Adriano Correia Claro


Active member
he improves with game time, nothing more to be said. he will stop making stupid decisions/mistakes soon enough and i really think he will be the future LB and a solid one at that, watch out dani


I had a lot of doubt in his ability to replace Abidal at LB but Adriano is getting better and more confident by every game he plays. Sometimes he is like having another Alves on the LB!


Active member
he improves with game time, nothing more to be said. he will stop making stupid decisions/mistakes soon enough and i really think he will be the future LB and a solid one at that, watch out dani

^^ this

he's clearly improving and was one of the top 3 today for me


New member
He is improving every game! The most important thing is that when he sees an opening, he shoots. Not like Alves who always finds himself alone with the keeper and decides to pass EVERY SINGLE TIME!!


New member
His covering is brilliant too, the pace the man has is sick!!! He saved our ass few times last night through awareness and sheer speed


New member

just brilliant! :lol:

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