24 - Eric García


Senior Member
Also, if he's going there because of Pep he should be aware that in time when he'll be old enough to possibly be promoted Pep most likely won't be there anymore.


New member
Edit: Remember Sergi Canos and Tonny Sanabria? Our brightest forward prospects who both left for the money. Now one is in the 2nd division of England as a backup and the other is a backup for Betis, while Sandro is going on to play for Atletico in January. Even Grimaldo leaving was a massive blow but out of basically nowhere Cucu exploded when promoted to Juvenil A and is expected to be a first team player within 2 seasons.

Eric is very different. La Masia have 2-3 extremely talented attacking players per team, while Eric's defensive leader and football abilities only come once every 7-8 years with Puyi, Pique, Bartra being the latest. Palencia arguably also one of those, but he was never that highly regarded during his early youth days.

Quite insane that Eric can't be promised a potentially good contract just because it's his first professional one. Barça will fall behind all their competitors if this continues. Same could happen to Xavi Simons in two years. It can't go on like this. Eric is already competing with the best Juveniles in SPAIN, and he could easily compete with Juvenil A CB's like Eric Montes and Oriol Rey last season (and Chumi/Comas next season), without a shadow of doubt.


This kid leaving would be devastating not only because he is a great player and prospect, but he is literally our only CB prospect. Looking at our CB there isn't one even close to Eric, above his level or below him. Pep Segura needs to do everything possible to keep him or else..........

God Serena

New member
Eric is very different. La Masia have 2-3 extremely talented attacking players per team, while Eric's defensive leader and football abilities only come once every 7-8 years with Puyi, Pique, Bartra being the latest. Palencia arguably also one of those, but he was never that highly regarded during his early youth days.

Quite insane that Eric can't be promised a potentially good contract just because it's his first professional one. Barça will fall behind all their competitors if this continues. Same could happen to Xavi Simons in two years. It can't go on like this. Eric is already competing with the best Juveniles in SPAIN, and he could easily compete with Juvenil A CB's like Eric Montes and Oriol Rey last season (and Chumi/Comas next season), without a shadow of doubt.

Puyol joined at like 17 and only barely qualifies as La Masia. Pique ironically left for Manchester as a teenager, at the same age and under the same circumstances as Garcia. Bartra was at most 4th choice CB in his time here unfortunately and now plays for Dortmund, and Palencia criminally hasn't been given a first team chance.

I remember quite vividly the days when the duo of Tarin and Quinti were a brick wall with that treble winning Juvenil A team that included Munir and Adama, and I remember Tarin being the first name on the team sheet for Barca B prior to his injury and Marlon's signing. I also know Santiago Bueno is coming to Barca B who himself is quite an excellent defender.

If Xavi Simons wants to leave at 16 after all the investment put into him and all the drama we had with his parents and Fifa trying to ban him from playing he can fuck right off to England, too. I'd rather bring in players like Bueno or see our actually dedicated players like Palencia rise to the challenge than lose sleep at night over whether or not some flavor of the month kid in our academy decides he wants to go elsewhere. Even if we struggle for a year or two because we could have had X player if he hadn't had left the academy X years ago, there will always be somewhere there to take his place.


President of FC Barcelona
What do you do if Bueno decides to leave next year too?

If more players leave this way, with Cucurella having doubts recently too, and even Alena considering his options, then sure, it's all on the players :lol:

This administration might even manage to convince people that it was Messi and not their fault if they decide to push him out. Rosell certainly sounded it out.
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Senior Member
What do you do if Bueno decides to leave next year too?

If more players leave this way, with Cucurella having doubts recently too, and even Alena considering his options, then sure, it's all on the players :lol:

This administration might even manage to convince people that it was Messi and not their fault if they decide to push him out. Rosell certainly sounded it out.

Most of the decent young players are going to have doubts.

They are being asked to make a decision between earning huge money for a 16/17 year old or staying and fighting for their place.

The argument of the likes of Garcia leaving for anything but money falls flat by fact he is going to Man City where Pep himself has complained about the system for taking young players through been poor compared to Spain.

The only real alternative is to offer big contracts to the most promosing youngsters but that opens up a whole new can of worms.

God Serena

New member
What do you do if Bueno decides to leave next year too?

What ifs aren't an argument. There's nothing to indicate Bueno wants to leave. Even if he does though the first team is stacked enough without the prospect of him joining one day.

If more players leave this way, with Cucurella having doubts recently too, and even Alena considering his options, then sure, it's all on the players :lol:

Cucu had doubts? So I guess in your mind all the "I want to stay at Barca" and "Barca B is my priority" comments mean nothing in your mind because he rejected a lowball contract offer? I guess you probably consider him as good as gone even though he's signed a new contract and has been touted as being a first team player in a couple of years. And Alena? What doubts is he having? The only thing you can find on that is he has "Tempting" offers from clubs in England, as if that's anything new :lol:

This administration might even manage to convince people that it was Messi and not their fault if they decide to push him out. Rosell certainly sounded it out.

Push who out? Garcia? a 16 year old kid? Cucu, an 18 y/o Juvenil player? Or Alena, a B team midfielder? I'm sure the board would love to push those players out and blame it on Messi, give me a break.


Hi Pep Segura
Pay the kid the money he deserves and let's move on. Throw in a caprisun if he want that.



Senior Member
What do you do if Bueno decides to leave next year too?

If more players leave this way, with Cucurella having doubts recently too, and even Alena considering his options, then sure, it's all on the players :lol:

This administration might even manage to convince people that it was Messi and not their fault if they decide to push him out. Rosell certainly sounded it out.

All talented La Masia will have a choice to make between money and success at Barca at some ppoint.
A lot of Barca players looks good at the age of 14-17 and most of them doesn't succeed here or somewhere else. For that many would choose money that would make them rich for the rest of their life (by normal people standards) rather than waiting for "their dream"
I can't say they are wrong,Teron was called next Ayala and he failed to stick to 3rd division after rejecting PL money decade ago. If I were agent I will advise any of those kids to take guaranteed money always. You can't control your fate in football.one injury could destroy your career


Senior Member
He is 16 years old and if money is the only thing that drives him at this age than I do not regret he is leaving. He is not the first nor the last one to do so.
When you are 16 years old your only goal has to be talent development and learning. Just look at Halilovic what a talent he was and what happened because of stupidity from him and his family.

On the other side I really dislike Pep more and more.
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New member
He is 16 years old and if money is the only thing that drives him at this age than I do not regret he is leaving. He is not the first nor the last one to do so.
When you are 16 years old your only goal has to be talent development and learning. Just look at Halilovic what a talent he was and what happened because of stupidity from him and his family.

On the other side I really dislike Pep more and more.

Khaled in the post above yours makes a good case for exactly the opposite of what you're arguing here. Career wise, you have a point. In the grand scheme of things, it's debatable to say the least.

I take it Halilovic should've stayed in Croatia?


Staff member
Fuck you pep. That's all. He turned into ordinary money grabbing soulless douche since 2012.

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