9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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The Troll Hunter
Luis is a racist. Fact.

I find it pathetic that Liverpool have stood by him.. They would be screwed without him though.. they've only got one world class player and that is the racist scumbag.


The Troll Hunter
I don't post on RAWK.

Said vile word in the context in which he says he used in wasn't considered offensive by the linguistic experts used in this case.

There's a person on RAWK with the same name as you.... and she's female. Judging by your picture... you're a girl as well.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
For someone who claims to have read the report you are missing the point.

I'll dumb it down for you though. You can thank me later.

Para 182. which is based on Evra's testimony the linguistic experts found the phrase that Evra accuses Suarez of saying to be "slightly unusual" and that perhaps another phrase would have been more appropriate to use if Suarez had intended racism. Interestingly, the panel seemed to ignore this aspect of the experts view.

Para 191 which is based on Suarez's testimony the linguistic experts found the use of the phrase "por que, negro?" sounds right linguistically and culturally. In para 190 and i quote "in Rioplatense Spanish the use of "negro" as described here by Mr Suarez would not be offensive".

So you can throw away the argument that his usage of the word negro is enough to convict him because the proper experts (i.e. not you) concluded para 194 "if Mr Suarez used the word "negro" as described by Mr Suarez, this would not be interpreted as either offensive or offensive in racial terms in Uruguay and Spanish-speaking America".

Suarez was basically convicted on one man's word i.e. that Evra's account of events were correct even though in a crowded penalty box no one caught Suarez using the word "negro" in a racist manner even though he it is alleged he said it a number of times.

That is a miscarriage of justice right there and any reasonable human being would see it a such.

we've been through this already.

Suarez's witnesses using Spanish and Dutch both say he told them he said 'because you are black' was my retort.

the fact that no one next to them heard what they said to eachother does not mean it did not happen.

you also ignore paragraph 197. "Of course, they wished to rely on different parts of the report to support their case. The FA
relied, in particular, on the experts' conclusion that if Mr Suarez used the words "negro"
and "negros" as described by Mr Evra, this would be understood as offensive and
offensive in racial terms in Uruguay and Spanish-speaking America more generally. The
physical gesture of touching Mr Evra's arm would also, in the context of the phrases used,
be interpreted as racist."

and no he was not convicted on 1 mans word, he was convicted by his own admission he used the word, and by 2 of his liverpool colleagues who both translated from Spanish and Dutch that Suarez said 'because you are black'.
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New member
In regards to Liverpool's behaviour in this, i must admit some of it has been disconcerting.

Whilst i admire them putting themselves in line they could have handled this in a less aggressive manner.

Once the accusation came to light, an internal investigation should have been carried out. From the discrepancies shown in the stories of certain Liverpool staff, i think it's safe to say there wasn't one carried out.

Furthermore, Suarez should have been made to make a public statement where he admits to using the word "negro" but explained it wasn't meant in a racist manner and that in his culture it's acceptable. He should have concluded by saying he won't ever use that word again in England.

In regards to the club statement and the shirts, i honestly don't see a problem with that. Now that the report is out, the club statement looks a lot more valid especially in regards to the FA having found Suarez guilty even before it went to the kangaroo court.

The shirts were a statement made by his fellow friends and teammates, people who know Suarez a lot better than anyone. Someone who has been crucified the way has, made into a scapegoat by the FA in their pissing contest with FIFA deserves public support especially when he's been publicly drawn, quartered and hanged.

People want Liverpool to jump in the bandwagon and join in the public hanging, it going to happen. Liverpool aren't a club that runs away from a fight.


The Troll Hunter
I'm not sure why Liverpool fans are defending Luis.... it's been proven he's a racist scumbag. Even when he was at Ajax as well, he got 10-12 game ban for biting another player.... and the WC. what a vile little scumbag.


The Troll Hunter
Do you live in internet forums?

In? that's impossible. And no, I don't live on Internet forums.. I have a life. kthanx.

I've just came back from a 2 week ban.... And I haven't made another username up in that time! So, I'm not addicted yet. <3

I'm only a user on this forum.. I am not on any other forum.
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Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
While the report clears the Uruguayan of racism, the picture it paints of club personnel altering statements to fall in line with Suarez's explanation of why he used the word "negro" – in contravention of FA rule E3(1) – is an embarrassing one which will sit uncomfortably with the club's owners, Fenway Sports Group. On the one occasion when Suarez addressed Evra's claims in public, he declared that "depending on who ends up in the wrong, one of us will have to apologise". His club's reputation is being done no service by the absence of one.



New member
we've been through this already.

Suarez's witnesses using Spanish and Dutch both say he told them he said 'because you are black' was my retort.

the fact that no one next to them heard what they said to eachother does not mean it did not happen.

you also ignore paragraph 197. "Of course, they wished to rely on different parts of the report to support their case. The FA
relied, in particular, on the experts' conclusion that if Mr Suarez used the words "negro"
and "negros" as described by Mr Evra, this would be understood as offensive and
offensive in racial terms in Uruguay and Spanish-speaking America more generally. The
physical gesture of touching Mr Evra's arm would also, in the context of the phrases used,
be interpreted as racist."

and no he was not convicted on 1 mans word, he was convicted by his own admission he used the word, and by 2 of his liverpool colleagues who both translated from Spanish and Dutch that Suarez said 'because you are black'.
The linguistic experts agreed a) should Evra's version of events be true, then it can be considered racist but they pointed out one particular phrase Evra accuses Suarez didn't make linguistic sense (you could almost say it was made up) and b) should Suarez's version of events be true then it wouldn't be considered racist and that the phrase he claims he used makes linguistic sense.

The FA of course used the version that would support the prosecution.

As for your final remark, there are many issues with that. Suarez should have been provided with a professional translator as soon as this blew up. The FA relying on Comolli a French man interpreting South American Spanish into English really doesn't speak well for the FA.

It's funny how a mistranslated from nigger to negro is allowed for Evra yet the same courtesy isn't issued to Suarez. Language misunderstanding can more than explain away the discrepancies.


New member
I'm glad you've seen sense... Support United instead... Much better team.


New member
In? that's impossible. And no, I don't live on Internet forums.. I have a life. kthanx.

I've just came back from a 2 week ban.... And I haven't made another username up in that time! So, I'm not addicted yet. <3

I'm only a user on this forum.. I am not on any other forum.
You seem to know RAWK well.


Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
The linguistic experts agreed a) should Evra's version of events be true, then it can be considered racist but they pointed out one particular phrase Evra accuses Suarez didn't make linguistic sense (you could almost say it was made up) and b) should Suarez's version of events be true then it wouldn't be considered racist and that the phrase he claims he used makes linguistic sense.

The FA of course used the version that would support the prosecution.

As for your final remark, there are many issues with that. Suarez should have been provided with a professional translator as soon as this blew up. The FA relying on Comolli a French man interpreting South American Spanish into English really doesn't speak well for the FA.

It's funny how a mistranslated from nigger to negro is allowed for Evra yet the same courtesy isn't issued to Suarez. Language misunderstanding can more than explain away the discrepancies.

they didn't use it because it would support the prosecution. They used it because they exchange between the two of them was clearly one angry confrontation.

Suarez was not translating into english himself. Evra was.

Suarez speaking in spanish to Comolli = 'because you are black' in englsih
Suarez speaking in Dutch to Kuyt = 'because you are black' in english

and you wonder why the FA decided on the interpretation they did?

look there is no point wasting anymore time arguing on this with you. We can agree to dsagree. it's getting very tiring going in circles.
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