Adriano Correia Claro


Mike the Knife
I still think he played a big role in Pastore's goal, so glad he's out either way - hes a defensive liability, for me...Play Bartra


New member
The goal wasn't his fault. Busi was covering the left wing and Ibra dropped back to get the ball and had no one marking him. Adriano came out to pressure him and he knew there was no striker and Pique was there to sweep up. So that was the correct decision. Pastore came on the overlap at which point he kind of had two players to deal with, but again he had Pique to sweep up. Where it went wrong was that Busi decided to play the offside trap instead of just running back ahead of his player. This put Pique in two minds and he played the offside trap but that gave Pastore a free run on goal.

As for his performance, he did ok overall, especially considering he's just come back from injury. He had some good moments bringing the ball out from the back. And for once the defence was put under a lot of pressure as PSG were very aggressive and pressed high up the pitch and the Barca midfield failed to control the game. Despite that PSG didn't create that many clear chances and had a lot of speculative efforts.
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New member
His cramps are completely understandable, though, seeing that he hadn't played for about 6 weeks, then got thrown into the fire in the CL.
He's been great for us this season. Scored a couple of amazing goals, and he's been a good backup for both FB positions. Something needs to be done about his injury problems though.


New member
He's been great for us this season. Scored a couple of amazing goals, and he's been a good backup for both FB positions. Something needs to be done about his injury problems though.

Tbh I never thought he was that good. Like you said, he scored a couple of amazing goals, but his defensive abilities are not up to our standards.


New member
Belletti was better for us than Zambrotta despite Zambrotta being the better player. Adriano is perfectly suited to our system and he's scored some great and very important goals(and he should have been given a penalty in Bernabeu).


New member
His cramps are completely understandable, though, seeing that he hadn't played for about 6 weeks, then got thrown into the fire in the CL.

This is why Tito made a mistake starting him, it was a wasted sub in the end. Bartra should of started.
I think he was started over Bartra because of his pace (to deal with counter attacks) and because he did a decent job against RM earlier in the season. While Bartra didn't do that well against PSG last week and was terrible against Celta as well. I do think Bartra should be used over Adriano now though. He did pretty well last night, especially considering it was his 2nd big game.


New member
PSG Goal Analysis

Ibra drops off to his own half to receive the ball in the centre circle after PSG win it back and Adriano goes with him to intercept. Okay so far.

Ibra slips the ball to oncoming Pastore and Adriano follows the ball. Pastore lays the ball back to Ibra and then plays Pastore a cutting pass through the defensive line. Meanwhile Pique attempts to spring the offside trap and fails miserably.

Instead of staying with his man (Pastore), Adriano is caught between two stools and continues to chase the ball. This indecision allows Pastore to gain several precious yards on him and the retreating defenders.:banghead:

Too late to recover .... GOAL!

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