19 - Lamine Yamal


Senior Member
Nah you claimed Lamal 'looks shite' Jammy.

Its 'word' not 'world' and yes.. yes you did used the word 'shite'

Stop lying again.

You called it wrong.

Wrong battle to start when keep getting scudded. Give yourself a wee break.

Apology accepted.

'Making fun' of yourself here as per usual.

I demand you lie further and go for some 'Tucker' spin on 'what I really meant'.

I think you should opt for 'I was being sarcastic' or 'comment meant for another player'. Go on give it a 'Tucker Spin'.
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Senior Member
Pro with the new forum is the search function actually working as intended.

Yea I never denied i said that lol.

I was just fucking with Mr doom & gloom.

"Shite" is the key word their and being here 10 years from now.

Dr doom & gloom was convinced by a Twitter post he'd be out the door.

Everyone and their mother could see the kid was special


Senior Member
Haha what an awful comeback.

So calling Lamine 'shite' was to make a point about me saying wouldnt be suprised if he left as would be battle to keep him as a top player and money be thrown.

Do better...that makes no sense in slightest.

'Shite' is indeed the key word used.

Own it chief.... or dont.. suits you better to lie way out of it.


Senior Member
Manage him and his minutes wisely (lol Xavi) and this kid will be a star. Some players just have that something special, not Messi special but Yamal has it.

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