2015 CL Final: Barca - Juve 3-1 !!!CAMPIONS!!!


Calma, calma
No he did not and that was exactly my point. He only implies that they are.

While he will say things such as: "Barcelona deserve to be in the final" he (and many others) will also mix that up with a myriad of qualifications, "ifs" "buts"

He also came up things like:

Both Ryu and footy want to have their cake, and eat it too.

More like you are overly defensive and see an implied slight where none exists. The point about "Messi, Lucho and then Neymar-Suarez" has nothing to do with putting down other non-Messi players.

btw this is a perfect example of you strawmanning. As Ryu said - you read A, think B is implied and start arguing against B. It's fairly annoying.
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New member
More like you are overly defensive and see an implied slight where none exists. The point about "Messi, Lucho and then Neymar-Suarez" has nothing to do with putting down other non-Barca players.

btw this is a perfect example of you strawmanning. As Ryu said - you read A, think B is implied and start arguing against B. It's fairly annoying.

Did you, or did you not say:

Perfect time to face Bayern

If you did, then the implications of such a statement are as clear as they are inescapable. Or, are you gonna throw "straw-man" into your next post as well?

When you say that Messi and Lucho were more important in this season's success than Neymar and Suarez, you conveniently forget that Messi has been here and playing God-like even in the seasons where we failed, or almost failed, against far lesser sides than City-PSG-Bayern. Messi is of course the best player on the planet as well as the GOAT, but on his own, he can't beat the top sides of Europe. The additions of Neymar+Suarez have created a new (and grave) situation for our opponents hence their eagerness in underplaying their value. It's an effort by non-Barca fans to soothe their nerves over a new and horrible reality facing them. Hence my reaction to it. As always, I am setting the record straight.


New member
Really, go and finally read up on straw men. That's all I have to say on the matter from now on.

I prefer reading you lovely posts:

The entire situation which led to the first goal, was the result of Bernat's mistake. I don't know what is unfair to remind you guys what happened.
The second goal, he didn't attack Messi leaving Boateng exposed who looked a fool.
Second goal, second leg, he and Schweinsteiger don't attack Messi, who consequentially has more than enough time to look for Suarez and pass it perfectly, leaving Benatia exposed, also looking like a fool.

And you say "unfair"? lol.

In short, Bernat was clearly out of his depth against Barca. Alaba, most likely, would not have been out of his depth if played as LB, which also cannot be considered unlikely given how Pep chose a more defensive approach anyways, leaving no space for Alaba in midfield.

So, again, the implications are clear. If only Alaba was there man! Barca would be doomed!

In any case, I 'll wager that your next post will contain the following words: straw+man, but no attempt at explaining what you are/were trying to say.

lol so much insecurity.
dalitis and 6 ballons. Typical.

This is a football forum, where people discuss...err, football.

But ultimately, are you with us, or are you against us?
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Senior Member
i think pep's barca would have beaten anybody. people did press us but we were too good on the ball, meaning they resorted to bus park tactics. it was when we lost our edge that teams could press us again and win.

this current barca is interesting because it plays a different style. i don't know where it ranks all time.

The 2009 team was outplayed on Stanford Bridge in all honesty. Chelsea dominated us in that game in everything but possession. They were more agressive, had more chances. Iniesta's goal was so precious because in the back of our mind we all knew that was a game we should have lost. Drogba himself missed like two 1 vs 1 chances with Valdes. And there was two clear penalties for Chelsea (not 4 as they said, that was a huge exaggeration at the time).

The 2011 team is the best ever IMO. That 2013 Bayern team is very comparable to United's 2009 and 2011 teams. No way Bayern beats that team. Real didn't touch us, United didn't touch us, Bayern wouldn't have touch us either. As good as that Bayern 2013 team was, they barely beat Dortmund in the final minutes of that game.


Calma, calma
Did you, or did you not say:

If you did, then the implications of such a statement are as clear as they are inescapable. Or, are you gonna throw "straw-man" into your next post as well?

When you say that Messi and Lucho were more important in this season's success than Neymar and Suarez, you conveniently forget that Messi has been here and playing God-like even in the seasons where we failed, or almost failed, against far lesser sides than City-PSG-Bayern. Messi is of course the best player on the planet as well as the GOAT, but on his own, he can't beat the top sides of Europe. The additions of Neymar+Suarez have created a new (and grave) situation for our opponents hence their eagerness in underplaying their value. It's an effort by non-Barca fans to soothe their nerves over a new and horrible reality facing them. Hence my reaction to it. As always, I am setting the record straight.

So what you're saying is - because Neymar and Suarez brought you an edge that you didn't have before, they de facto become more important than the coach and equally as important as Messi? That makes zero sense to me. Tell me this, was Villa more important than Xavi and Iniesta for the 2010/11 season? As far as I can see, all the other players were already there in 2009/10 and the main cause for Barca's downfall was lazy Ibra who didn't move enough and disrupted the fluidity in the front line. Replacing Ibra with a mobile attacker who guaranteed goals and had already played with most of the Barca players in the Spanish national team was a game-changing transfer. Does that however mean that Villa was more important than Xavi-Iniesta?

"As always setting the record straight?" - lmao that cracks me up. You're easily one of the most defensive posters on this forum.

Do you deny that Barca faced Bayern at the perfect time? Yes or no. Could Barca have faced Bayern at a better time? Yes or no. Could Bayern have done better against Barca had they had Ribery, Robben, Martinez and Alaba? Yes or no.

Did Bayern face Barca at the perfect time in 2013? Yes or no. Would Barca have done better against Bayern with Messi? Yes or no.


New member
The 2009 team was outplayed on Stanford Bridge in all honesty. Chelsea dominated us in that game in everything but possession. They were more agressive, had more chances. Iniesta's goal was so precious because in the back of our mind we all knew that was a game we should have lost. Drogba himself missed like two 1 vs 1 chances with Valdes. And there was two clear penalties for Chelsea (not 4 as they said, that was a huge exaggeration at the time).

The 2011 team is the best ever IMO. That 2013 Bayern team is very comparable to United's 2009 and 2011 teams. No way Bayern beats that team. Real didn't touch us, United didn't touch us, Bayern wouldn't have touch us either. As good as that Bayern 2013 team was, they barely beat Dortmund in the final minutes of that game.

They got that fluky Essien goal. It was what allowed them to sit deep and hit us on the counter. People also completely forget that both times we faced Chelsea (09 and 12) we were fighting for a league title while Chelsea were completely indifferent. Moreover, in both cases, we had a Clasico sandwiched right in the middle of the semi-final legs.
This is a football forum, where people discuss...err, football.

But ultimately, are you with us, or are you against us?

100% against your derogatory attitude. The one that got you banned before you crawled back here. You just look to pick fights with anything that can possibly be construed as barça criticism.
I don't thrive on negativity so I speak my mind when the thread is already safely off-rails.
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High Definition Member
I prefer reading you lovely posts:

So, again, the implications are clear. If only Alaba was there man! Barca would be doomed!

In any case, I 'll wager that your next post will contain the following words: straw+man, but no attempt at explaining what you are/were trying to say.

This is a football forum, where people discuss...err, football.

But ultimately, are you with us, or are you against us?

lol, he never said barca would have been doomed. i remember him saying we'd have probably beaten them even if they were fully fit. he is just trying to account for their embarrasing loss.


New member
So what you're saying is - because Neymar and Suarez brought you an edge that you didn't have before, they de facto become more important than the coach and equally as important as Messi? That makes zero sense to me. Tell me this, was Villa more important than Xavi and Iniesta for the 2010/11 season? As far as I can see, all the other players were already there in 2009/10 and the main cause for Barca's downfall was lazy Ibra who didn't move enough and disrupted the fluidity in the front line. Replacing Ibra with a mobile attacker who guaranteed goals and had already played with most of the Barca players in the Spanish national team was a game-changing transfer. Does that however mean that Villa was more important than Xavi-Iniesta?

"As always setting the record straight?" - lmao that cracks me up. You're easily one of the most defensive posters on this forum.

Do you deny that Barca faced Bayern at the perfect time? Yes or no. Could Barca have faced Bayern at a better time? Yes or no. Could Bayern have done better against Barca had they had Ribery, Robben, Martinez and Alaba? Yes or no.

Did Bayern face Barca at the perfect time in 2013? Yes or no. Would Barca have done better against Bayern with Messi? Yes or no.

Our players are more important than the coach. Players in general are far more decisive than managers in deciding the outcomes of football matches. Give Pep the players that Stoke have, and Jose the players that Cordoba have and let's see what they can do. I don't think that this point is remotely worth arguing. People over the internet vastly overrate the influence that managers have over the game.

The point under discussion, was not who is best out of our front three, which is of course Messi. The point of discussion was what was the reason for Barcelona's improved performance this season, and especially in big games. Clearly, the factor behind over our much improved fortunes, are Suarez and Neymar. Before these two, we had players like Ibra, Alexis and Pedro who failed time and again in these tough CL games where Suarez and Neymar simply dispatched one big team after the other. So yes, the X-factor behind our excellent CL-run unto this day were S and N. I repeat, Messi on his own, or Messi plus Alexis and later-day Pedro would have never managed to score that many goals and create than many chances versus City/PSG/Bayern. I hope that answers your question.

BTW, Iniesta missed both semis vs Inter in 2010. He was there for all the big CL games in 2011 though. Moreover, the analogy you are attempting to draw between Villa and Suarez-Neymar is completely false. Villa only scored 2 times in 7 games in the CL knockouts of 2011. Neymar and Suarez have scored 10 goals in 6 and against far stronger opposition overall. Additionally, Xavi and Iniesta were still very much in their prime in 2011, so obviously they were a mega-factor. We have no such luxuries in midfield anymore, anyone who does not acknowledge this should stop commenting on Barcelona completely. This season, our forward line has carried the load for our success. Sure every-single player helps in their own ways, but just ask anyone who they would take out of our team.

Of course I deny that Barca faced Bayern at the perfect time. Like I have been asking on this forum for months now, please tell me, what big European side (and how) have Bayern beaten in the last two seasons, even with Ribery/Robben/Alaba on? I am still to get a reply. If anything, Bayern played far better against us, than in other of their games these past two seasons. Both you and Ryu should just accept that Barcelona have been the best team on the continent this season, full stop.

Could have they done better against us if they had those players available? Maybe, maybe not, who knows? How many times are you and Ryu gonna remind us that Alaba, Ribery, Martiniz, Robben and Badstuber were missing? Remember that they had those players when facing Real Madrid last season. What good did it do? They also had them against Shaktar in Lvov. Please remind of the scoreline that night. So again, they had those players on many instances throughout the season, yet were they any better than us?

As for 2013. Messi being fully fit would have been great, yet how many times have you seen me banging on about it? In any case, no matter what, I think that Bayern would have beaten us that season (not 7-0 of course, but we would still go out) since we had serious issues against Milan and PSG as well.

Moreover, you forget what I have been saying all along. Messi is not just someone we can remotely hope to replace. On his own, he is more influential than all of the players that Bayern were missing recently. We also completely lack Bayern's strength in depth.

Lastly, you saying:
Perfect time to face Bayern
did not come after Robben was injured, but after a dead-rubber Bundesliga game in which they lost, again clearly implying that we were fortunate to have faced a crumbling Bayern team.


It would be great if we win treble but i don't care tbh. I have enjoyed watching barca this year. A lot actually, few months back we were struggling. But i really like the way the team didn't give up. I thought our team was too unbalanced but you don't need great players in every position. You just need the hunger and passion, we finally have it. Safe to say we finally moved on, we are not the same witless team that is trying to recreate something that exited in the past. I don't know how much credit lucho deserves but i am happy that he didn't call quits in january when everyone was calling for his head. Many of the players had something to prove this season and they did so in a brilliant way. World cup and barca's last season really hurt them. I am proud of this team no matter what the results of two finals hold. :barcascarf:

We defeated atletico, psg, city, real, bayern every one. Except chelsea maybe but if we were to face them right now we can pull off a win against them too.

Well i don't want my post to be emotional and stuff like that so here's a video about our road to berlin so far. Amazing run so far.



Senior Member
StarLord the flaws in your logic is huge.

Just look at the difference Guardiola made to Barcelona in 2008/09 with largely the same group of players as year before.

The difference was massive.

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