9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Senior Member
In England? I seriously doubt it. Racism in foobtall is practically unheard of here compared to elsewhere, that's why so much as been made of this.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
In England? I seriously doubt it. Racism in foobtall is practically unheard of here compared to elsewhere, that's why so much as been made of this.



I am Leg End
In England? I seriously doubt it. Racism in foobtall is practically unheard of here compared to elsewhere, that's why so much as been made of this.

Are you on crack?!

How many black managers are managing the 92 football league clubs.......

Nuff said.


Senior Member
Are you on crack?!

How many black managers are managing the 92 football league clubs.......

Nuff said.

Um... you do realise that black people only make up 2% of the British population, right? As far as I know there are two black managers in the English game, meaning if anything, black managers are over-represented.

"Nuff said."



I am Leg End
If you really believe that you then you are truly deluded.

2% of the british population my arse.

The british population is roughly 62m

2% of 62m is 1.24m

:lol: There are at least 2m black people in london alone :lol:
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Senior Member

Black Caribbean 1.0%
Black African 0.8%
Black (others) 0.2%

If you really believe that you then you are truly deluded.

2% of the british population my arse.

Compelling argument. Sources are for squares!

All somewhat irrelevant though, as if you think 92 is a large enough pool to draw any significant statistical data from then you're a fool anyway.


I am Leg End
wikipedia credible source :lol:

There is undeniable racism in england and only a fool would think otherwise.

Do black people get the best jobs, the best money, the best opportunities. Hell no.

2 black people managing in the football league is a disgrace.

P.s. I lived in London for over 20 years and I'd rather stick to what my eyes have seen over those years than some crappy wikipedia page, which isn't credible.

For instance when my parents and I moved into our street in London 90% of people were white. When I left in 2006 90% were black/asian. That isn't just in my street but in most streets in greater london.
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Senior Member
wikipedia credible source :lol:

All of the references in the article have links to their sources.

There is undeniable racism in england and only a fool would think otherwise.

I never suggested otherwise. I said it was practically unheard of in football compared to other places.

Do black people get the best jobs, the best money, the best opportunities. Hell no.

Source? Or just another baseless assertion. Besides, what does this have to do with football specifically?

2 black people managing in the football league is a disgrace.

2% of 92 is 1.84, meaning that there being 2 black coaches in English football is as close to perfect racial representation as is possible to get. I'm guessing maths isn't your strong suit.
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