9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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New member
Evra thought that n****r was the literal translation of negro from spanish when reporting to Ferguson that he had been called a n****r. That is very credible. He thought nero meant black and that negro meant n****r from his understanding of Italian.

His reason for reporting it to the referee and giggs as he called me 'black' instead of n****r while on the pitch is that he dislikes the use of the word n****r. This raised my eyebrows and will perhaps form some part of Suarez's appeal, but I think it would be an unsuccessful appeal given that Suarez changes his story many times.

As for the Canal+ interview transcript, Evra never says the word n****r once, despite you claiming to have read the whole 115 pages. He does mention 10 times though.

Comolli admitted that the '10 times' was a figure of speech. Even I concluded that way back when the original claim was made ages ago.

There is still the fact that Suarez admitted to calling Evra 'negro' and the context was clearly not a friendly one.

There is still the fact that Suarez has changed his story like 3 or 4 times so that his comments look more favourable.
1) For a man capable of understanding and conversing in Spanish it is rather fishy he would translate a basic Spanish word for black into nigger.

2) He dislikes the use of the word "nigger" yet there is a youtube vid hanging around with him yelling out that word.



Caught in a lie right there.

3) Yes i know i Evra didn't admit to Suarez calling him a nigger on Canal tv. At that point he was ambiguous as to what word had been used.

4) Comolli admitted it was a figure of speech when used in a non serious context. He specifically stated that in a serious matter such as racism this "figure of speech" wouldn't be accepted.

5) Suarez admitted to calling Evra a negro, once. From the incident that Suarez refers to i believe him when he says that because his version of events match my impressions of that particular incident. I do however accept that it's a subjective opinion.

6) You also can't ignore the fact that this is what the linguistic experts said about Evra's version of events

182. The experts considered it worth noting that the phrase "porque tu eres negro" struck both
of them as slightly unusual. In this instance, a direct racial slur would more likely have
been something like "porque eres un negro de mierda" [because you are a shitty black]


191. The question "Por qué, negro?" as transcribed in Mr Suarez's interview sounded right
linguistically and culturally and is in line with the use set out by Mr Suarez when
referring to Glen Johnson; Mr Suarez was also correct in highlighting that "negro de
mierda" would be a clear racial slu

The inconsistencies in Liverpool's account can perhaps be put down to the confusion over the use of the word "por que" and "porque". One apparently means why and the other means because.

Why is it not possible to sue them? The FA are not above the law. Even FIFA is currently facing a criminal lawsuit from FC Sion.The FA can most definitely be sued. Ruining a player's reputation/career based on circumstantial evidence/hearsay is definitely grounds for a lawsuit.

Fully agree about the last part. But let's be honest here, would such a feeble case even make it to any court of law? From what I've read in this report, there's no conclusive evidence whatsoever, this case would be a laughing stock before any real court of law.
I believe the FA were found not to be under the jurisdiction of the English courts. They're basically an independent court.

If Liverpool do decide to take this to civil court the FA could relegate them. Technically though on the basis of law, Liverpool have a great case. Never should have lost it to begin with though. Suarez's lawyer was an embarrassment.

As far as i know, no one is suggesting Evra was an unreliable witness in regards to racism. Rather he was found by the FA to be an unreliable witness previously.

Legal loophole? What? Innocent unless proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt is no legal loophole, it's the basic principle of the criminal justice system in like every democratic country. Taking a case to the courts is not exploiting a legal loophole...

If Suarez has convinced them that he's innocent, I see no reason why Liverpool wouldn't take it higher. There's basically no chance they can lose if the "findings" in this report are all Evra has. Needless to say, the CPS wouldn't take any of these finding seriously.

Seriously, if it happened, the only ones to be made fools of would be Evra and the FA. As you might imagine, a decision from the CPS would carry infinitely more weight and credibility than the decison of the FA and some independent commission.
Habeas Corpus be damned

As you previously stated, it's a feeble case and one that the CPS would immediately throw out. I do however find it quite telling that the FA and even Evra haven't reported it to the CPS. It is a serious crime and if they're as adamant of Suarez's guilt, give him up for criminal protection.

Any reasonable person should ask themselves why the FA and Evra haven't done that.


Bomb Dropper
Which is exactly what is required to punish someone based on racism. It's very easy to doubt that he's guilty, at least in the terms described. There are at least six different accounts of what happened: Suarez and Evra obviously have different accounts, and the four United players all have different accounts as well, and no one confirms Evra's. I frankly can't extract any definite conclusions from that report. What I find odd is that they ruled in favor of Evra based on him being a reliable witness when none of his teammates and no one and no evidence confirmed his version of the story.

the United players were asked to testify what Evra said to them, not what Suarez said to Evra. and considering he spoke to them seperately and they were asked their questions some time after the events occurred, the vagueness of their testimony is understandable. also irrelevant to the event.

Legal loophole? What? Innocent unless proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt is no legal loophole, it's the basic principle of the criminal justice system in like every democratic country. Taking a case to the courts is not exploiting a legal loophole...

it's obvious Suarez is guilty, so trying to get off because there's no 100% concrete evidence beyond reasonable doubt makes the law into a loophole.

but you know what? the more I think about it (it's 6am & I'm tired), the more I think the case was proven beyond reasonable doubt.

it wasn't proven beyond any doubt, there is no absolute certainty, no 100% concrete evidence... but you don't need that. you need to prove beyond any reasonable doubt. and I'd say that was definitely achieved.

Evra stated his case well, and made a sensible argument (and one that seems likely given Suarez's general disposition as a total WUM) which is backed up by what little video footage they have. and when Suarez was asked to answer he offered some rather unbelieveable guff, then changed his story a bit, then was contradicted by his manager, then by his team-mate & sporting director, then suggested Evra was only pursuing this to get revenge for Suarez not apologising for a tackle. basically, his entire defence fell to pieces under cross-examination. it doesn't stand up to any logical analysis.

and that, to me, is proof beyond reasonable doubt that he's guilty.


happy muhfuckin' new year, everyone!


Dr. Raed St. Claire
meta, stop posting that gif. its childish and annoying the way you are doing it we get your point.

the report is a farce from the little that i read but i have now little doubt that suarez fucked up, big time. and liverpool are so stupid in dealing with this, because they have infact reinforced evras claims.

negro, nigger, nero, aswad, black etc... doesnt matter what it is, in any langauge once you bring skin color into discussion you are a twat and bound to get fucked. sentence deserved just not
well proven.

Silva Lining

Ed to still tick by him?

What a cunt Suarez is, ,makes Liverpool standing by him and there statement on the matter even more embarrassing.

I too have this question, made himself look a bit foolish now hasn't he.


The Troll Hunter
I find it funny that users from RAWK(Ambrosia) try and defend the racist scumbag. He even admitted he called Evra a vile word. I'm really hoping he gets the full 8 match ban.


New member
the United players were asked to testify what Evra said to them, not what Suarez said to Evra. and considering he spoke to them seperately and they were asked their questions some time after the events occurred, the vagueness of their testimony is understandable. also irrelevant to the event.

it's obvious Suarez is guilty, so trying to get off because there's no 100% concrete evidence beyond reasonable doubt makes the law into a loophole.

but you know what? the more I think about it (it's 6am & I'm tired), the more I think the case was proven beyond reasonable doubt.

it wasn't proven beyond any doubt, there is no absolute certainty, no 100% concrete evidence... but you don't need that. you need to prove beyond any reasonable doubt. and I'd say that was definitely achieved.

Evra stated his case well, and made a sensible argument (and one that seems likely given Suarez's general disposition as a total WUM) which is backed up by what little video footage they have. and when Suarez was asked to answer he offered some rather unbelieveable guff, then changed his story a bit, then was contradicted by his manager, then by his team-mate & sporting director, then suggested Evra was only pursuing this to get revenge for Suarez not apologising for a tackle. basically, his entire defence fell to pieces under cross-examination. it doesn't stand up to any logical analysis.

and that, to me, is proof beyond reasonable doubt that he's guilty.


happy muhfuckin' new year, everyone!

It was also obvious that busquets was guilty to many people, probably because it was at the peak of the whole 'barca are divers' hating, and we all know there are a 1000 reasons to hate suarez (justifiably so). And that is precisely why you -do- need concrete evidence.

Also, you are simply going after suarez' crappy defense, which it is not about primarily . It's not about how good his defense is, it's about evra's positive evidence, concrete evidence that shows suarez said something. There are a milliion reasons for his crappy defense. He is surrounded by players and coaches who want to help him but are obviously no legal geniuses, there is no way to prove that what they said was intentionally used to cover up his racism, or just clumsy ways to try and help.

And that is again why you need concrete positive evidence. You have to admit, this case is a farce.

I have no love for suarez and I don't care about this ban, but the whole thing is a bit disconcerting. Is this how you would like to be treated in a case? Do you really want "it's obvious to me he did it, I don't care if there's concrete evidence" to become a precedent? Or just when it concerns suarez? (remember people said the same about busquets, for which you brought up logical reasons against his being guilty, just as Manuel and others do now).
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Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
I agree that Liverpool's defense was not very impressive and had its fair share of goals. But it didn't really need to be.

Evra is the one with the burden of proof, he's the one who needs to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Suarez did insult him, not the other way round, as the report itself states. It's not Liverpool that have to prove that what Evra says didn't happen, it's Evra who has to prove (beyond doubt) that it did happen.

And frankly there's not one piece of solid, conclusive evidence in these 115 pages. It's a decision based on circumstantial evidence, hearsay and, apparently, Evra being "a more impressive witness" than Suarez. It's a joke decision.

GOD you are a freaking incorrigible!

how much more damning does it get!

Suarez tells Comollio what he says in Spanish, Comollio translates it as 'because you are black'

Suarez tells Kuyt what he says in Dutch, Kuyt translates it as 'because you are black'

why can't the FA use that to blow a massive hole in Suarez's pathetic defence, especially after he changed his story again and again to make it look more favourable for him?

It isn't just on Evra just to prove he said it. It is on other witnesses also. 2 witnesses for Suarez both say Suarez said the same thing. As for the Man Utd players, it was only Giggs that Evra told what happened on the pitch and Giggs came up with 'he called me black'. The rest of his teammates came up with what Evra said and did in the dressing room after the game.


God you are ....... I won't even bother saying it.

But one legal expert suggested that Liverpool would be ill-advised to appeal given the level of detail in the report. Steven Friel, a lawyer for Brown Rudnick who specialise in complex disputes, said: "Paul Goulding QC didn't draft a 115-page document for the love of writing. He did so because he wanted to 'appeal-proof' the decision, and he has done a very good job. Liverpool face an uphill struggle in overturning the decision, and the risks of trying but failing to do so are huge. Of all the options that are open to him, an appeal should be far down the list."
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Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
1) For a man capable of understanding and conversing in Spanish it is rather fishy he would translate a basic Spanish word for black into nigger.

2) He dislikes the use of the word "nigger" yet there is a youtube vid hanging around with him yelling out that word.



Caught in a lie right there.

3) Yes i know i Evra didn't admit to Suarez calling him a nigger on Canal tv. At that point he was ambiguous as to what word had been used.

4) Comolli admitted it was a figure of speech when used in a non serious context. He specifically stated that in a serious matter such as racism this "figure of speech" wouldn't be accepted.

5) Suarez admitted to calling Evra a negro, once. From the incident that Suarez refers to i believe him when he says that because his version of events match my impressions of that particular incident. I do however accept that it's a subjective opinion.

6) You also can't ignore the fact that this is what the linguistic experts said about Evra's version of events

182. The experts considered it worth noting that the phrase "porque tu eres negro" struck both
of them as slightly unusual. In this instance, a direct racial slur would more likely have
been something like "porque eres un negro de mierda" [because you are a shitty black]


191. The question "Por qué, negro?" as transcribed in Mr Suarez's interview sounded right
linguistically and culturally and is in line with the use set out by Mr Suarez when
referring to Glen Johnson; Mr Suarez was also correct in highlighting that "negro de
mierda" would be a clear racial slu

The inconsistencies in Liverpool's account can perhaps be put down to the confusion over the use of the word "por que" and "porque". One apparently means why and the other means because.

I believe the FA were found not to be under the jurisdiction of the English courts. They're basically an independent court.

If Liverpool do decide to take this to civil court the FA could relegate them. Technically though on the basis of law, Liverpool have a great case. Never should have lost it to begin with though. Suarez's lawyer was an embarrassment.

As far as i know, no one is suggesting Evra was an unreliable witness in regards to racism. Rather he was found by the FA to be an unreliable witness previously.

Habeas Corpus be damned

As you previously stated, it's a feeble case and one that the CPS would immediately throw out. I do however find it quite telling that the FA and even Evra haven't reported it to the CPS. It is a serious crime and if they're as adamant of Suarez's guilt, give him up for criminal protection.

Any reasonable person should ask themselves why the FA and Evra haven't done that.

Yes so Evra used that word playing around when he was younger. That doesn't mean he doesn't like to use that word now that he is older and more mature, or when speaking to a referee on the pitch. But yes it still raised my eyebrow, and one would think he reported it like that to Alec Ferguson to perhaps get him into more trouble (i'm sure Liverpool will use this in any appeal they make). It is also possible he thought negro meant n****r in Spanish. But the fact that when the inquiry started, Evra pointed out his mistranslation from the very beginning.

you talk about the language experts saying it would be odd that Suarez said that as a racial slur. well is it not odd that from both spanish and dutch, Comoli and Kuyt come up with the same translation as Evra, 'because you are black'? What was the context of their exchange? certainly not friendly, and clearly said to insult and wind up.

Suarez admitted calling him 'negro' for goodness sake. that alone should be enough. then you add the fact that suarez changed his story multiple times.

Manuel Traquete

New member
the United players were asked to testify what Evra said to them, not what Suarez said to Evra. and considering he spoke to them seperately and they were asked their questions some time after the events occurred, the vagueness of their testimony is understandable. also irrelevant to the event.

it's obvious Suarez is guilty, so trying to get off because there's no 100% concrete evidence beyond reasonable doubt makes the law into a loophole.

but you know what? the more I think about it (it's 6am & I'm tired), the more I think the case was proven beyond reasonable doubt.

it wasn't proven beyond any doubt, there is no absolute certainty, no 100% concrete evidence... but you don't need that. you need to prove beyond any reasonable doubt. and I'd say that was definitely achieved.

Evra stated his case well, and made a sensible argument (and one that seems likely given Suarez's general disposition as a total WUM) which is backed up by what little video footage they have. and when Suarez was asked to answer he offered some rather unbelieveable guff, then changed his story a bit, then was contradicted by his manager, then by his team-mate & sporting director, then suggested Evra was only pursuing this to get revenge for Suarez not apologising for a tackle. basically, his entire defence fell to pieces under cross-examination. it doesn't stand up to any logical analysis.

and that, to me, is proof beyond reasonable doubt that he's guilty.


happy muhfuckin' new year, everyone!

That's actually what should be important. Liverpool's defense and its quality is of limited relevance unless Evra can actually prove his claims. The burden of proof is clearly on Evra, as the report itself states but then completely ignores in its 115 pages.

Although, clearly biased against one party, find this evidence beyond any doubt, it'd never stand in a real court of law. There's basically not one piece of concrete evidence in these 115 pages, nothing, it's all circumstantial at best. With a charge as serious as racism claims like "it's obvious that he did" are completely worthless. There's no video/audio evidence backing it up, not even witnesses confirming it. It's a man's word against the other's.

This is pretty much the same argument people were using with Busquets last season. "He's a diver, a chear and just look at the video, it's OBVIOUS that he did it".

And you think that deciding the case in a real court of law is exploiting a loophole? While a judgement where someone accuses another person of racism and doesn't have to offer concrete evidence of it is fair?!

Habeas Corpus be damned

As you previously stated, it's a feeble case and one that the CPS would immediately throw out. I do however find it quite telling that the FA and even Evra haven't reported it to the CPS. It is a serious crime and if they're as adamant of Suarez's guilt, give him up for criminal protection.

Any reasonable person should ask themselves why the FA and Evra haven't done that.

Indeed. Racism is a very serious offense. If the FA and Evra are so sure that Suarez is guilty, they should definitely have filed a criminal complaint against him. I mean, I do know why, they have no case.

I really hope Liverpool don't give up their case. If they do and the current decision stands, it'll open a very dangerous precedent: any player in the future can accuse any other player of racism and hope to get a decision based on hearsay despite complete lack of evidence.

GOD you are a freaking incorrigible!

how much more damning does it get!

Suarez tells Comollio what he says in Spanish, Comollio translates it as 'because you are black'

Suarez tells Kuyt what he says in Dutch, Kuyt translates it as 'because you are black'

why can't the FA use that to blow a massive hole in Suarez's pathetic defence, especially after he changed his story again and again to make it look more favourable for him?

It isn't just on Evra just to prove he said it. It is on other witnesses also. 2 witnesses for Suarez both say Suarez said the same thing. As for the Man Utd players, it was only Giggs that Evra told what happened on the pitch and Giggs came up with 'he called me black'. The rest of his teammates came up with what Evra said and did in the dressing room after the game.


God you are ....... I won't even bother saying it.

But one legal expert suggested that Liverpool would be ill-advised to appeal given the level of detail in the report. Steven Friel, a lawyer for Brown Rudnick who specialise in complex disputes, said: "Paul Goulding QC didn't draft a 115-page document for the love of writing. He did so because he wanted to 'appeal-proof' the decision, and he has done a very good job. Liverpool face an uphill struggle in overturning the decision, and the risks of trying but failing to do so are huge. Of all the options that are open to him, an appeal should be far down the list."

Lol, you're just proving my point. You do realize that this is a trial for racism, right? Suarez isn't being accused of stealing Evra's lunch money, he's being accused of insulting a man racially, which is a criminal offense.

That evidence of he said, she said is worth very little, even less so with different languages and translations involved. A decision like this can never be based on hearsay.

Which one of those "findings" proves this beyond any reasonable doubt?

5. The FA's case, in short, was as follows. In the goalmouth, Mr Evra and Mr Suarez spoke to
each other in Spanish. Mr Evra asked Mr Suarez why he had kicked him, referring to the
foul five minutes previously. Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres negro", meaning "Because
you are black". Mr Evra then said to Mr Suarez “say it to me again, I’m going to punch
you”. Mr Suarez replied "No hablo con los negros", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr
Evra continued by saying that he now thought he was going to punch Mr Suarez. Mr
Suarez replied "Dale, negro, negro, negro", which meant "okay, blackie, blackie, blackie".
As Mr Suarez said this, he reached out to touch Mr Evra's arm, gesturing at his skin. Mr
Kuyt then intervened. When the referee blew his whistle and called the players over to
him shortly after the exchanges in the goalmouth, Mr Evra said to the referee "ref, ref, he
just called me a fucking black".

This is the accusation and it's not even remotely proved by the accusers.

And yeah, Liverpool should forget the appeal, they should take the case to a real court of law, after this report any hope of getting a non-joking, based on real evidence, decision from the FA is surely gone.
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New member
That's actually what should be important. Liverpool's defense and its quality is of limited relevance unless Evra can actually prove his claims. The burden of proof is clearly on Evra, as the report itself states but then completely ignores in its 115 pages.

Although, clearly biased against one party, find this evidence beyond any doubt, it'd never stand in a real court of law. There's basically not one piece of concrete evidence in these 115 pages, nothing, it's all circumstantial at best. With a charge as serious as racism claims like "it's obvious that he did" are completely worthless. There's no video/audio evidence backing it up, not even witnesses confirming it. It's a man's word against the other's.

This is pretty much the same argument people were using with Busquets last season. "He's a diver, a chear and just look at the video, it's OBVIOUS that he did it".

And you think that deciding the case in a real court of law is exploiting a loophole? While a judgement where someone accuses another person of racism and doesn't have to offer concrete evidence of it is fair?!

Indeed. Racism is a very serious offense. If the FA and Evra are so sure that Suarez is guilty, they should definitely have filed a criminal complaint against him. I mean, I do know why, they have no case.

I really hope Liverpool don't give up their case. If they do and the current decision stands, it'll open a very dangerous precedent: any player in the future can accuse any other player of racism and hope to get a decision based on hearsay despite complete lack of evidence.

Lol, you're just proving my point. You do realize that this is a trial for racism, right? Suarez isn't being accused of stealing Evra's lunch money, he's being accused of insulting a man racially, which is a criminal offense.

That evidence of he said, she said is worth very little, even less so with different languages and translations involved. A decision like this can never be based on hearsay.

Which one of those "findings" proves this beyond any reasonable doubt?

5. The FA's case, in short, was as follows. In the goalmouth, Mr Evra and Mr Suarez spoke to
each other in Spanish. Mr Evra asked Mr Suarez why he had kicked him, referring to the
foul five minutes previously. Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres negro", meaning "Because
you are black". Mr Evra then said to Mr Suarez “say it to me again, I’m going to punch
you”. Mr Suarez replied "No hablo con los negros", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr
Evra continued by saying that he now thought he was going to punch Mr Suarez. Mr
Suarez replied "Dale, negro, negro, negro", which meant "okay, blackie, blackie, blackie".
As Mr Suarez said this, he reached out to touch Mr Evra's arm, gesturing at his skin. Mr
Kuyt then intervened. When the referee blew his whistle and called the players over to
him shortly after the exchanges in the goalmouth, Mr Evra said to the referee "ref, ref, he
just called me a fucking black".

This is the accusation and it's not even remotely proved by the accusers.

And yeah, Liverpool should forget the appeal, they should take the case to a real court of law, after this report any hope of getting a non-joking, based on real evidence, decision from the FA is surely gone.

Sorry I do not get you. Suarez admitted himself that he used the word "negro". It is no case of he says. He admitted it. So why is there still a discussion.

Manuel Traquete

New member
Sorry I do not get you. Suarez admitted himself that he used the word "negro". It is no case of he says. He admitted it. So why is there still a discussion.

Because his version/admission is different and less serious than Evra's accusation, which hasn't been proved beyond reasonable doubt.

In fact, Evra's account of events hasn't been confirmed by any evidence or witnesses.


Senior Member
The reaction from Liverpool fans has been comical. They're desperately saying anything they can to avoid admitting what a joke the club looks like right now, but if anything, they're just digging a deeper hole for themselves.


New member
Because his version/admission is different and less serious than Evra's accusation, which hasn't been proved beyond reasonable doubt.

In fact, Evra's account of events hasn't been confirmed by any evidence or witnesses.

what would you like as a proof beyond reasonable doubt? an audiovisual tape of the exact moment of Suarez an Evra argument? you will never find anything like that. The Independet comission makes a decision based an all the information they adquire and Suarez and his defense had contradicted themselves many times plus they have accepted he said the word "negro". Do you still think it was in an endearing manner? obviously not, so he did it in a degrading manner aka racist abuse. And that's it. Lawyers like to exploit the "without reasonable doubt" even knowing their client is obviously guilty, and this is the case you are trying to make here
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