2011 CL Final: FC Barcelona - Manchester United FC 3-1 - Champions!


New member
Unbiased united. Xavi in is prime is better then scholes when he was in his prime. Scholes is stlil a awesome player but xavi will go down has one of the greatest midfielders ever in the game after winning everything in is career. Don't get why Scholes turned is back on is country. Good luck In the final ! U going to need it! I see a Barcelona masterclass on the cards! 2 weeks rest will do us well. Forget messi! Think the player u need to watch out for is iniesta


New member
do the world a favour and win so we can be saved from the :shit: english press and the manutd fans .
hoping messi creates the goal after dribbling past 3 players and slotting the through ball for villa to score (he deserves it)


Senior Member
You know absolutely nothing about football, your arrogance reeks of such. United do and always has played the beautiful game. Attacking football is what United are known for, and to say otherwise shows your pigheaded ignorance. (read the fantasic article Irv posted here two pages back, for someone who actually does know what they are talking about). ...Do we play it better than Barca at their best?....no, nobody does. But that doesn't mean we don't also have a beautiful attacking philosphy. The difference is if United are having an off day they can also win ugly too, its our never say die attitude which under SAF seperates us from the rest. All this luck bullshit makes me sick too...great teams create their own luck... unless you somehow believe the universe or perhaps god(?) somehow favors United over other teams?

Some people here really need to look at themselves before offering judgement about 'arrogance' and 'smugness'. Listen to what you actually say about United or the 'brilliance' of your own team and think 'would this be percieved as arrogant by a neutral or oppossing fan?'....In cases such as this the answer is a big fat YES! ...I often 'big' my team up, but I also offer praise when its due to other teams too, and has such have given Barca a lot recently.

I see united fans getting banned on here for the same things Barcelona fans are saying in equal (if not worse) measures. Fair enough its a Barca forum, but its ridiculous that some here want to do nothing other than pat each other on the back, and give such high praise to your team that its is only equalled by the damning verdicts you seem to offer for every other team.

Here's a very good test to spot the 'arrogant fan'. If your team wins on Saturday, you will claim them to be the best (rightly so), but If your team loses on Saturday you will still claim them to be the best....arrogance personified, and yet it will happen in large numbers here.

No doubt if United win on Saturday, it will be because of 'luck' or some other act of 'divine intervention' etc....seriously get a grip.

Yeah, its only Rooney, Hernandez and Valencia...

Hello Mr Unbiased-see your feathers got ruffled!!!! ;)

In 2 finals against Chelsea and Bayern the opposing teams hit the woodwork 4-5 times(cant remember) and missed a penalty that would have put you as runners up (JT in case you only started following Utd this season). You were the inferior side on BOTH occassions and still won. Jammey, dodgey whatever you call it-lucky. IT is not some sort of die hard spirit you have SO WAKE THE F*&K UP and face the facts!!


Generally Delightful
I'll be honest with you guys: I couldn't give a lab rat's hairy ass about who scores as long as whoever does is wearing red and blue.

2-1 for Barcelona. The yelling man holding a sign saying "Apocalypse now" outside my apartment told me.


New member
hope abi is ready to go so that puyol can start in the center.

also hope villa has his scoring boots on, although i would bet my house on him scoring because like eto'o (and unlike torres and ibra), villa is a proven big game player.

finally, will be praying for masch over busquets, but know it won't happen. just hope he can keep it classy and not do any of this:



why on earth a Barcelona 'fan' would still go on about that busquets thing is beyond me...


Cardenal de Catalunya
why on earth a Barcelona 'fan' would still go on about that busquets thing is beyond me...

Because a) He / She is either obsessed or b) Cannot seem to put matters to rest, and let bygones be bygones instead of concentrating on the present moment.

Oh right, and then there's c), which is both a+b, with a hint of this: sporting that "holier-than-thou" attitude, taking the moral high-ground in criticizing players who do not play according to the likings of a certain person, while thinking that all Blaugrana players should be clean, proper examples and model professionals. While in the real world the fact still remains that some football players are cunts, divers etc.

Just to make clear, I love Busi. No question there.

Some of his antiques are embarassing at times and he should really cut them off, but jeez - brinking up that Motta incident just for the sake of it... GTFO.
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Active member
you guys that think we won't play with abi or busquets, gime some of what you's smokin pls

Some of his antiques are embarassing at times and he should really cut them off, but jeez - brinking up that Motta incident just for the sake of it... GTFO.

honestly i think the attention is on him more than other "cunts" is because a) barca are in their prime and b) he is soooo bad at acting and it's blatantly obvious when he does it


Cardenal de Catalunya
you guys that think we won't play with abi or busquets, gime some of what you's smokin pls

honestly i think the attention is on him more than other "cunts" is because a) barca are in their prime and b) he is soooo bad at acting and it's blatantly obvious when he does it

Naturally, my young friend.

Besides, it's easier to hate players when they're at the top. If Busquets would be playing for a team like, say, Osasuna - nobody would give a flying f*ck.


Senior Member
Before you cry foul play..
I haven't seen one ManUtd forum (or any other EPL team's for that matter) that treats visiting fans as respectful as we do.
The cursing and retardation that is allowed there would never pass here so let's put things back to perspective.

This is so true. I dare any barca fan from here to make an account on one of their forums, you will get eaten alive!


It should be a cardinal sin to even insinuate Busquets wont be or doesnt deserve a place in the team, both in the final or any game. I dont understand how anyone can even think that, unless you didnt watch Barca the last 3 years or your just really really dumb. I'm gonna go with the latter.............

Cesc Pistol

New member
If Fletcher plays at 100% then our midfield can be much more effectively shut down. Carrick, Fletcher and Giggs with support from Rooney and Park is likely to shut down space centrally specially if they retreat to shut down the gaps between the lines.

However this leaves ManU with a limited offensive threat. If they can keep if goalless for an hour then their subs will be very difficult to manage. Chicharito and Nani reducing their strength and numbers in midfield but very deadly offensively. Nani putting pressure on Alves defensively and Rooney and Chicharito playing off each other with Valencia providing support, they can very much avoid the midfield altogether and play with a very wide gap between defense and offense.

As I see it fergie has a lot more variety and choice to set up his XI. If Park doesn't start as LW/LM United may be shifted more to the right to cover Alves which may in-turn cause the RB to be O'Shea. And then overall the Midfield will need much more help from the front six players, not to mention in which case our Left side, especially Villa will become vital.

All in all they will have their chances but I expect we will have more, making them count will be the key and why Chicharito is so dangerous. We have an edge but this untied team will fight to the end, they are more balanced -a strong defense and hard to defend against with pace, strength and creativity throughout the pitch. Make no mistake they are very, very good.

If we were playing them with the current teams in 09 I wouldn’t be worried at all. But now this CL win means alot, it is the piece that allows us to cement our place in history or be considered same as ManU in this period. A very good team but not the best ever. Results and titles make the legend and we have never needed one more than now. That’s why I’m really scared and I can’t think about anything else.


Mike the Knife
Has Messi-dependencia returned over the last few months?...We've seen Barca's scoring prowess muted & that MVP trident that was at one time firing on all cylinders out of form since perhaps January

How much of Barca's chances on Saturday will require Villa & Pedro taking their chances & getting involved early, rather than deferring to Leo over & over?


New member
Unbiased united. Xavi in is prime is better then scholes when he was in his prime. Scholes is stlil a awesome player but xavi will go down has one of the greatest midfielders ever in the game after winning everything in is career. Don't get why Scholes turned is back on is country. Good luck In the final ! U going to need it! I see a Barcelona masterclass on the cards! 2 weeks rest will do us well. Forget messi! Think the player u need to watch out for is iniesta


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