14 - Javier Mascherano


New member
I'm so happy Masche is only 30 soon to be 31 tho. Has gotten better with age and still got at least 2-4 years left of top level football.

Edit: Because for some strange reason, I have this feeling that he is 34 :neymar:
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New member
I wonder, what's the verdict nowadays from the NOT A DAMN DEFENDER-brigade? (oh yeah, you know who you are, even though you're probably too ashamed to admit it) Are we allowed to call this stud a defender now, or are we still going to get ridiculed? Because, you know, he started as a DM so he TOTALLY can't chance ever.

Anyhow, I just wanted to heap more praise on this beast of a man. May he keep on keeping on and eventually retire here as the legend he has already made of himself.


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[tw]<blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">AlegríaInmensa. Campeonesde Europa!!!!! <a href="http://t.co/RFwD3TR4qo">pic.twitter.com/RFwD3TR4qo</a></p>— Javier Mascherano(@Mascherano) <a href="https://twitter.com/Mascherano/status/607316605312364544">June 6, 2015</a></blockquote> <scriptasyncsrc="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/tw]


New member
I wonder, what's the verdict nowadays from the NOT A DAMN DEFENDER-brigade? (oh yeah, you know who you are, even though you're probably too ashamed to admit it) Are we allowed to call this stud a defender now, or are we still going to get ridiculed? Because, you know, he started as a DM so he TOTALLY can't chance ever.

Anyhow, I just wanted to heap more praise on this beast of a man. May he keep on keeping on and eventually retire here as the legend he has already made of himself.

Is any of our defenders actually defenders? Alba was converted to LB the season before we bought him, Pique played DM alot in his youth and at Zaragoza, Alves was a right winger back in the day. Not even Puyol was a CB. He was a RB who just temporarily played CB for 10 years.


New member
Is any of our defenders actually defenders? Alba was converted to LB the season before we bought him, Pique played DM alot in his youth and at Zaragoza, Alves was a right winger back in the day. Not even Puyol was a CB. He was a RB who just temporarily played CB for 10 years.
Good point. Hopefully El Jefecito will extend his 5 temporary seasons as a defender by a good 3-4 more.


New member
I didn't think he was that good overall. Some of his interceptions were top notch but I felt Pique had to work overtime to win aerial duels even those that were supposed to be won by others.

I was also worried how easily he was outpaced by Morata. Overall he was a mixed bag in truth. Pique was world class.


New member
I agree not too many memorable moments from him other than that interception in the box.

i do remember shitting my self the first 5 minutes because of his slips and bad passes.


New member
i do remember shitting my self the first 5 minutes because of his slips and bad passes.

Same here - During the first few minutes I was watching through my fingers whenever he was close to the ball. But as the game progressed he was getting better and better. Maybe some nerves got to him.

Anyway :hooray:

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