously not hes fault....Hes not and never will be a cb.
Play him at cdm or he hast to be on the bench.
Its moronic that he plays at cb, Its obviously not hes fault....Hes not and never will be a cb.
Play him at cdm or he hast to be on the bench.

he wasnt even bad, his drawback is his length. But there where no midfield to help out, Busi was vaccant and Raki just bad. add to that a Matheiu who pass directly to the opposition, its only so much he can do.
And his passing skills in this forum is definatley underated.


The Culest
Ah yes the "He wasnt bad the others were. He fits the holy barca profile" excuses never get old. Maybe after 7343843847 mistakes they might but not now when we can enjoy his "passing skills" and his bullrushing and ball watching.

Barca profile>>Life
Ah yes the "He wasnt bad the others were. He fits the holy barca profile" excuses never get old. Maybe after 7343843847 mistakes they might but not now when we can enjoy his "passing skills" and his bullrushing and ball watching.

Barca profile>>Life

You sure you you aint talking about Busquets there....

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