20 - Dani Olmo


Only way Pique wins if he runs is if he goes to the Count of Godo and kisses his feet.

With the amount of politics at Barca and the enemies he made with the press he'll need those guys at his side, just like Laporta did when he won.

Pique is not running until the 2030s anyway and by that time who knows how the club looks like.

Pique is probably the only one who could win the elections without deals with Godo and the rest of the establishment. I think even him will be a disappoinment but would prefer to try with him instead of the fat fuck we have now. Just no Barto/Rosell endorsed candidates please.


Senior Member
Only way Pique wins if he runs is if he goes to the Count of Godo and kisses his feet.

With the amount of politics at Barca and the enemies he made with the press he'll need those guys at his side, just like Laporta did when he won.

Pique is not running until the 2030s anyway and by that time who knows how the club looks like.

Winning elections without their approval is doable tbh , Laporta won 2 terms while being their enemies and that was before social media era (so, old media had more control back then)
But you need hell of a team and being voice of change. Pique won't be voice of change and there is a good chance you will have guys like Messi supporting other candidates out of spite.


Not an expert in these Catalan internal affairs but I don't think Laporta is enemy of them. They made a deal when he returned to presidency which is obvious if you look how Laporta didn't attack them more for the catastrophic management under Bartomeu. There were a few statements against Bartomeu from Laporta but far from what he deserved. Also, Godo's media doesn't really attack Laporta like they should/could.


Senior Member
Not an expert in these Catalan internal affairs but I don't think Laporta is enemy of them. They made a deal when he returned to presidency which is obvious if you look how Laporta didn't attack them more for the catastrophic management under Bartomeu.

I am talking his first 2 terms, 2003 (won as underdog) and 2006 (after failed smear campaign, no one has stood against him.

Laporta became friendly before 2021 election.


Senior Member
People still talking about Font? :lol:
The guy who thinks he can run the club like a powerpoint presentation? The guy, who has as much charisma as a door salesman for vacuum cleaners? The guy who wanted to give Xavi the power over the entire club meaning transfers, contracts, staff? So Xavi could have installed even more useless people like his brother or the fitness trainers?
And if that's not all, Font behaves like an abandoned salty old maid who talks shit about everything Laporta does, because he can't get over the fact that people simply didn't like him.
This guy is a hopeless case, so please stop talking about him. He will never be president and that's how it should be.

What a load of BS!

Again another one who hasn't listened to any Font interview talking about his vision, and attributes his campaign to 'powerpoint' :clown:
Guess what? Xavi got all the power you describe above under Fatporta. So that argument goes right into the trash-bin. Besides, as I have explained many times Font-Xavi relation is over. And there is no better advocate of populating the club with the best professionals in every domain than Font

People don't like him huh? But they gave him 30% in an election where Laporta was the absolute clear favorite. After a dreadful stint by Laporta, and with no better candidate around, this % can only go upwards.

Sorry mate, you are clueless. Hopefully 2026 voters will not be...


Senior Member
according to Monchi, there are 3 models of making plans in football clubs:

1- the chairman model, the most important person is the chairman
2- the English model, the most important person is the manager
3- the mixel model, which is based on 3 foundations:
a) the chairman with the board (economical aspect)
b) the manager (decides which PROFILES he needs not the NAMES)
c) the sporting management (takes the economic information + the profiles information = decide the names)

2 is obsolete nowadays, used to be Arsenal under Wenger and ManUTD under Fergie
1 is the model Madrid and Perez use to this very day, and to some extent Bayern with the old guard being an informal 'chair-council'
both 1 and 2 are failed models in the contemporary era.
3 is the best and most sustainable model, as shown by clubs like City and Liverpool.

Now, which model each Barca president or candidate supports?
-For those who can see clearly and unbiasedly, only Font falls firmly in the 3rd model, as he has been analyzed so many times.

- Laporta is more close to the 1st, although he often tries to make it as if he is in the 3rd.
When you transfer players the SD has not asked, but you return a favor to a friend (mendes), or you choose not professionals but buddies for key positions, the you are firmly in the 1st model
The only thing he did from the 3rd model is the CRIME to merge b and c, and let Xavi be both manager and sporting director

-Pique, as per himself in his interviews, has declared he wants to turn Barca into the Bayern Munich model, that is again the 1st but with mode buddies, instead of 1 man, deciding

Choose what you want for the next elections.
IT is clear which model can bring the club to success and which cannot


Well-known member
3 is the best and most sustainable model, as shown by clubs like City and Liverpool.
Can't claim Laporta is close to the 1st while pretending to follow the 3rd and ignore the influence Pep and Klopp have / had over City / Liverpool. If Barca is close to the 1st, then City and Liverpool are close to the 2nd one.


Senior Member
Can't claim Laporta is close to the 1st while pretending to follow the 3rd and ignore the influence Pep and Klopp have / had over City / Liverpool. If Barca is close to the 1st, then City and Liverpool are close to the 2nd one.

Not really. Let me explain:

The 2nd model makes the manager the absolute ruler of the club: he decides literally EVERYTHING, from transfers to how the academy is run to what facilities the club should have.
It's an autocratic model. Neither Pep nor Klopp had that much power.
They didn't even decide players transferred. They gave profiles to the SDs and they were given back the names.

Of course, when someone stays so many yeas and becomes so integral to the success of a club, like Pep and KLopp, he certainly transcends a strictly defined role.
But even then, they did not step away from the 3rd model


Senior Member
Klopp and Pep had/have more influence over transfers at their club than anyone else in last few years.

Their voice becomes more an more important the more the club realy on them as first team coach and realise what they bring.


Well-known member
Not really. Let me explain:

The 2nd model makes the manager the absolute ruler of the club: he decides literally EVERYTHING, from transfers to how the academy is run to what facilities the club should have.
It's an autocratic model. Neither Pep nor Klopp had that much power.
They didn't even decide players transferred. They gave profiles to the SDs and they were given back the names.

Of course, when someone stays so many yeas and becomes so integral to the success of a club, like Pep and KLopp, he certainly transcends a strictly defined role.
But even then, they did not step away from the 3rd model
But close to or leaning. Nobody knows the exact modus operandi within big clubs but it's safe to assume based on reports and character that Pep and Klopp have had lots of influence over the sporting decisions.


Senior Member
Klopp and Pep had/have more influence over transfers at their club than anyone else in last few years.

Their voice becomes more an more important the more the club realy on them as first team coach and realise what they bring.

They never overstepped on the authority of the SD.
There are so many examples
Pep himself said Txiki found Doku for him, for instance, based on the traits he asked.

But close to or leaning. Nobody knows the exact modus operandi within big clubs but it's safe to assume based on reports and character that Pep and Klopp have had lots of influence over the sporting decisions.

See above. They never overstepped.
Klopp accepted Salah because SD said so, and not Brand that he wanted
When Klopp's influence became too big, Edwards and Graham left. They came back now

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