6 - Gavi


Staff member
Absolutely honking performance with zero quality on ball and constantly out of postion defensively chasing anything that moves.

We would have lost without him for sure. Gundogan lost many balls too. Pedri did nothing when he came on.

His is one of the few players that really showed character tonight and he does it each time he plays.


Senior Member
We would have lost without him for sure. Gundogan lost many balls too. Pedri did nothing when he came on.

His is one of the few players that really showed character tonight and he does it each time he plays.

No chance. He was one of the reasons Barca lost control of game and one of main reasons team was so bad.

Chased anything that moved was out of position constantly.

On ball he was awful.... on the rare occasion he could find it.

'Character' is not chasing ball around leaving gaps and doing fuck all when team have the ball.

Folk are far too enthralled with this hard man act and cliches like 'character'.

Barca won despite likes of Gavi tonight.
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Staff member
No chance. He was one of the reasons Barca lost control of game and one of main reasons team was so bad.

Chased anything that moved was out of position constantly.

On ball he was awful.... on the rare occasion he could find it.

'Character' is not chasing ball around leaving gaps and doing fuck all when team have the ball.

Folk are far too enthralled with this hard man act and cliches like 'character'.

Barca won despite likes of Gavi tonight.

Again you are unreasonable in your assessment.



Senior Member
No I know those stats already... he also lost the most tackles and was most dribbled player.

He didnt make the most dribbles either.. Gundo made same amount and Kubo more.

Have said before he will get some decent tackling stats as chases anything that moves but there is a reason he is the most dribbled mid in league and lost more tackles than anyone else.. as he chases anything that moves.

On ball he was terrible... made 21 passes and had low pass % at 75 while giving away ball more than any Barca player.

Majority of those passes being backwards also with ONE pass into final third.

Gavi was poor and save these tackling stats when dont show he was most dribbled player who lost the most tackles also.

Gavi was poor and that was huge part of why Barca struggled so much..


Senior Member
Staff member
Should've scored twice. One after the beautiful nutmeg and the other after that Pedri pass. For Spain he probably scores those, much more lethal there it seems like.


You're welcome
Did like when he blazed passed sociedad midfield players in final min of the game. Seems he is tireless.

Was the attack that lead to the goal or the one before.


Senior Member
He made 21 passes yesterday... majority of them short, backwards and sideways.

His ball progression was a measly 36 yards... compare to likes of Gundo who had almost 300 yds and like of FDJ who averages most in team and higher again.

His pass % on those largely irrelevant passes... 75% one of worst in team.

Let me guess 'it is not his job' to help Barca dominate ball or pass it in any meaningful way.

But he 'made most tackles'... aye he won four.. the most in team and one ahead of likes of Cancelo...but nothing spectacular at all.

He was also the most skinned player in team winning the ball once in five attempts when tried to tackle opposition dribbling ball... getting skinned like that leaves team wide open.

So he 'made most tackles' and was also the most skinned player while trying to make tackles and left midfield wide open time and again.

There are actually folk that think he played well yesterday. It is bizarre.
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Senior Member
He wasn't great, also missed 2 great great chances. My issue though is not with him currently.
Every Barca player looks like 1v11. There is no teamplay, and I won't believe that all of our guys are lesser players than all of Sociedad's.
It's a gameplan (or lack of one) issue that makes us look disjointed. Everyone is alone out there. Gavi is not our best choice for mf, but the issue is deeper than individuals.


Senior Member
Again and i know i will be attacked as usual ..

He is a waste of time and space !
Don't want to evolve the something else than a wrestling midfielder

That's NOT what we need in a club the size of FCB and certainly not for an offensive football style.

Unless he changes something he will be perfect for AM or OM style

Iniesta Ultra

Senior Member
put him in City's starting 11, as ridiculous this hypothetical is, where would City be rn in the standings

and if poss imagine how City's attack would look

no respite from football hell until Xavi, chihua, donkey, pushover, romu, ferret, etc are gone


Senior Member
put him in City's starting 11, as ridiculous this hypothetical is, where would City be rn in the standings

and if poss imagine how City's attack would look

no respite from football hell until Xavi, chihua, donkey, pushover, romu, ferret, etc are gone

Pep wouldn't put him as a ball boy let alone in the team !
Outside Barcelona there is ZERO big team that will go for him .. absolute zero.


Senior Member
Pep wouldn't put him as a ball boy let alone in the team !
Outside Barcelona there is ZERO big team that will go for him .. absolute zero.
Crazy as hell for that statement 😂😂😂.

Put him & de jong in the market right now, gavi is getting more bidders easily too

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