24 - Eric García


Senior Member
Staff member
He's a great backup. Hopefully can be our Nacho. Bleeds blaugrana, never complains, can play multiple positions, fairly young but experienced and cheap. No reason to sell unless get a big offer, which I doubt would come. Perfect 4th CB.


Senior Member
Need to put a big asterix that this is against a team we scored 12 in 2 games against :lol:

Same results with Big Dom playing probably.

Despite that, immensely important to be able to anticipate, play the offside and then play the ball quick under Flick. Three things that Eric does well. Obviously he will get caught out alot when these things break down, but 12 in 2 Valencia are not the team to expose it.

Glad to see we have another squad option though and that Flick is using his squad a bit better second half season.

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