Adriano Correia Claro


Adriano told journalists at the mixed zone that he's not injured, he just had cramps. #fcblive [via catradio]

Which makes it even worse. A professional footballer at the best club in the world getting cramps after playing 60 minutes against a midtable club.


New member
He's a very legit squad player, I don't want him to leave just yet! Hope he stays even next year. Nearing 200 appearances for us!


Previously known as Mehssi
I hate seing that grin smile on his face after he commits a foul on someone EVERY time he tries to defend.

Bob would have been a more deserving captain!


Senior Member
Adriano getting the Captain's armband was due to the Seniority in this starting lineup as he's been with the main team longer than anyone that started the match today.

I don't like it at all considering their were better choices like Rakitic,Ter Stegen, Roberto, Mathieu, Verm and Bartra. Rakitic was the captain for Sevilla before he moved here and Mathieu was one of Valencia's Captain's as well and wore the arm band quite a bit when he was there and Verm the same at Arsenal.

As usual he was poor today, Made one great cross and that was it.


He's been shite for 3 seasons now. Was a very useful utility player in his early days where he helped the team a lot but now he's just a waste of space and money. Might as well give his minutes to younger players.

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