9 - Robert Lewandowski


Active member
Watching an old Barcelona vs RM game with Suarez and Benzema as the strikers.

Several squandered chances by Suarez and Benzema in just a short period of time.

Lewandowski's performance and form and quality would be immediately called into question, but Suarez and Benzema get the pass cuz "they just couldn't get enough on the ball" or "it was a just bad luck"

Lewandowski is several classes above that OLD WEAK COMPETITIVE ERA where Messi could dribble passed 10 players. Messi couldn't even get passed Lewandowski in the game against Poland.

Barcelona needs to extend Lewandowski's contract for another 5 years, and all the other children in Barcelona can leave.


Well-known member
I'll try to be unbaised for a moment and for the sake of 'scientific' argument assume the anti-Lewandowski stance too.
Here's what gets me though, if Lewandowski's current lack of form means no positive contribution to the overall shape and form of the team, why does he play on. I never heard of a contract that allowed someone to play, if their performance outcome was completely junk.

What about Flick, why is not sharing this forum's prevailing sentiment that Lewa is detrimental to the game? Is he that incompetent?

Are the club management lesser experts from the esteemed members of the forum?


Senior Member
Lewandowski is a gear below the rest of the squad due to age. His miscontrols though are shocking. Not even talking about the chance he missed, that happens, overally he is not useful in team play cause he can't pass without controlling and nowadays he can't control for some reason. also, his contribution on defense can't be on the level of ferran for obvious reasons and his movements behind the defense are minimal. That said we have movements from Rafa and all our cms, so a false 9 might suit is better all in all.


Well-known member
'Play for Lewa' is effetively giving aspects of the team and approach to cover his short comings.

Juventus, Man Utd, Portugal and that Saudi team have been doing it for years for Ronaldo and he last won anything of note almost 5 years ago.

But hey he scores as team plays for him..they just win fuck all of any relevance.

Much better to try an play believe is best and hope Lewa can still score important goals than give up aspects of way want to play for him to get goals more easily.
Yeah playing too much for Ronaldo is why the likes of Maguire, Shaw, AWB, Fred, Mctominay, Sancho, Rashford, and Martial weren't winning during his time there. Chiesa and Morata also had best form of their careers playing alongside Ronaldo during his last season at Juve.

Argument of RL9 holding back the team's style and other attackers is outdated after last few months. Thanks to Flick, the identity of the real saboteur has now been revealed :xavi:


Senior Member
Yeah playing too much for Ronaldo is why the likes of Maguire, Shaw, AWB, Fred, Mctominay, Sancho, Rashford, and Martial weren't winning during his time there. Chiesa and Morata also had best form of their careers playing alongside Ronaldo during his last season at Juve.

Argument of RL9 holding back the team's style and other attackers is outdated after last few months. Thanks to Flick, the identity of the real saboteur has now been revealed :xavi:

Man Utd with Ronaldo went from 2nd to their worst ever EPL to that point and scoring less goals.



Aye and all got worse when playing for Ronaldo and scored less goals you pleb.. that is the point.
The man really lives rent free in your head. All these players are dogshit. Imagine faulting him for them being lazy british trash, he's not a babysitter.

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