9 - Robert Lewandowski


Senior Member
Yesterday while watching the match, I came to an idea that buying Lewa is more than a sporting decision and more like a brand/statement.

When Laporta came here the first time, his ultimate goal was to sign Beckham.
Not because Beckham was the best player in the world.
But to open a new chapter, invite sponsors, get more fans, sell more shirts, bring new blood to Barca's falling brand, to attract new players since we had a new fancy name etc.

After Messi left, our attractiveness fell a lot.
Nobody watched La liga except hard core fans, Camp Nou was often empty.

When you sum it all, imo, now it makes more sense why we have splashed 50m for a granny who'll probably run like Busquets in 12 Months.

It was a statement.
A sign to sponsors and fans that we are not dead, that we are back etc.

Sporting wise, if Lewa makes any impact and brings La Liga = awesome.
If he brings nothing = still fine. Barca is back, some new players are here, people are buying shirts, Camp Nou will be filled.
Hope, buzz and some sponsors are back.


Senior Member
First reason to sign him was still sporting. We needed a proven scorer and he's exactly that.

Try to explain Lewy that he is not supposed to play every match...
He is looking for his personal records, too...

He might not be happy but he's professional enough to accept that he won't play every minute of every game and won't cause problems when subbed.

Especially before the WC to keep freshness.


Senior Member
Lewa isn't that big of a draw to sponsors, he's no Neymar, mbappe, Messi or Ronaldo, his popularity outside of real football fans isn't that high.

He was signing for sporting reasons first, everything else comes after.


Well-known member
Lewandowski sold the most shirts last year after Messi and Ronaldo without making any headline transfer. The number of shirts sold was pretty close to the 2 infact. Lewandowski is one of the most talked about Footballers. It's not just about Instagram followers(many celebs literally buy followers). There are various layers to fame and popularity.

First reason to sign him was still sporting. We needed a proven scorer and he's exactly that.

He might not be happy but he's professional enough to accept that he won't play every minute of every game and won't cause problems when subbed.

Especially before the WC to keep freshness.

Surprisingly, he isn't.

He acts very petty even when coaches sub him off at 80/85 minutes unless it's an utterly crap international friendly or some shit.

This is a guy absolutely obsessed with personal stats and records. He's not at a club to make himself liked by the fans or the coaching staff. Individual achievements are crucial to him.

The only reason he has come to Barcelona was because he wants to be a saviour/hero and get immense publicity. If this was Barca of 2 years back with Messi and co he'd never come here. He wants to be the main guy.


Well-known member
Lewandowski sold the most shirts last year after Messi and Ronaldo without making any headline transfer. The number of shirts sold was pretty close to the 2 infact. Lewandowski is one of the most talked about Footballers. It's not just about Instagram followers(many celebs literally buy followers). There are various layers to fame and popularity.

Surprisingly, he isn't.

He acts very petty even when coaches sub him off at 80/85 minutes unless it's an utterly crap international friendly or some shit.

This is a guy absolutely obsessed with personal stats and records. He's not at a club to make himself liked by the fans or the coaching staff. Individual achievements are crucial to him.

The only reason he has come to Barcelona was because he wants to be a saviour/hero and get immense publicity. If this was Barca of 2 years back with Messi and co he'd never come here. He wants to be the main guy.

I think Lewandowski uses performance endorsing drugs. Many Eastern European athletes use them.


Senior Member
Lewa isn't that big of a draw to sponsors, he's no Neymar, mbappe, Messi or Ronaldo, his popularity outside of real football fans isn't that high.

He was signing for sporting reasons first, everything else comes after.

At least in Poland he's crazy big :lol: Was working in Danzig for two weeks and all you heard on the radio was 'stop inflation' and 'Lewandowski' :p


Senior Member
Exactly football shirts something that is bought by 95% football fans, like I said he's popular among football fans and he's the best player for basically the only team in Germany that's no big surprise really.

But he can't push a random product like the 4 I listed, he isn't that popular period.

If a sponsor wants a footballer to boost their product they are more likely to even call imbra.

He's popular amongst football fans & eastern Europeans that's about it.

He is more likey to benefit from being liked to the Barcelona brand than the other way around.

Yes & in the world of sponsors & public engagement Instagram helllllla matters.

YouTube, Instagram, tictok, that's where the eyeballs are, not on a Saturday football match, unfortunately.

He's here to help us be taken seriously on the football stage, help us win, which will help us bring in more revenue, but few if any sponsors is knocking down our door because we signed RL9 😂, that's a stupid tag by the way lol
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Well-known member
Don't think many non football fans would recognize Mbappe or even Neymar so idk if grouping them together with Messi/Ronaldo makes sense. I personally couldn't name you a single NFL player beyond Brady or more than maybe 2-3 NBA players for example.

Only a handful of athletes are truly world famous to the point where basically everyone knows who they are even if they don't follow the sport, and then on top of that you have some local stars.

But that's not a big deal because there are enough football fans out there, and among those Lewandowski is surely one of the better known players at the moment especially with his move to Barca.
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Senior Member
Especially with his move to Barcelona is they key there, Barcelona brand will help him, more than visa versa.

NFL is not about the players it's about the NFL brand, They don't really want their players do be known.

Here in America Neymar,zlatan and the likes have definitely broken through the zeitgeist, mbappe isn't quite there yet, needs to leave France.

But random American sports fans throw out Neymar's name on the regular, the guy is truly popular.

Even amongst football fans RL9 lol. Isn't that popular.

In north, central & south America, Nope.

Africa I don't know, but I doubt he is generally that popular, since the EPL, Barcelona & Madrid rules in most Africans minds.

Asia no clue, but doubt he popular there as well amongst football fans.

Lewa will benefit more from linking with Barcelona than the other way around, so bbz is far off with that claim.

He is a sporting signing that will help us win & in that way will help the Barcelona brand.

But he isn't bringing a bunch of Germans to Barcelona, Poland definitely lol.

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