6 - Gavi


Senior Member
Staff member
Damn, that was fast.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ca" dir="ltr">Gavi has now played 1852 minutes for Barcelona, more than Carles Ale?? and Riqui Puig. <a href="https://t.co/IxzufXEL9W">pic.twitter.com/IxzufXEL9W</a></p>— adil (@Barca19stats) <a href="https://twitter.com/Barca19stats/status/1494739281943871499?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Senior Member
Damn, that was fast.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ca" dir="ltr">Gavi has now played 1852 minutes for Barcelona, more than Carles Ale?? and Riqui Puig. <a href="https://t.co/IxzufXEL9W">pic.twitter.com/IxzufXEL9W</a></p>— adil (@Barca19stats) <a href="https://twitter.com/Barca19stats/status/1494739281943871499?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Should check if he has been more succesful than them or not...
It really went quick, Koeman suddenly trusted him completely, and Xavi did the same. I think he has made a lot of errors, had some very quiet games, has some big flaws to his game, but he has been given total trust for half a year and he has showed that he is worthy of that trust. A great talent, and one of my three main favourites of this squad, I really like his style, touch, desire, and I hope he'll be tweaked in the right direction under Xavi.

edit: here is one comparison of some recent Barcelona midfield prospects: https://fbref.com/en/stathead/playe...=f4c69aa6&p6yrfrom=2020-2021&p6yrto=2021-2022
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te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Are you a very petty person? I thought you were one of the more balanced ones here... Yeah it will probably be Gavi and Pedri for these positions moving forward everyone is aware.

Man, you make some pretty good points when it comes to other players. It's time to take the L for Puig. His Barca career is finished. We can only speculate whether he will manage to make a name for himself in top-flight football outside of Barca, or play for Andorra in 3 years.


Senior Member
Are you a very petty person? I thought you were one of the more balanced ones here... Yeah it will probably be Gavi and Pedri for these positions moving forward everyone is aware.

This whole Puig vs Pedri/Gavi "drama" just grinds my gears. You know what you did there with your "subtlety".

Anyway, I will refrain from this now. You are right, it's petty.


Senior Member
Man, you make some pretty good points when it comes to other players. It's time to take the L for Puig. His Barca career is finished. We can only speculate whether he will manage to make a name for himself in top-flight football outside of Barca, or play for Andorra in 3 years.

It's not finished yet all the fans need to get together and kick him out or he will never leave cause he is like a son to laporta and xavi


Senior Member
I, as everbody else, am aware that Puigs time at Barcelona is over, bar some "force majeure" type happening no one can predict. I knew when Xavi subbed him out at half time in the cup, and I said it in this forum back then already. I don't really talk about him or think about him playing for Barcelona that much since then, I have already "taken the L" in that way. I still think he is a brilliant player, and I think he would be of big use in a lot of games in jan/feb as a sub if not as a starter. Xavi has been very clear in not trusting him at all.

What I will never do, regardless if it is a player I like or not, is delight in kicking someone who is down. I don't want to be like that. We will see where his carreer will go after this. Fans getting together and kicking him out is one of the most stupid things I read, he will leave after his probably very cheap contract runs out if not sooner if nothing happens, and until then he will probably continue to be the model professional he has been until now.

Please don't spam this thread too much with shitty oneliners, it would be fun to discuss the link I provided with the comparison of different Barcelona midfielders. One thing I spotted is that Puig, together with Alena, stands in top in passes per game, pass completion per game, and passes into the final third per game, the first three things I looked at. The stats have them on top of both Pedri and Gavi and also Moriba who many rated so highly on these stats... Click around a bit and report what you find: https://fbref.com/en/stathead/playe...=f4c69aa6&p6yrfrom=2020-2021&p6yrto=2021-2022

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