19 - Lamine Yamal


Senior Member
I wonder how a talent like David Villa would be scouted in today's football. At 20-22 years old he was still playing in the second division for Gijon, but banging them in with 20 goals a season.

Meanwhile Ansu debut at Barcelona at 16 and younger than Villa in Spains second division, is now moving to the Premiership.

And the difference in these two players is just two decades.

Villa in modern football, by the age of 20 is probably already signed by Chelsea and loaned to Strasbourg, or signed by City and loaned to Girona.


Senior Member
That's true, but they maybe start at City still at 23-24 or maybe later. Foden is still not a clear starter for City and he's their biggest youth success.

Look at the recent CL champions and the youngest clear starter in these teams is at least a young adult, 23-24 years of age. There's a reason for that, and it's simply because the mind and the body is not properly developed at college years, not even 19-20, let alone 16-17.


Senior Member
I bet something like this was said about any serious talent at some point. This is the one, fuck the rest, this one is it. Fast forward a few seasons, and this "it" became part of the rule, not the exception.

In general, you base your bussiness plan on predictable outcomes, not based on a distant hope this time it is gonna be the one "special" case. A mentality like this gets you one big win, maybe..., followed by 50 losses.

The club is still plagued by hope, but what is worse, it is hope tomorrow, not hope next year. Hope is great if it is logically contained. You hope for the best and plan for the worst is an exceptionally sound bussiness tactic. Barto hoped for the bestest and planned for jack shit.

I see us as a desperate club aiming high prematurely and potentially fucking up success sometime in the medium, but not immediate future. Somebody in the club must be prepared to think at least medium-term and act on that.
Bla bla bla. I have not seen a talent like him in ages, certainly not in Barcelona. There are always the nutcases who hype up any youngster like Deleufeu, Munir and co (especially on reddit).

Lamine is really painfully obvious. Had zero doubts about him after the u17 Euro.


Senior Member
Apsolute starter.

MIles better player then Rapinha.

In two games he created more dribbles and chances that Rapinha has in year, if we don't count crossing.


Senior Member
Bla bla bla. I have not seen a talent like him in ages, certainly not in Barcelona. There are always the nutcases who hype up any youngster like Deleufeu, Munir and co (especially on reddit).

Lamine is really painfully obvious. Had zero doubts about him after the u17 Euro.
Have you started to understand his viewpoints by now?
The only person related to the club who he backs is Xavi. Everything else is an attempt to downplay our squad, our institution, our fans and make out that this is a terrible club and Xavi is doing miracles.


Senior Member
Bla bla bla. I have not seen a talent like him in ages, certainly not in Barcelona. There are always the nutcases who hype up any youngster like Deleufeu, Munir and co (especially on reddit).

Lamine is really painfully obvious. Had zero doubts about him after the u17 Euro.

OK, man. No issues for me. Was not an attack on you btw, but more a background comment on how we approach our young talents, which is wrong for me.

I hope you didn't take my comment the wrong way. I'm just positioning myself differently now. After Bartomeu's wrecking job, my expectations from this club and this team have changed on the short term, I'd say for obvious reasons.

I do think we have a potentially great generation some years from now, but it all depends on how we plan the next steps.


Senior Member
Have you started to understand his viewpoints by now?
The only person related to the club who he backs is Xavi. Everything else is an attempt to downplay our squad, our institution, our fans and make out that this is a terrible club and Xavi is doing miracles.

I don't downplay anything. I'm more than willing to accept a few years of not so great results, and believe it's a normal part of a team's life. If some of you can't accept that, are too frail, and need instant gratifications... not my problem.

I'm not joining in the usual Xavi bashing, because the team has already won a big title in his first season. I'd have to be completely dumb not to support the manager at this point.


Senior Member
Xavi is a good, not great manager at this point. If you can bring me Pep, I'd replace Xavi in a second. But you simply can't, because no elite manager would touch current Barcelona.


Senior Member
Have you started to understand his viewpoints by now?
The only person related to the club who he backs is Xavi. Everything else is an attempt to downplay our squad, our institution, our fans and make out that this is a terrible club and Xavi is doing miracles.
Serghei made a good point here though. Similiar to Bbz's point when he explained why youth talents can find spot in current Barca.


Senior Member
Good like Xavi? Sure. Elite, a cut above? No. Don't see any names to fill me with hope.
Pep is probably the only elite coach that will say no. Other coaches, Klopp for example (if he leaves Liverpool), would like to coach Barca. Of course club must back him like current Xavi.


Senior Member
I don't downplay anything. I'm more than willing to accept a few years of not so great results, and believe it's a normal part of a team's life. If some of you can't accept that, are too frail, and need instant gratifications... not my problem.

I'm not joining in the usual Xavi bashing, because the team has already won a big title in his first season. I'd have to be completely dumb not to support the manager at this point.
You definitely do downplay things plenty and use dumb platitudes like 'hundreds of millions' to claim we have nothing in the squad even when shown that other teams spending aren't necessarily better.

LaLiga is winnable and a great result so great results are achievable like last season which you make out was a fluke and Madrid were just not focused etc.

We need more additions to be a favourite for CL but we can still compete in it.


Senior Member
Those things are not true, and false representations of my comments. It's not a fluke, and repeatedly said that being more focused and more hungry to win than the competition is huge credit fo the team.

Your problem is that you attribute that last La Liga title mainly to a great squad, and use it to blame the manager for the CL debackle from last season, despite context. It's simply bullshit to me. The management of this team that did an excellent job last summer. It's simply the stage of the current team, good enough to fight for La Liga title and even win, but not good enough to fight vs the best teams in Europe. Quite simple and straightforward.

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