Well, as far as I see it...I'll stick around after Lewa leaves...on the account of Szczęsny...if he sticks around.
The way it works for me, I need to have some 'emotional ingredient' ...a drop of my blood, if you will...to be emotionally vested in a club.
Let's just say, I am Lewa's and Szczęsny's uncle... or feel like that...
Otherwise, it is as pretentious as fuck for me to live somewhere, let's say on the North Pole, and claim to be fan of a club which links me with nothing. What's wrong with being just a kibitz and appreciate the fact that your countryman plays in it? That's how patriotism is manifested....the notion subdued by the Euro Kolkhoze conglomerate for some of you to understand what I mean by that.
I watched almost every game of Barcelona since Lewandowski joined...cared about the score and overall bid for success.
Not digging you out, and I swear I am not trying to be a cunt but I think it's really weird, shallow and creepy to be so patriotic that you 'support' a club temporarily because your country's best player plays for them.
It's something I have never understood, following players rather than teams. Goes against everything football is about. And it's doubly weird when someone likes a player just because he's the same nationality.
I know this will hurt your feelings, but Lewandowski is a stranger to you, doesn't know you exist, and likely would think you were a knob if he met you. You being born in the same geographical area as him is pure postcode lottery and means fuck all. You probably have a lot more in common as a person with other footballers who aren't Polish. It's like me becoming a fan of every player who is bald.
You don't see me temporarily supporting Napoli because they signed Gilmour or McTominay. Or suddenly rooting for Liverpool when they signed Robertson.
Sorry, but followingindividual players from team to team (even when you share the same nationality) and defending them on forums to the extent you do is extremely creepy, modern fan behaviour and deserves zero respect. You even admit you aren't a Barca fan and are only supporting them for Lewy. SOOOOO shallow.
I am sure you are a nice enough guy but this is weird as fuck fanboy behaviour, especially for a man in his 50s.
But I have seen some of your crackpot, overly jingoistic views in the political threads so I am not that surprised.
I honestly think patriotism is very weird. I don't feel an affinity to others just because they are Scottish. It's random chance that we were born in the same area physically. To reiterate, it's like me feeling an affinity for anyone who is bald, or short, or white, or wears glasses, or loves films or tv shows. In fact some of that makes much more sense than patriotism, because it is mutual hobbies we have CHOSEN to love, rather than something that was random chance.
Btw I think Lewy is doing alright for Barca. But this is strange, incel type behaviour.
Like I say, trying not to be a prick, but it grosses me out big time, like it does with other players. If he wasn't Polish there is a 0 percent chance you would defend him even 10 percent as much.